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Everything posted by yaqdum

  1. 40 seats. really the story here is either 40 seats or what's going on in wisc/mich.
  2. like other b-republics it may all come down to what side the military is on.
  3. i doubt that for the same reason bin laden's body was lost. whatever that library had to say inside, it would be a shrine that would attract constant trouble.
  4. i think they should team trump's liberry with reagan and ronald mcdonald. call it ron, ron, and mo' ron.
  5. yes, and that wave overwhelmed whatever tricks the russians (republican and otherwise) pulled that we haven't discovered yet.
  6. thank you. i'm not surprised it's in a national gallery. nice piece of work. interesting. i'm looking at ufootage of a train line through the mountains from oslo to bergen. the side line from flam to myrdal is spectaculated. steep, lots of snow, and that hindu lady doesn't mess around. i'd need blinders to make that run.
  7. this is a remarkable painting that i've not seen previously. do you know who painted it? let me tell you who these people are. the young man near the fence with a detached expression was the husband to the deceased lady, and he cannot wipe from his eyes what he saw as his wife died trying to pass that child. the younger man is his elder son who can't believe that that mound of dirt is all that's left of his mother. the old fellow with the shovel is her father and the woman her mother. the man with his hands in his pockets is an older brother of the fresh widower, and the tall man is their father. their mother lies nearby. beyond the fence is the only doctor in those parts who was two counties over, tending to a man whose leg was shattered by a runaway wagon. by the time someone got to him it was already too late. however we complain about our lives and our hardships, we have it very easy compared to our forebears. death for them was always a wrong turn ahead.
  8. i have a theory on that. like many of those low-lifes in with trump rudy can easily see what's coming, and he realizes he may never take another step as a free man after that. or if he does, it'll be in diapers. my bet is he can't write a simple sentence anymore that those fears don't interfere, so by the time he's six words into a sentence he's saying something the sentence didn't start. same with long words. he'll start typing but be thinking of something very different before he gets very far and his unconscious is free to finish the word as it chooses. before anyone questions whether i think defending trump is a crime i'll say that answer is no. i think rudy is probably into the russian stuff or sex crimes or something up to his eyeballs and realizes his one hope is the gop taking over the country and declaring him and others free of guilt. i think that's why he (and dersh and others) are so adamant.
  9. 8-0-0-0 that's beautiful. that's what we should routinely see, and there it is in black-and-white . . . err . . . well, you know what i mean.
  10. larry, larry, we're not talking about leading the dullards around by the nostrils. we're talking about outright election fraud. also, you have to love what kasparov is saying. the party system is an open invitation for fraud.
  11. classic sitcom. he's thinking: semper fidelis. everybody else is thinking: simpering fool.
  12. yeah, but the thing about paranoia is that it morphs at some point into good sense. kinda like one man's rut is another man's groove.
  13. incidentally, let me remind one more time: how much i despise the gop doesn't one whit push me toward the democrats other than as a necessity. the enemy to me is the party system. blow that thing up today.
  14. no, it's just a measure of how long it took for that party of skunks to decide they didn't need to hide their true ambition anymore. edit: i mean these guys really had that game down.
  15. i've believed this wholeheartedly since nixon. you guys cannot imagine how it pleases me to see good, sensible people owning up to their having been duped.
  16. if by dotard you mean who i think you mean, then soupy sales was a more competent surgeon than the dote at anything.
  17. piss on canada. they get florida and like it.
  18. coach at nebraska if he doesn't start winning.
  19. words i see pouring from the boss: i wouldn't want to be you.
  20. sometimes a pic just speaks for itself.
  21. he has to be thinking of making a break for it. problem is: where would he go? turns out russia doesn't really like him, and you see the disgust other world leaders have for him. i wonder if he might talk putin into a gig way out in siberia. then maybe about a quarter of our population would choose to be there with their glorious leader. russia is hurting for population in that area. it might be a win all 'round.
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