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Everything posted by yaqdum

  1. clash. that means red carpet, doesn't it?
  2. of course she has a card reader in her butt crack. it's immediately aside the receipt generator.
  3. the move to cashless economy is very similar to the move to driverless cars. we seem utterly compelled to throw ourselves at the mercy of completely digital systems at the same moment that we realize we can't really secure anything that is digital. when future generations look at us -- assuming there are future generations -- they are going to be at a loss to comprehend how stupid we are . . . right now, today.
  4. that's very interesting. thanks for letting me know. i'll watch for it.
  5. ha. perhaps the most dangerous killer of the wild west days was a little-noted texan named jim miller. deacon jim miller many called him because of his devout methodist upbringing and continued practicing faith. his habit in season was to wear a long broadcloth overcoat that was staple gear for the ministry. something was very seriously wrong with that man. he very likely killed two of his grandparents in a fit of anger when he was six years old. as a teen he shot and killed his sister's husband as the man slept. nobody knows how many people that man killed. he's not celebrated at all. no movies. no nothing. he was no courageous and dashing good guy or bad guy of the west. he was a slinking coward who shotgunned people off their horses after they passed his hiding place. so how did he get away with it? he was useful to the wealthy ranchers. when they needed someone to disappear, ol' jim got the call. the few times jim miller found himself in a courtroom he had the best lawyers a bunch of rich ranchers could afford. one time he happened to be on trial just as a big tent revival hit town. they allowed him to attend the revival and he was very loudly saved that day. at the trial all the top people in town testified, one right after another, that they had seen that man converted. there was no way jim miller henceforth would be any trouble at all. miller's end came in oklahoma, of all places. he had been hired to shotgun the local mayor who was a rancher near ada, ok. those people there knew his record. they knew the lawyers would get him off. miller knew it, too. and the jailers. they brought a piece of carpeting to make his cell more comfortable. he received his shirts freshly starched and ate better than nearly anyone in the oklahoma of that day. he generously repaid the jailers for their care, of course. the town had had enough, and one night a large group of men gave the jailer a simple option: get out of the way or die. his decision came quickly. across the alley from the jail was a livery. the old wooden building had the roof structure openly visible, of course, and there was a great place to haul miller and the three men on trial with him up onto the joists. properly secured, a body dropped from that height would fall just the right distance. all four men could have briefly attested to that fact. there's a famous pic of the four men dangling alongside a bored horse munching straw. miller is the one on the far left in his famous broadcloth coat and with a hat cocked at a funny angle. the men that night said miller was the one who didn't beg or cry. he knew his long run was over, and he asked to go out wearing his dapper hat. they refused but plopped his hat rakishly on his quiet head to take the photo. you can find that photo on the 'net if you so choose. if you do, note all four heads at odd angles. the hangings worked. the necks were broken.
  6. certainly i hear what you are saying, but i take small issue with the last point. we were fucking nuts back then but it hadn't yet exposed itself. as awful as our situation is right now, we are infinitely better off than when this image was caught. it's out in the open now and will be dealt with. we need a special person now who can heal the wounds while wounding the heels.
  7. more: she might actually be what ms clinton wanted people to think of her.
  8. lizzie warren took an ax she might be the emetic this country needs.
  9. haven't we just learned how insidious online opinion polls and self-definition topics are and how dangerous it is to engage in such? wtf?
  10. instantly knew how that would come out so saw nothing but butt buns briefly.
  11. pig latin and 18 insect languages.
  12. puts a whole new angle on nothing up my sleeve.
  13. that man has never taken a breath that he actually thought mexico would spend a dime on that wall.
  14. nope. throwing that money in with the soldier's pay to build a you-know-what.
  15. kindly put me on ignore, jbj.
  16. just noticed this. you cheapskate. i know why you take the 59th street bridge. same for me. as you say, though, it is a very nice view into the city. i used to occasionally take a coworker for his or her cherry trip into the city, and that view always took the breath away. not like midspan the walk over the brooklyn bridge, but mighty impressive. you're looking at one hell of a lot of bricks. before sunup one sunday i picked up a friend i'd worked with in nashville a couple times and took him for his first visit. on the way we stopped by the calvary cemetery near bqe at lie. got there before sunup just as they were opening the gates. we drove around the cemetery by headlight and descended down into the hollow where the cemetery scene of the godfather was shot. that's always an impressive place, but by headlights it was very special.
  17. what a coincidence. i happen to have one of those things.
  18. yaqdum

    House 2018

    these two potential trends and whatever uncle bobby tri-sticks has up his sleeve make predictions a waste of key-strokes.
  19. for some reason it seems ironic to me that these two posts are belly-to-belly.
  20. yaqdum

    House 2018

    somehow it seems right that an oatmeal raisin cookie wouldn't get a crumb cake joke.
  21. i can vouch for these two. manhattan, though, if you hit the city about dawn on sunday morning belongs to you and a bunch of taxicabs. you can go anywhere you want and see the things you've always heard of. nice thing about doing that instead of the subway thing is that you understand where things are with respect to each other. subway is a bunch of bubbles. the bubbles could be anywhere. maybe ten in the morning you need to get the hell out of there, but before it starts getting bad it is a very cool experience.
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