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Everything posted by Mez2

  1. You're gonna be a strong maybe, anyway
  2. Have we said Nas' debut?
  3. Finally got around to showing the 11 y/o the Three Amigos and I swear I've never heard him laugh as much during a movie, maybe in any 100 minute window of his life, than that movie. I've seen it a billion times but to see him watch it for the first time ever was incredible. He wants to teach the 5 year old the amigo salute. He wanted to run it back tonight and watch another comedy similar to that, any ideas on what I could introduce him to? We watched Bill and Ted, which he liked but figured there gotta be other options. Mentioned earlier he is a huge horror fan but not sure if there are "age appropriate comedies" for him before I turn him loose on the Porkys, Hardbodies, revenge of the nerds movies.
  4. Blacker the berry, sweeter the President go to Palacios
  5. When Kramer hears about this, the shit's gonna hit the fan
  6. Waited another 4 years to vote against this motherfucking piece of shit and the worthless excuse for a Texan, who also happens to be the zodiac killer. In an out in 15 mins this morning in Houston. I'd strap on my gasoline boots and walk through hell vote against them. Fuck Trump Fuck Ted Cruz
  7. My son has started seeing R horror movies over the past couple of years or so and we let it slide, probably around 9sih. I've seen most of the ones he's watching anyway, so know when to skip over, or divert his attention. Return of the Living Dead is the big one I remember catching me and the wife off guard with him, but that movie made us laugh so much it didn't even register. He's 11 now but has seen a bunch of R stuff - exorcists series, Texas chainsaw series, just started the scream movies, etc.
  8. A Serbian Film, I was about 40. Real talk, all the Porky movies by the time I was 8. My dad is awesome
  9. If you want to trade Kirby for Sark, you are the guy who thinks Zangief is better than Ryu.
  10. Ted Cruz is the zodiac killer. To make this football related: Fuck Ted Cruz
  11. Play Boomer Sooner?
  12. I don't think they serve cocktails/alcohol though? Could be wrong, but I like having a drink with my breakfast, especially on weekends. Been a while since I've been there
  13. HHas Hawkins ever played QB befoee?
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