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Posts posted by Mez2

  1. i am a huge fan of day drinking, especially at those bars you just mentioned above - i remember the richmond stip (daiquiri factory, holla!) but those bars seems to be more about nightlife, at least every time I remember going out it would be in the evening, can't recall going there during the day to drink - we'd always pregame then go out - but my life has changed so my perception is likely distorted 

  2. 2 hours ago, Helobious said:

    Starting right now. Costner just walked on to the field from the corn stalks. Production is kind of over the top with the drama. On Fox. 

    Someone’s jealous their team doesn’t get to play in a cornfield today. Fuck houston.

    Yes. I'm mad. Madder than I've been. Furious even. 

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