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Everything posted by Mez2

  1. If MLB wants to really help the Yankees, they'd put us back in the NL. Lol.
  2. He was getting a massage and broke another rib
  3. I was literally just thinking about this story yesterday. Hilarious.
  4. Michael brantley is the smoothest hitter on our team and he finna hit 7th in our lineup lol
  5. biggest transaction from the winter meetings? wait, wrong board
  6. Scott Servais is still doing the "I fucked around and found out" face. Lol
  7. Yall better put some respect on Kaz Matsui's name, and his anal fissures
  8. Ok, didn't know we were actually caring about message board posts on 4loko. Actually, it was 9 years ago!
  9. Mez2


    I haven't been to the woodlands lately without telling you I haven't been to the woodlands lately. Now what?
  10. And I hope it's not a reaction move, but watch Crane see this and say, fuck it, watch this shit.... Signs, Judge, mez2, Brantley, Nimoo and Bassit. I'm dunking lol
  11. Lotta money spent to finish 19 games back of us
  12. Mez2


    No, too many white people
  13. I have 2 OG 4Lokos in my fridge right now, "gifted" to me by erhine like 4 years ago before the original recipe became illegal, or frowned upon. I'm awaiting the perfect opportunity to crack them open. Narrator: there is no perfect time. Mez: fuck around and find out, Narrator.
  14. If it flies, floats or fucks you're better of renting
  15. Good thing you shop in bulk then
  16. Should've said it was for your rucas
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