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Everything posted by yaqdum

  1. it's an easy mistake to make, but you misspelled gold.
  2. dayam. i hadn't been on the lookout for a pretty teen daughter wearing nothing below the waist. one who looks like she's been corkscrewed a few too many times and both her sets of cheeks are facing the same way, that is, unless her head is twisted around and her hands are tied behind her back. me kinky? no, not at all. i'm telling you what i didn't notice.
  3. sentence, my ass. how about a paragraph or . . . fuck . . . a chapter or two.
  4. right. mueller and gang won't show broadsides until they are for sure in range.
  5. totally agree. also if it were as much as a dollar, he'd have an erection. . . . oh. stormy says he does have an erection here. that and chest hair between his girly nipples.
  6. yep. on a friday. if only this were the 13th that would really be something.
  7. or scotland or anywhere else in the uk.
  8. no, no, you guys. he is the princess.
  9. i think we are beginning to see what's going to happen to the people left behind. there'll be the people die in prison, people who will be hoary when they next take a free step, and lots of people-who-can't-be-reached living shadow lives. i wonder if russia would take any of them. they'd have better lives there pretty much regardless.
  10. yep, this is more of a which hunt. as in: which asshole is going to bob up next?
  11. indeed. the gop has found the abyss and has flung itself hard and with true and reckless abandon. all the while calling it the mountain.
  12. truth is, i have socks but i bet you wouldn't touch them for anything.
  13. world has to go on without these people. too twisted to reach.
  14. i just saw a graphic claiming to show where the laughing is the hardest today in the nation. where the fuck is happy valley?
  15. 'greg' still in overdrive.
  16. whoa. this 'greg' guy is circling the drain. see how hard he's working? greg. say, what's the name of that guy who uses greg davis?
  17. he's being cute with that spelling. what he really means is loose head.
  18. ohio. oklahoma. what's with these o states?
  19. does this mean trump has completed his russian language studies?
  20. what color does he make ivanka?
  21. and he could paint at least passably well. arnold böcklin, his favorite painter, influenced a lot of artists. here's one i really like:
  22. i was wondering whether to ignore you.
  23. jim jordan. as if ohio needed another reason to be embarrassed.
  24. my impression is he was a pain, but he was a general in the continental army and had command of an important fort. i don't see anything like that on mitch what's-his-name's scorecard. mitch has mostly been window-dressing before he made his name as a traitor.
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