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Everything posted by yaqdum

  1. Didn't he step down as Chancellor for health reasons? well, but there's a fair amount of difference between how much the university of texas needs his help and how much the nation needs his help.
  2. No. No--I hate-hate Lee. He was decidedly pro-slavery. He was a traitor and a war criminal who had Union POWs shot because of the color of their skin. this. lee got the rommel treatment in more ways than one. certainly his legacy has benefited from the wrong side of history angle, but also his aura as tactical genius has a lot more air than substance. certainly he was a very capable combat officer as long as his role was defensive and he was on familiar ground with a supportive civilian population. lee was an engineer, and prior to the war he designed and oversaw construction of forts for the u.s. army. he understood defense. when pursued in familiar and helpful virginia he could quickly set a defensive posture on high ground that could bloody the nose of an aggressor. but you plop him in pennsylvania where he had to play the aggressor role, and he was a miserable flop. really it was stupid to expect otherwise. most folks here will understand without explanation if i say you suddenly take the best defensive coordinator in college football and give him the keys to the offense and expect equal results immediately you are a fool. that's what happened in pennsylvania. that shouldn't have been the problem it was, except lee began to believe his press clippings. he thought he should be unstoppable in an offensive role in unfamiliar territory. he was so determined to prove his genius label that he took astonishingly stupid chances and caused the death and ruination of many of his best men in the increasing desire to push through. it is said that general pickett -- famous for pickett's charge -- almost wouldn't speak to lee after the war. lee's reckless ruin of pickett's good men exposed his foolhardiness to all the men in his command. longstreet in particular was astounded and lee never regained his full confidence and support. now add that to goll's observation and you just have to shake your head. if you want to look for a rommel of the south, longstreet is a good place to start. if you want a rommelpot player instead, here 'tis:
  3. speaking of bob barker and depends, is he still around?
  4. ouch. little comment to while away a moment or two. moreso isn't a word. it's two words: more and so: more so. saying moreso exposes your sphincters to those who know.
  5. n-e-body got bohls' phone number? i'll buy a phone to get a quote from him. prolly headed to okc. they love him up there.
  6. AUSTIN, Texas The Austin American-Statesman is shutting down its weekly Spanish-language newspaper, Ahora Si, effective Oct. 11. It also is offering voluntary severance packages to all of the Statesman's more-than-200 employees. The newspaper management said those granted the severance packages would leave their jobs next month. The management did not say how many jobs it was cutting. Statesman publisher Susie Biehle said managers will consider staffer buyout offers according to the newspaper's continuing business and news coverage needs.
  7. if his point is to show he's ready for the pasture and the young innocents, he's doing a hell of a job.
  8. looks like a nice, coordinated effort against hugo this morning.
  9. i think they should have to sleep with lorena bobbitt. can you stay awake every moment all night?
  10. i know you're sore, but can you feel my finger?
  11. the thought of free-rein demos is awful but nothing like as awful as free-rein repubs. we need another party to emerge or -- better still -- the elimination of formal tag-team politics. political parties are like football conferences. they do nothing good for anybody but themselves.
  12. what is this tact stuff that keeps asbestos safe? i need a quart of it.
  13. i think it is important to have as rounded a vision of an era as we can. there have been numerous places in that part of the world that it was dangerous to be identified as having a variant opinion at some time or other. this article talks about a portrait -- likely mary queen of scots -- that was painted-over with the portrait of a different notable scot after her execution. apparently it would have been dangerous for the party in possession. that was a squirrelly time to be alive. in 1660 the sensible and even-tempered brits exhumed the body of ollie cromwell, tried it, found it guilty, and hanged it until dead. presumably it didn't take long.
  14. greg thinks he's a duke in king donald's court. he in the dookie, all right.
  15. regarding the obvious and thorough lack of caution and judgment of the various perps, realize that they fully believed they were taking over the country and that by now the law would be what they wanted it to be whenever they wanted it. their plan didn't go as intended, so the stupidity of believing that bologna is real, but their covering their tracks, etc, was thought to not be necessary. flash forward to today and that carelessness has them in deep guacamole with beans. bologna . . . guacamole . . . beans? what time is lunch?
  16. disappointment for veep pence. he was hoping for a herringbone.
  17. which half? upper half or lower half?
  18. you remind me. in rigger school they had a session on air-delivering food to units on the ground. they said you can air-deliver as many chickens as you want, but only drop the quantity of pigs that can be consumed right away. they said pigs will die on the way down.
  19. i hear you, but i suspect mueller is fine with that. it really fits his tack of staying out of the line of fire until the right moment.
  20. that's exactly my impression. i get the feeling we're in the short strokes.
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