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Everything posted by yaqdum

  1. my guess is whoever is supposed to keep the qwuijus oiled is awol.
  2. lunatic fringe finding it harder and harder to make a point.
  3. my bet is we see a rash of coaches going to puny programs for huge guaranteed bucks and then mailing it starting the first season. for the next episode we might look to the east.
  4. you know who has a woodie? 1) art briles 2) red whatsit
  5. ok, but is there a difference between the youngs and the olds? i find that where i am.
  6. i catch your irony, but this subject is interesting to me. i've done a fair amount of reading the past several years of old documents. it's shocking to us to see the casual way words and even people's names were spelled. we are so conditioned to paying attention to spelling that it actually interferes with our understanding what people back then had no trouble with. people spelled phonetically then, and if a word could likely be pronounced correctly, the spelling would be considered adequate. there's an important legal document, so i've read, that has a man's name spelled three different ways. all three spellings would be pronounced about the same, so all was good back then. we are so picky that way that i wonder what affect it would have on the interpretation of a legal document today. back then people's family names got changed sometimes without their knowledge on immigrating to this nation. a scribe would ask the name and the applicant would respond. apparently the scribes would never inquire the spelling but would just write down what it sounded like. it really didn't matter. the family could go right back to using the old spelling. and it wasn't unusual for two or three slightly different spellings to be used by the children of the family. some might stick with middlebrooks, say, while others take the name middlebrook, middlebrooke, or maybe something like mettelbrucken, which might have been the family name before immigrating. with our emphasis on spelling it drives us nuts to study our family backgrounds, and most of us don't have that far to go.
  7. hey, it's possible for people to have very different reasons for why espn and sec are wonderful.
  8. Many legal scholars is three many? lemme see, did i get it right? moe. larry. curly. yep, three.
  9. my urine is pretty jarring to start with.
  10. yeah, i love ucf and florida ranked ahead of the buckeyes. florida!
  11. [bob]you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows[/dylan]
  12. i'm very pleased to see s&h posting here and admitting to be a product of texas tech. i wish he would admit that every post on this site so that nobody could get the idea that he's a product of the institution on which this site is founded.
  13. yaqdum

    a-aron hernandez

    here, let me be of help. this apparently isn't getting through the filter. he had no place in society and had to be put away for the rest of his natural life he had no place in society and had to be put away for the rest of his natural life he had no place in society and had to be put away for the rest of his natural life he had no place in society and had to be put away for the rest of his natural life he had no place in society and had to be put away for the rest of his natural life a few extras in case needed.
  14. my suspicion is that we didn't come close to letting them in. moronboren/okrahomerow were pushing that for reasons i never knew, but to my knowledge we never considered it.
  15. yaqdum

    a-aron hernandez

    i certainly can't speak for anyone but myself, but there isn't one tiny shred of excuse bad behavior in anything i have written here or thought. so i assume you have someone -- or someones -- in mind other than me. what really annoys me is sloppy thinking and wrong-headedness. those who wish to pass herdandez' transgressions off as merely bad behavior are missing the point completely. the fact that he was damaged goods is really the story here. whatever, he had no place in society and had to be put away for the rest of his natural life. now, the danger here is people pointing the bad boy finger at him. if there is the suggestion that punishing the bad boy makes this problem so away, that suggestion is way wrong. aaron was a pawn in this game while the kings and queens were the people who damaged him and the people who used him without disclosing his savage and dangerous nature. i am convinced there were people in florida who knew the true nature of the problem but kept quiet so he could be used to win games for the home team. just like there were people in western pennsylvania who knew what that penn state sicko was doing. the sicks are just sick. get them out of society. it's the users, the abusers, and those who cover up crimes against humanity that truly deserve our wrath.
  16. not be all grammar not-see and everything, but it's spelled s-c-a-l-e-s.
  17. yaqdum

    a-aron hernandez

    oh, yeah. there's no doubt that hernandez was a pos. it's just that anyone who doesn't understand how much brain damage can change a person should listen rather than speak. how serious his damage was and how much it affected him is a crap shoot, i'm betting. i also bet the effect was really large. whether he could have chosen to mitigate it is always a key question, and i'm sure we'll never know that as well. for that matter, what if he had been small and slow and not treated like a prince by his community his whole life? how much would that possibly change how he turned out? dunno. really, aaron hernandez was a serial killer and was different from others only in the way he was shielded from the consequences for so long. that he killed and loved it should have put him behind bars with no hope of parole. it's the talk of expecting better from him that is nutty.
  18. yaqdum

    a-aron hernandez

    there is a morality component to this sorry story, of course. what about the various 'people' along the way who recognized what a danger this guy was. not even counting those who probably covered for known or highly suspected murder. all who used this guy for their own benefit and kept quiet are the ones we should point out. that really is a good versus bad story.
  19. yaqdum

    a-aron hernandez

    maybe you have shit for a brain. you keep talking moral choices. read it again, dope.
  20. yaqdum

    a-aron hernandez

    this is stupid talk. you should be ashamed. when i think of people like hernandez i remember the story of deacon jim miller, the wild west era murder-for-hire monster. i bet his brain was a disaster like herndandez'. in his case i suspect maybe a horse kicked him as a small child or maybe had a bad fall. by the time he was eight he had murdered two of his grandparents for pissing him off. there was clearly something seriously wrong with him, but, like hernandez, sub-human lifeforms found him useful and kept him in business. only for miller, it was directly his madness that was useful, not something like blocking and catching passes. miller was cold and professional. no even matches for him. blowing his mark off a horse from behind with a shotgun was his trademark. we all grew up hearing of jesse james and the daltons and such. we never heard about deacon jim miller because he was so despicable. and so useful to the wealthy ranchers who kept him out of prison and away from hangman's nooses. all of you who say aaron hernandez should have waked up some morning and said, "hey, you know, i really shouldn't be killing people," step into the nearest restroom and look into the mirror. point at yourself and say stupid. 'cause that's what you are.
  21. yaqdum

    a-aron hernandez

    i don't know if there's anything more recent on this, but the last i heard the big story on hernandez was his brain damage. far worse than his years of football should have generated. my great suspicion is very early brain damage that started him on that slope long before most. certainly the early molestation was a factor, but that guy may have been an urban meyer special all the way. i have to wonder if he was a spring trap most of his life, with his father's shocking passage putting him over the edge. assuming his brain damage was as bad as described, it's ridiculous to expect him to straighten himself out. my wish is he had played college ball for a true human, but there aren't many in that game. maybe a real person would have realized how dangerous he was and gotten him into treatment that maybe would have at least kept him from murdering people instead of covering for it.
  22. lets hope rosie leaks and then earl campbells.
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