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Everything posted by yaqdum

  1. when he swings he'll swing harder than his wife does.
  2. absolutely not. nor indys. or bullmoose, tories, twats, or twinks. totally agree with you. whoever has this shit on their fingers needs to go down hard. we have an opportunity here to drive a very strong message, and we can't let that get away. no doubt mueller and his merry gang see it exactly the same.
  3. history will look at nixon and reagan as mr inside and mr outside.
  4. independent. yes, yes, and yes. death to both 'parties'.
  5. yeah, but didn't we do this tango once before? i just don't see trusting that fudge-mustache goon.
  6. it helped that they had a big, fat, self-absorbed pigeon sitting over here, burping and blinking.
  7. i tell you i did not push that old lady down the stairs. i only pushed her down the first step. she fell the rest of the way, and that's on her.
  8. thinking about mccain and then stephen hawking, i realized somebody needs to keep a list of well known people who die while this mess is unfolding. people who knew it was going on and never learned the outcome.
  9. i hope people reading this shit are aware what a joke any comment regarding guidelines truly is. this isn't a courthouse pea-knuckle game. it is a war in progress and every move is calculated for what effect it has all up and down the line.
  10. can someone please direct me to the hillary thread?
  11. one thing this really does is illustrate the benefit of cooperation.
  12. when i was a kid many moons ago the father of one of my best friends said he would never vote for a gopper his whole life, and i thought that sounded pretty weird. by the end of watergate it didn't sound weird at all. right now it sounds pretty level-headed.
  13. you aren't suggesting the ags watered down the field are you?
  14. i got six words in and have been nodding ever since. wonder what the rest of it says.
  15. this is what he edited. under truth serum he would probably have said: *conversions, not conversation #edit and would have left leanings alone. where did you go, joe freud? it's not your wife's slip that is showing.
  16. yes, i gather it's another fell-on-knee friday. bring it on as long as it isn't my knee.
  17. if you are talking to me, yes, i do plan to jail devin for a long, long time.
  18. bless his heart. he'll be missed. rest the rest of ages, gentleman warrior.
  19. lady stops a man stepping out of church: is mass out? him: no. but your hat's on crooked. (presumed to be one of minnie pearl's fave jokes if some guy on late-night nashville talk show had it right.)
  20. i'm not going to express sorrow for you that your son is on the spectrum. some of the most amazing and inventive people who have lived have been there. i'll instead hope for your son and the rest of you that he has something of that in him. that your wife has done such a fine job with him that he can attend school and is doing well suggests to me that he may be one of the ones who is extraordinarily helpful wherever his life takes him. you may one day celebrate, in a sense, that he has had this hill to climb.
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