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Everything posted by Mez2

  1. I missed the 2017 parade because my wife wanted to book a trip to Disney world during the world series and harbored that ever since then and it, up until yesterday, was a sore topic for us. A dream of mine was to attend a world series parade for the Astros with my dad and brothers. That was before I thought about getting married and having kids, you know the good old days. Well, yesterday my dream came true and was able to do just that. Easily a top 5 day in my life, actually these last few days have been amazing. The highest of highs and super thankful and appreciative of all that's happened. Rides like this don't come along often, at least to teams that I typically root for and I wanted to make sure I was around as much as possible for them. Game 6 - check Parade - check Astros dynasty - check Some pics from yesterday, half of yall know me anyway so nothing to hide. My dad and Chita, lol.
  2. Bring him along, maybe we'll run outta ice
  3. Next year's will be even better
  4. Details on parade for tomorrow? I'm ready to continue losing my shit.
  5. #HMOTHERFUCKINGTOWNPRIDE!!!!!! We're all gonna get laid tonight!
  6. I hope we rock the orange tops tonight
  7. Mancini gonna have a good game tonight, calling it now
  8. hi. Just pulled the trigger on 3 tickets for tonight. Me, mrsmez2, and Chuy. Clear eyes, full heart...
  9. Also, how I'm recovering this morning:
  10. Pena made 2 bad ass plays also with the liner he snagged jumping off of Castellanos....that gets by its likely a double and a run scored. And the other, as a former shortstop, seeing him attack that high hopper and throw on the run to get the guy out by half a step was clutch. Any sort of false movement, bobble, whatever, and runner is safe. Defense wins championships
  11. biggest game of the season is tonight, can't hold anything back
  12. La Onda don't shine La Onda don't shine shoes
  13. Fucking hundo to K Harper, let them hang boys
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