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Everything posted by yaqdum

  1. some of you guys are experiencing the awe of the unknown knowing that it will likely be many years before you get to that. try it my age. something like half the people i grew up with are gone. so am i frightened? not at all. i've done what i'm going to do. i've had that moment like we all know on a long plane ride when we feel them cut the power, and we know we're starting the long descent. i'm well into my descent. there's nothing to fear and there's no way to avoid it. it's a bit like parachuting. you just let go and go.
  2. mr carlin has something to say. edit: sorry had to finish it.
  3. oh, absolutely. i see two kinds of religion today. one formal and the other informal and personal. i'm really getting the impression that only one of those is really meaningful.
  4. i don't think the presidency is relevant. i think the behavior of religious people during this crisis is what may have impact going forward. it would be hard to characterize that behavior as pro-american. anti-american at the worst and laissez faire at the best might be the ticket there. if these youngsters coming up maintain the nascent civic interest they seem to be showing, i have to think the worthless posture of the church here is going to cut pretty deep among the leaders of that group. maybe.
  5. never in my long life have i looked askance at protestant faith like i do now.
  6. i certainly agree with what you say, but my interest is in what the youth do. we've served up two basic responses here from the religious-with-a-capital-r: 1) back the creeps in attacking the republic and 2) not get involved. neither speaks well of the health of organized religion. what message will the youth take from that?
  7. one of the most interesting things to look for in the fallout of this sorry mess is what happens to organized religion.
  8. i certainly know what loyalty means but i can't see how it's meaningful in this discussion.
  9. paul ryan was a sack of shit when he was a zygote.
  10. my hope -- and actually my expectation -- is that the next couple of generations will grow out from under that bullshit. not all children of these people take the medicine. i didn't. with the right encouragement and knowing what the problem is now, my belief is the next generations will have their problems like all generations do but they'll start to retire this lunacy.
  11. hal, lee, lou, and yuh, brother. pree chit.
  12. i don't begin to believe that 30% is homogeneous. there is a wing of very sick people and a wing of people who are influenced to participate but aren't internally set. between is an amalgam of varying natures, but the most reasonable of those people may abandon that group when it is clear they are capable of great noise but mostly only that. i'm guessing 20% tops is untouchables. country can get along nicely with them back to muttering and shaking fists at the clouds. my hope is that with this issue exposed, it can no longer fester and reproduce in the dark corners.
  13. this is the setting for a new party of centrists. that outfit can walk away with it.
  14. the gop is behaving as though they haven't been exposed. they seem to think they can do their old slimey tricks and nobody will notice. different world now.
  15. yes, indeed. this is what i am talking about. it is a family matter, and i believe it is of very long history.
  16. firing mueller or rosenstein would set off a firestorm that is merely bubbling right now. it might be the perfect setting for mueller to spring the rest of the trap.
  17. my theory of the problem begins in the 1600s. i think a significant part of our population descends from a large number of people who were treated very badly, and some elements of the resulting nature have been carefully handed down over the centuries. people who have had to live for generations in very dangerous situations under the thumbs of hateful people develop very serious issues of paranoia. take the sicilians or the romani peoples. they develop extremely strong reliance on each other and reluctance to mix with other people in an ordinary sense. my belief is that there is a deep illness that probably has no solution. i don't know what we do. my hope is that the younger generations will recognize this issue that my generation never knew existed. hopefully they will find a way to deal with it.
  18. i'm wondering if mueller is waiting for trump to step into that trap.
  19. this conversation is going to be comical when we start getting real numbers.
  20. how 'bout the piedmont region west of lake baikal? great fishing 6 mo out of the year, and ooooh that smoked omul. make you smack your mama.
  21. by, bulk of the gop, my assumption here is you mean the rank and file gopper. not to include much, most, or maybe all of the leadership that has been in bed with this all along.
  22. yes, there's been a good deal of talk but no movement.
  23. yes, this seems pretty sudden. i wonder if he doesn't have some idea how often his name appears in cohen's junk. no, not that junk.
  24. could you trot one past before we commit?
  25. that man's nuts are is a jar in moscow. that's what he needs to worry about.
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