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Everything posted by Mez2

  1. Mez2

    Cobra Kai

    i love when johnny shouts "QUIET!!!" to his kids, it's hilarious. i'm gonna start doing that with my son's baseball team when we start playing. and kumiko still looks good - she'd still get the drum technique
  2. I enjoyed spending Saturdays with my family and not giving a shit whether we won or lost this past fall. Now, I can continue and not care anymore.
  3. i hope we don't run out of room in our trophy case for all these alamo bowl trophies.
  4. Joel Klatt beginning to have flashbacks in his living room right now
  5. got mine yesterday at the hospital i work at, a little fatigued afterwards but probably due more to the weekend than the vaccine. no fever, or much soreness today. when we received it, we had to scan to a link that will monitor our symptoms for the next week or so. scheduled to get my second one on 1/12. hopefully still alive and kicking to get the second one.
  6. Anything for Selenas. And horsemen is fucking hilarious, did you watch all of them or the newest one?
  7. CUM on feel the noize! Y'all it's a sign, we getting 'urrbban. Feels so weird referring to him as CUM, but hey, shooters shoot.
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