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Everything posted by yaqdum

  1. yes, he is, and i keep making that mistake. i can't seem to get it in my head that mcconnell's name is mcconnell. maybe my respect for mitchell keeps intruding. in atonement, will you accept this amusing reminiscence of chris squire meeting jimi wherein mitch gets mentioned?
  2. i knew benedict arnold, and mitch mitchell is no benedict arnold. err . . . well . . . actually i didn't know him, but i've known of him, and mitch mitchell is no benedict arnold. arnold got taken in by the brits and made the kind of mistake that defines a life, but prior to that he was a stand-up guy. mitch mitchell has been a waste of breath his whole life. to conflate those two men to the same basic historical image is a crime against history.
  3. yeah, i've wondered if these fuckers get paid by the word. not for the words they key in but for the words written in response to them.
  4. lordy, that's good news. have to hope this is just the break-of-the-wave moment and we'll see the young take charge. this is the sort of broad-scale change that i've been talking about. any ideas we've had about hope may prove to be woefully short-sighted. as i said the other day, the wicked are beyond saving, but the youth is getting an education we didn't get. they may redefine who we are. also, any who don't believe the politics in this nation is undergoing a major shift need to pay attention to what's happening with the baptists. i don't think we are headed left except that way leads to center.
  5. not in the traditional sense, no. but what's being exposed right now will become the guideposts for future generations of this nation. the most damning thing you will be able to say about a despised politician will be to say he/she is just another trump. watergate had something of that effect but it didn't begin to go far enough. just enough was aired to make the situation worse. to make a monster like kissinger but not begin to deal with it. our young generations are showing a lot of promise. how they incorporate the lessons we are being forced to learn is going to be the answer. the rot cannot be touched. just outlived. if new wood is good, it will eventually take over. poisons that permeated elements of this nation since before independence have taken this long to come out, and the cure is going to take a long time and be very unpleasant.
  6. as awful as all this is, it is absolutely essential that we bring this all to light if we can and address issues that have plagued this nation for many years. this is painful to say, but the whole debacle needs to get much worse. up to a point, the worse it is the better for our future.
  7. this is plainly idiotic. everybody knows the leeches go over near the temples.
  8. also. anybody have any for sure range figures for the most capacious of catapults?
  9. reverential poo. how did she write that thing tomorrow?
  10. that right there is hallmark behavior of the ulster scot. if you know someone who simply cannot be wrong, cannot be corrected, and cannot learn from mistakes, then you may well know a person of ulster scot heritage.
  11. college grad men: 60% yes, 33% no college grad women: 53% yes, 27% no 20% of college grad women needed to have their nails done?
  12. agree there. we were only there a couple summer camps. there's always an excitement at the big-time posts. benning just buzzes, and even with the 101st elsewhere campbell had a distinct aura. but bragg had a crazy streak that i didn't resonate to. one of my fave camps was the one year during the energy crunch where we stayed in austin. got to sleep at home in our beds. was like having a bad job you couldn't quit. then after transferring to a reserve school got to camp one time in san antonio (we stayed at the historic gunter hotel) and then once at bliss where we helped the texas 49th introduce a bunch of recruits to tank gunnery. anybody up for some azimuth and range talk?
  13. they're pulling out all the stops. unlucky numbers work on scots by way of ireland and other super stishyuss people.
  14. that reminds me a little of an event late one night in fayetteville, nc. my guard unit was attached to the 82nd, and we were having summer camp that year at fayettenam. the saturday night we were there a bunch of us went to town, and way late i saw a disturbance and went over to watch. the nicest guy you ever saw was being hassled by 3 or 4 mps, and i was really pissed at mps. that is, until they got him into the back seat of a cruiser, whereupon he morphed into godzilla. swore he was going to kick out one of those windows. you just can't tell by appearances.
  15. what are the odds that trump knows there is a national anthem and that it has words?
  16. i have a suspicion it doesn't bother him at all. bet he smiles his little smile and goes back to work.
  17. very pleased that your son and his cohorts -- with the exception of the man who was lost -- are back on home soil to resume their lives. special thanks to all of them and to the families who allow their sons and daughters to go into harm's way in service of our nation. condolences to the family of young missildine. he was just beginning his adult life. we have to make sure his loss means something.
  18. i know what you mean, but that raises the obvious to platform status: shit isn't looking for answers; he's just asking questions. there's a hell of a difference there, and it paints those who respond to him an unbecoming hue.
  19. that's a good article. thank you for the linkin', abe.
  20. he was an entire council by himself? that's a lot more impressive than that other credential.
  21. yaqdum

    Sean Hannity

    i understand that what you are hoping for is an outcome from this mess that is good for us and for the country. my great suspicion is that that hope is what buoys almost all of us posting here who live here. whole time i've seen this usurpation in reflection of henry vii stealing england. here's an interesting (i think, therefore i yam happy with it) bbc documentary where there is an attempt to right the story a bit. henry executing richard in a fake battle resulted in his orchestrating the recitation of brit history of that era.
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