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Everything posted by yaqdum

  1. one thing i've learned from life is that the stupid know how smart they are and the smart know how stupid they are.
  2. having some trouble here. what would be an example of barely unscathed? or is it better to think it equivalent to in large part scathed? whatever, i agree with your take otherwise. i think we sometimes like to roar right up to the dropoff to the bottomless abyss with our toenails our only hope.
  3. i'm presently stuck in a staunchly reactionary area, and i'm seeing quite a number of beto signs in yards and on pickup trucks. can't remember when i last saw one for cruz. i mean, this area you can usually throw a rock and hit a nutjob, but the public show, at least, is all beto.
  4. it takes some fucking guts to refuse money under terms you don't agree with, but that would settle this sordid shit.
  5. the second one was there just to compliment the first one.
  6. yeah, they are a lot alike kind of like a pimple and a volcano are a lot alike.
  7. twice is doing his usual handstands to try to get us to accept outrage as the new normal.
  8. conjuring up charges against roger stone is a little like looking for misbehavior from albert fish.
  9. title out front shoulda told you.
  10. oh, yes, i absolutely agree there was a huge slice of ignorance pie smeared on the dem faces, as well. they completely misunderstood their standing, but i believe hillary was a particularly strong inureface candidate for them. the dems were fat and sassy and had sat on their thumbs for eight years. they had their comeuppance coming. have i mentioned previously that i wish to see both major parties get the royal flush? neither benefits this nation.
  11. oh, i totally agree. that was spectacular arrogance, though, not stupidity. one day not too distant this nation will celebrate the arrogance that put hillary on the ticket. lacking that, this festering sore that had been undetected by the populace since at least when rupert murdoch graced us with his fetid presence would still be growing in secrecy. hillary on the ticket tipped the scale too soon for the group that would give all to overthrow this nation.
  12. the problem we are talking about isn't trumpism. trump -- putin actually -- simply tapped into a very, very ancient issue with a significant portion of our population. i'll recount an event at least thirty years ago when we were visited by two aging members of my family. the wife of the visiting couple was famous for her hatred of the beatles. i knew well how she usually set her opinions. she and her sisters would discuss something and decide what was right. after that, there was no way to get one of them to reconsider. so i set up a little experiment. i got her alone and asked her to listen to some music i had put together on a cassette tape. it was my fave early beatles songs, but of course i didn't tell her that. actually, i was curious whether there was something about them that she (and her sisters?) truly didn't like. so i played norwegian wood, eleanor rigby, girl, and maybe another song or two. she loved it until she asked who the group was. i thought surely that this would illustrate to her that she should learn to not trust her and her sisters' half-baked opinions so completely, but that didn't happen. she wouldn't talk to me most of the rest of that day. that really shook me up. i had never experienced how completely closed those minds can be. i believe very strongly (but am open to reconsideration) that the problem group we call trumpies are actually this sub-group of america that was instrumental (due to their mindless hatred of england) in our becoming a nation. many, many aspects of these people are good. it's just that they are twisted in ways they can never leave behind. the hope is to reach the youngsters, but every time you pass a christian school you are passing one of their indoctrination centers.
  13. ?? i've behaved in ways a few times that i'd hate to have to own up to. nothing like the stuff schneiderman is accused of, but stuff i wish i hadn't done. i'm beginning to believe that any man who wishes to be important should have himself neutered at 14. 12 if necessary.
  14. all this is too long coming, really. men should have known all along that we don't have secret lives. things will probably come back to haunt us if we become important enough. especially now with all the snooping. everybody lives in a glass house.
  15. well, if you are going to insist on anything like accuracy . . .
  16. what that means is they've found the perfect lie. it's going to work even better than the nunes memo.
  17. indeed. most of my life i've hoped for a situation that would expose the gop for its true objectives. one outcome we are already seeing in this debacle is a lot of people waking up. some are beyond hope, and we must move on and isolate them to whatever extent we can. rebuild with the people whose eyes can see and ears can hear.
  18. i think that might be their only hope. no way that man can sit across from someone with greater than room temp and keep to the plan.
  19. bingo. it won't be hard. i mean, getting him to talk.
  20. i bet trump was actually excited to hear he would be getting a sub-penis. would have to work better than his main unit.
  21. i bet that's his intent all right, but all they have to do is touch a hot button and he's off like a roman candle.
  22. yes, this campaign violation stuff is just torquing lug nuts.
  23. lordy, i can sing that sad song. sometimes i just have to get away for awhile. sneaks up on you, too.
  24. make big fits from little fists.
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