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Everything posted by yaqdum

  1. same thing with earl, ricky, and vince. when you have somebody that good it isn't really fair. should have to field ten on offense.
  2. agree with that, but in the days following the upset, they gotta say something. i recall with fondness the early days of tom landry when he would bypass several blue-bloods to draft some unknown out of a supposed tiny speck of significance like valdosta state, say. valdosta state is not insignificant now but it was thought to be so then. the experts laughed at landry and then when tom began beating the teams with the blue-bloods, specious reasoning ruled the day. we don't bat an eye anymore when a quarterback from some tiny program goes high in the draft. before landry it was unthinkable. same kind of logic that sank the titanic on her maiden voyage.
  3. the first time a supposedly unseeded team wins it all will be delicious just for the opportunity to watch the experts piss all over themselves trying to explain that what we just saw we didn't really see.
  4. c'mon, pal. you've already let us know your best make days are behind you just like all the rest of us.
  5. i was just over to one of the swooner boards and was surprised to find the mood more elevated than expected. apparently they take the loss to mean simply what it took to rid themselves of the final stoops. that's funny. i'm remembering back to when they mourned that they just couldn't get him loose from 'zona to be with his bro where he was supposed to be. then he got fired and returned to norman, but the magic defenses didn't come with him as expected. how could li'l stoops reach his potential with that creep venables mucking up the works, they said. they couldn't stand it that they couldn't get rid of venables. who, of course, turns out to be why they were as good as they had been to that point. so now it's stoops who has held them back. if linkin' doesn't go all comfort-level with ruffie and hires the biggest name money can buy, they will finally have the defense they've lusted for since mikey stalked the sidelines the first time around. when will they learn that those great defenses were because of the players switzer stocked the program with for his pal john blake. the stoops brothers never had the eye for talent that switzer had, nor has anyone else there. say what you will about ol' barry. that dude knew a player when he saw one.
  6. hey, i don't know what this tree-fiddy business is, but it must be a B I G D E A L . so i'm letting everybody know in advance that i'm not going to waste my time on the other posts. if you say something to me and i don't respond, i'm not ignoring you. i'm just not reading your posts.
  7. best news all year for fading nba players.
  8. today may have been a life-changing day for her.
  9. lemme get this straight. the gop is going to get their way by crying. now, i understand why they hate women.
  10. at this point the not-gop doesn't need to be smart. just not stupid.
  11. aggy will tell you stairway to heaven runs both ways.
  12. so . . . another datapoint for republicans don't know what a silver bullet looks like? another in a long line of wrongheaded approaches from people who have no idea what reality is.
  13. how come this thread continues to 'read' and others don't? is it because of the poll?
  14. i love that look on pucker-face. like what is that fool doing now?
  15. when i was on active duty there was a guy in our named urmy. so his fatigues said u.s. army over one shirt pocket and urmy over the other. i kept wanting them to put a.s urmy for his name but they wooden due it.
  16. don't they have that lincoln guy who's supposed to be some kind of miracle worker? how did this happen?
  17. how . . . uh . . . close did you intend to follow?
  18. my favorite scene involving andy g in that movie was the pistol range. oh, i like 'im.
  19. are you saying that's the secret to her ratings? i gotta remember that, just in case.
  20. this cat is interesting. he clearly chose that pic to appear as annoying as possible. his task is to wave red flags and get people to charge them. that pic is perfect to set him up. his great fear, of course, is being ignored. his job depends on not being ignored.
  21. so once again we'll all see that these lowlifes have no clue what they are doing. again they'll think they have the silver bullet for sure this time and won't begin to understand why it didn't work. it worked on them.
  22. can someone direct me to the hillary thread? last time you said throw a dart. i don't know what you meant by that.
  23. ain't that the truth. how can anyone look at that and not be disgusted? anyone normal, i mean. maybe that is what makes it make sense. this kind of swishery is the heart of the aggy.
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