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Everything posted by yaqdum

  1. dude likes it premature.
  2. is this the same guy? if so, he's in entertainment.
  3. let alone its elections well, at least he knows what we want from him.
  4. hmm . . . lessee. al franken has to go and jim jordan gets to stay. yeah, right.
  5. anybody who would want to run a train must have a loco motive.
  6. what evidence is there that they've thought anything through? this whole thing has been a hodge-podge.
  7. ok. that explains why putin announced it and why you mentioned the gop dump.
  8. does putin have ecuador by the fuzzies?
  9. clarke is a wolf white guy in sheep's a black guy's clothing epidermis.
  10. as an appetizer for alaska and hawaii.
  11. nah, she's got a chicken bone stuck in a molar.
  12. seems i read that trump often wakes up in a cold sweat after nightmares where, before he can sit down, he's chased from restaurants by full monte negros.
  13. that one may yet be married to a king. this one made a sitting king take a hike:
  14. i'd say she knows how to keep a ball joint greased.
  15. she needs to dread going before the press like her husband dreads her waking up.
  16. is flag art the unabbreviated version of fart?
  17. i bet we also see a lot of redefinition of presidency.
  18. and trump is a necessary weasel.
  19. bingo bingo bingo. we have a whiner . . . err . . . winner.
  20. my bet is history ends up saying thankfully hillary lost that election for more than one reason.
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