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Everything posted by yaqdum

  1. could i have a side of nunes memo with that?
  2. whit is an aggay? i din't know that.
  3. the thing, i think, to keep in mind is that all of this shit has been going on quietly since nixon, probably, but now it is out in the open. previously, we have not been in a national mindset to deal with this had we known anything about it. we now know what has been going on and how that portends submission to our greatest enemy for the benefit of a tiny percentage of the nation. this whole sordid story was necessary to adjust the focus to a fine cauterizing beam. one day this nation will honor and cherish the 2016 election like christians admire the cross.
  4. i would say a royal flush is what we need.
  5. very sorry to hear this. go easy, good man.
  6. what i want to know is did cohen have his driver jump the median halfway across bridges.
  7. you don't understand. that isn't going to happen.
  8. agree and . . . agree. a wrench in a pinch is a dandy hammer.
  9. quit worrying about the imbeciles. when you have something that can't be fixed, put down your wrench.
  10. If so he'd report it to be 239. at a rally some college kid asked trump what his degree was in. trump said fahrenheit.
  11. this thing is swirling out of control (his control) faster than trump can follow it. the noises we hear from him are the bleatings of tomorrow's barbecue as it feels the first knife break the skin of its throat.
  12. eggs hackly right. democracies had gotten fat and complacent, forgetting what they were about. the analogy with hitler is a good one. if things look bad right now, consider the mood in 1939. if you project the trends at that point, we are all nazis now and still trying to get the german pronunciation down. what happened then is what is going to happen now. we are still in the education period. once all who aren't rotten are aware and involved the whole thing begins to turn, and for a while democracies find their cause. question i have is what do we do with all the rotten shit that can't be cleansed?
  13. i don't recognize the language. is that dogwhistlese?
  14. one reason i am particularly angry about this is that i got suckered, too, in the first go-round. wasn't long till i saw my error.
  15. granted he was good at presenting. almost like he was trained to do that.
  16. ultimately, reagan patted down the grass for trump. natural progression. just like trump, reagan required someone whispering in his ear to even appear competent.
  17. huh? what's that? you say President TeeTee? yeah, i guess so.
  18. yaqdum

    LSU @ aggy

    hey, don't mind me. i'm just enjoying watching college football slowly commit suicide. picks up the knife and flicks the edge with its thumb to see that it is still sharp.
  19. iron mike didn't pick up that name at a swap meet.
  20. league is missing a bet if they don't look at tag team.
  21. i remain disgusted with bill. he spent his life getting into position to be and do something special and then threw it away.
  22. throw in your ball joints and slorch is your man.
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