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Posts posted by Mez2

  1. I was there yesterday for lunch and last sunday for dinner. When you go as much as I do you get really good service and that's a big part of why I go, all the guys know me. The owner, Roy, gave me club seats to an Astros game for my birthday and will randomly ask me if I want to use their season tickets to various games. 

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  2. 18 minutes ago, Planet Houston said:


    Has your guy indicated anything regarding the Astros’ punishment? Because I heard some info that allegedly started at a good source within the Astros that is not good. Would love to hear what your guy says might be on the table. 

    Here's my thought




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  3. 3 minutes ago, Iconoclast Texan said:

    They just got married. Why do you hate her, she is the pride of Laredo and Texas :)

    correa got lost in her bermuda triangle known as vagina. happens to many potential baseball players.

    but, honestly, she's like  our yoko zuna

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  4. granted my age group is 4-6 year olds, but for me, it;s ability to make consistent contact. way too young to worry about driving the ball outta the park, but never too young to have an nice fluid swing. i position my top 3-4 kids at 3b, SS, pitcher position, and 1st, at my level most kids are going to be hitting in that general area and if i good up the middle/pull side (for righties), my 1st baseman can just worry about catching the ball, blocking it. for lefties I can shift over my SS behind the pitcher to cover for my 2B. 

  5. Oaks Dad's Club, represent. Chuy is back for his second year of spring tee-ball. He's put in a lot of work since last spring season, he made the "all-star team" and played in a couple of tournaments over the summer - one at ODC which they got second and another in Waller that was actually more of a coach-pitch tourney. He did fairly well in it having not hit much live pitching his first of playing. We played fall ball at ODC and went 8-0; much better experience than my first time around coaching.  

    This will be his last year of teeball before moving onto coach pitch, but has really made some great strides with his swing. I'm biased but he has a really good swing for a 6 year old. We practice at least twice a week. I asked him yesterday what he wanted to work on - defense or offense - and he told me baserunning. One thing ODC does is allow up to 4 "contract" players, which means they don't have to go into the draft and are automatically on a team, usually a pre-determined team ahead of the start of the season. Not entirely sure how i feel about that having been on both side of the spectrum - last year I went into the year with 0 players (got our asses kicked) and this year I will go into spring with 4 contracted, 6 year olds (4-6 y/o is division). Good for my team but maybe not good for overall learning experience for the kids. 

    anyway, looking forward to it overall. i know Chuy really likes playing and has made a lot of good friends in playing ball. i'm doing everything i can to stay with him as he grows and learns more. pepper brooks' comment about his coaching career ending soon is why i want to spend as much time with him as possible. i already dread the day I won't be his "coach".

    fucking baseball, man. it's the best. 

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  6. Why does anyone not like JD Davis, he played hard, kept his head down, and wasn't a complete spare. If I remember correctly he walked off a couple of early season games and started to figure it out once he started playing regularly. His problem is he was behind a top 3 AL players on the depth chart.  Good egg.


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  7. 5 hours ago, Scraps said:

    Still cannot fucking believe these dipshits couldn't win a home game and win the WS.  

    Fucking kick to the nuts.  

    Took a month off to decompress...unfortunately for you guys I have made my return 

    Took you a few weeks longer than me. But I will always carry this with me as long as I live. 

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