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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Huckleberry

  1. It's been used heavily for the past few years by spread-to-run offenses. I first noticed it being used extensively by Malzahn at Auburn a while back. Not surprising that the slow-to-copycat nature of football means we're seeing it everywhere now.

    And it's driven me mad for years watching defenses honor the ineligible receiver like he's eligible. There should be one man on that guy lined up a yard inside of him right on the line of scrimmage and watching the backfield, ready to jump a bubble screen throw or attack an outside run. There is zero threat of him running by you to catch a pass because he's not eligible.

    • 8 teams
    • every conference plays 9 conference games
    • all P5 conference champions make the playoff
    • top ranked non-P5 team makes the playoff
    • top ranked non-P5 team and final 2 playoff teams are determined by "bcs" type formula
    • bcs type formula also determines seeding
    • first round games take place at the home stadium of the higher ranked team
    • semifinals and finals are in neutral site settings as they are now
    the end.
    I like this other than forcing a schedule type on the conferences. One you guarantee a playoff berth for the champion they should be able to decide that how they want. You will no longer be comparing champions to each other for getting into the playoffs
  2. That was the first drive of the game.  We ran zone-read out of that unbalanced formation.  On the first play, the ou db shoves Johnson's helmet off and he has to leave.  Eagles comes in and doesn't line up on the LOS and we get flagged.

    That was such bullshit. It was either during the play and therefore illegal hands to the face or it was after the play and therefore a personal foul or unsportsmanlike conduct. Hell, call offsetting personal fouls if you don't want to affect the game because they were going after each other. But not calling anything and making him miss the next play was the only possible way to screw that call up.


  3. 6 minutes ago, sushihorn said:

    VY could make opposing secondaries cover downfield for 6-8 seconds while being forced to keep one eye on the backfield..  That doesn't make him a better passer than Drew Brees.  To see what happened when he had to function as a pure passer, look at the results when his idiot coach forced him to sit in the pocket.

    Well when his idiot NFL coach did that he posted a 98.6 passer rating in his last season as the starter.

    His struggles from the pocket in college had more to do with the atrocious design of the passing game than his shortcomings as a passer. VY dropped dimes in high school and he dropped dimes in college.

  4. 21 minutes ago, sushihorn said:

    Sure.  Because the way we covered up that weakness was to suck the LBs and safeties up in run support because VY was a transcendent threat on the ground.  He was constantly throwing against single coverage on the outside and zone coverage isn't that effective when everyone focuses on the QB rather than the man running through their zone.  Also, one of the pass-catching TEs I've ever seen at the college level made a nice safety blanket, especially against LBs who were looking somewhere else.

    That wasn't "we", that was him. VY sucked up those defenders, and he was a great college passer specifically because of it. His best traits throwing the ball were deep balls and finding guys breaking open when he was on the move. Exactly what you'd want from a running threat. It's just silly to call him a merely above average passer.

  5. 1 minute ago, sushihorn said:

    EVERY team has weaknesses.  Our great 2005 team had a merely above average passer, mediocre WRs and LBs who tended to overpursue and were vulnerable to misdirection.  They simply covered those weaknesses with even bigger strengths elsewhere.  I see neither harm nor some failing as a fan in discussing those weaknesses WRT 2018 Alabama.

    Our merely above average passer had the highest passing efficiency rating in the entire nation at the end of the regular season.

    • Like 1
  6. As for 2018 Alabama compared to 2005 Texas, here are the power rating ranks of their first six opponents:

    2005 Texas - 105, 3, 104, 53, 23, 36
    2018 Alabama - 108, 82, 48, 18, 110, 97

    They are destroying everyone because they have played a completely shittastic schedule so far. It's obviously not their fault that Louisville and Arkansas are terrible football teams instead of their mediocre-to-decent norms, but that's what they are this season.

  7. I mean for the same poster to make literally the exact same post on multiple threads. Someone tell me what the problem with setting this up would be. The "fify" joke posts would be fine because they would be quoting different posts and the quoted content would make the submitted post different.

    I ask because TreatyOak's routine of creating a photoshop and then posting it on a half dozen different threads in his neverending quest for rep has grown tiresome.

    • Like 4
  8. For the record, Alabama is better than a toss-up but it's because their schedule is so awful. They are definitely vulnerable to a team with a good run game. Problem is they don't play anyone really good until the conference title game.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Helobious said:

    Lol at all the Bama doubters in here. That team is an absolute machine and they'll easily walk into the playoff undefeated. How much of those rushing yards are given up by the backups who start playing in the 2nd and 3rd quarter? 

    Great point, that's probably why it's below the Top 10 for the first time since 2007 in his first season. All those Alabama teams between then and now weren't good so they didn't blow people out.

    • Like 1
  10. As of right now Alabama has their worst run defense of Saban's tenure, first season included.


    For them that means it's merely a decent run defense, of course. They are #46 in adjusted total rushing per carry allowed. Here are their annual ranks:

    2018: #46
    2017: #1
    2016: #1
    2015: #2
    2014: #2
    2013: #3
    2012: #1
    2011: #1
    2010: #7
    2009: #1
    2008: #2
    2007: #23

    I've heard people say Saban's critical comments of his defense were just to keep his team interested and focused. I disagree, he recognizes that they have a significant weakness as of right now.

  11. 27 minutes ago, Disco Missile said:

    Having a playoff with autobids for conference champions is a shittastic idea. Were you alive during the BCS era? Some crappy team knocked off an undefeated conference opponent in the championship game every year. It made the BCS bowls shitty and it would make the playoffs shitty too.

    1998: 10-2 Texas aTm beat 11-0 Kansas St and lost in the Sugar Bowl.
    1999: 8-3 Stanford won the Pac.
    2000: 8-3 Purdue won the Big 10.
    2001: 9-3 LSU won the SEC
    2002: 9-4 Florida State won the ACC
    2003: KANSAS STATE
    2004: 8-3 Pitt won the Big East
    2005: 8-4 Florida State won the ACC
    2006: 11-2 Wake Forest beat 9-4 Georgia Tech to win the ACC
    2007: LSU, first 2 loss BCS Champion
    2008: 9-4 Virginia Tech won the ACC

    This goes on and on and on. Anyone who wants autobids for conference champs needs to get the thought out of their heads.

    Oh no, what a terrible situation where those shitty teams have to go on the road to the home stadium of the #1 team in the country, giving the #1 team a huge advantage in the playoffs.

    Wait, my bad. I meant to say what a perfectly logical and desirable situation. My fault.

  12. If it helps your thread I was just talking to my wife about my uncle earlier today. Then this afternoon I've received 4 scam calls who apparently got my phone number mixed up with the same uncle's phone number on their list of potential targets.

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