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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Huckleberry

  1. It's times like this that I wish @Bruh Man were still around to explain how this is all part of the perennial championship contending program that's being built in College Station.
  2. Crocs were (maybe still are) cool for parents of 3 year old kids who don't want to deal with trying to tie shoes on the little asshole just for a quick run to the store. So in that sense they're cool. Not any other senses. Adult size crocs should be illegal.
  3. The durability is a very small part of it even if the teams talk about that to placate fans. The reality is it started with the Broncos churning out one 1,000 yard rusher after another by picking up backs off the scrap heap. In the NFL you're looking at 10-15 yards per game that an elite running back will add in value over a replacement. Not an average back, a replacement level back. I agree that it's higher in college because of worse defenders on average along of course with the higher player population necessarily lowering replacement level, but the value just isn't there. Moving from average to elite at running back isn't worth the squeeze if the effort is approaching the same as doing the same at QB.
  4. Obviously I loved Bijan and our history of great running backs, but when does the college market catch up to the NFL? Yes Brooks is a talented back but we lost one of the best running backs of the past decade and our run game didn't miss a beat because our OL got better at it. To me it would have to be a Bijan level proven talent at the P5 level to get into a crazy war for a transfer.
  5. Well telling him no doesn't do any good.
  6. Hmm, interesting concept. Maybe despite being a flake the kid is also crafty and he's telling Saban that Sarkisian is saying he's a day one starter at WR and telling Sarkisian that Saban is saying he's a day one starter at DB. Knowing each would trust the other's judgment at those positions. Brilliant but also definitely not happening.
  7. If we do that we better be smart enough to include stuff like zooming in on Kelvin Banks destroying Xavier Benson and not just highlight the TD scorer.
  8. Okay, I respect a guy who cares enough about school to play major college football, have a 3.76 GPA, and put it in his transfer announcement (further proof it matters to him). Don't really care what his major is at that point.
  9. Yes, and those who do it should now understand they are Chip Brown acolytes.
  10. Well as defensive coordinator the first thing I would do is yell at the refs until they call the penalty on the offense for not being set.
  11. Schools have 48 hours to enter them so in this case the assumption is they spent 48 hours trying to convince him not to enter but time ran out, correct? Then again with Nolen it could be just another negotiating tactic.
  12. Imagine thinking allowing suicide bullying and bigoted slurs makes a board more grown-up. It's not that we're stuck in kindergarten, it's that we moved past middle school.
  13. The I was hacked maneuver. Man, they are going to bring out all the greatest hits this offseason.
  14. The third option of actually applying critical analysis to the program's decisions instead of blindly supporting everything they do with rah rah cheerleading, which would actually serve to hold them accountable and in turn improve their performance, never even occurs to them. Let's be very clear about something, if Mark Stoops had been officially hired and announced every single A&M writer would have deified him. Every single one.
  15. Did anyone ever tell this particular dipshit that it's because he's in Texas? Or is that kind of tech concept outside their grasp?
  16. He was kicked off the Weatherford team from what I recall.
  17. With the hire of Klein, losing a talented tight end is an issue.
  18. Do you think you made a point? You were still wrong. There was not zero chance.
  19. As if "because five star" wasn't their entire recruiting strategy that Liucci fluffed for the last several seasons.
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