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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Huckleberry

  1. Without getting into an ancestry argument, her claim was "3rd cousin".  She's her father's cousin's daughter.  What  I don't know is if the two men are first cousins.
    And yet . . . it's still unusual.  How many people in the US chair Communications departments and focus on Dwight Eisenhower?  It's not like they met at a professional conference.  She literally just learned that this person existed.
    Yeesh.  Pedant much?
    Father's cousin's daughter would be a second cousin. And yes, very much.
  2. 46 minutes ago, ztejas said:

    I think we should make one conference with 128 teams called Megaconference and start a single elimination tournament beginning in the first week of the season to decide the champion.


    Can we wait to do that until after Herman figures out how to prepare for season openers?

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  3. 5 minutes ago, Fudge Nuggets said:

    A 3rd cousin is basically no more than a casual acquaintance. 

    Basically. If you're third cousins then that means the shared ancestor is a great-great-grandparent.

  4. 13 hours ago, Longboard Horn said:

    Jett Duffey to start? 


    6 hours ago, Magus Ossis said:

    Player accused of rape. Name not public yet. Don't think it's a starter. Interesting to see how Tech handles this versus the Baylor model.



    (It's an old situation, Duffey was found responsible for two counts of "sexual misconduct in the form of non-consensual intercourse" by the university. Most people shorten that to "rape.")

  5. 9 minutes ago, texasstrong12 said:

    This game is made for the zone read game with Ehlinger and Ingram. Baylor's LBers are god awful. They are walk-on bad. If Texas can get them guessing huge gaps will open up in the run game. Beyond that, Baylor's LBers aren't talented enough to win individual battles against Ingram or Ehlinger. 

    No reason Texas shouldn't be able to establish a successful run game against Baylor. 



    Baylor is giving up an adjusted 6.95 total rushing yards per carry this season (total meaning sacks moved to passing stats), which is good for 124th out of 130 teams. That is actually more yards than they're giving up in total passing per attempt. There is essentially no reason to throw the ball more than 20-25 times in this game if we are executing our run game properly. There are only 17 teams who give up more in the run game than the passing game. Some of them do that because their pass defense is really freaking good like TCU. Baylor is not that.

    There are only 5 teams outside the top 30 pass defenses who are in this situation. They are UAB, Coastal Carolina, Baylor, Georgia State, and Oregon State.

    • Like 4
  6. The holds killed us, the blitz that got burned by Murray's run was a bad call by Orlando, and we were playing a really explosive offense. The 3rd and 3 call at 45-31 was a bit weird and was a case of the coaches maybe overthinking things. We tried a weird quick fake toss one way and rollout to the other side. We haven't been nearly as successful on rollouts this season so that was a questionable call. There was another rollout on the next drive, too. I would have much rather given us a chance at passing from the pocket based on how the game was going on those two plays.

  7. I've thought of something similar in the past for individual stats, but my initial thought was to calculate the mean and standard deviation of a back's runs and then calculate the probability that they would gain 10 yards or more on a series of 3 carries. Since you've got the data set, go ahead and let me know.


  8. Here's the Big 12 (and I was extremely generous with West Virginia's reach into Pennsylvania).

    Texas - 4,607,756
    Oklahoma - 1,222,380
    West Virginia - 800,150
    Iowa - 593,044
    Kansas - 577,410
    Pennsylvania - 275,090
    Missouri - 225,255
  9. 8 minutes ago, JBJ said:

    One could say the same about GA+FL and those are states with conference competition.


    That isn't the case. I took the list and assigned households to the SEC based on an estimated share within each market. So they get a percentage of the Florida sets (because of the ACC) in non-campus towns and share of Georgia (ACC - Georgia Tech), but they get all the Alabama and Mississippi sets, for example. TV households in the SEC footprint from that list:

    Tennessee - 2,909,580
    Florida - 2,721,673
    Georgia - 2,693,558
    Texas - 2,599,278
    Kentucky - 2,357,406
    Alabama - 1,887,990
    Louisiana - 1,781,420
    Missouri - 1,553,549
    South Carolina - 1,051,631
    Arkansas - 891,550
    Mississippi - 825,770
    • Like 1
  10. Yeah, I love that countdown wall. That is our big game so don't shy away from it. And I love the fact that it must piss the team off when they see that pedestal empty for a year. Don't let yourself look at an empty pedestal for a year. That golden hat trophy needs to sit right there.

    • Like 2
  11. Texas State has nearly 35,000 undergrads. Give them the publicity boost of joining a major conference and watch their applicant pool improve. It's dumb but that actually happens as we know from stories about football team success leading to more applications. DO IT! Replace Baylor with Texas State!

    Yes, I know it will never happen.

  12. 2 minutes ago, FondrenRoad said:

    Baylor doesn't compete in the B12 either without a complete lack of standards and institutional control.  Kick em out.  Not sure why we need to add another small private school instead.  We already have TCU, who seemingly competes in an honest manner.  We should take a state school.  If we want to take a reach, we should take Texas State University.  They're fairly new to FBS and need a bigger stadium, but they have a large student body and a university name that punches above their historic weight class.  Plus aggy would lose their collective mind.

    Welcome aboard. I would absolutely vote to replace Baylor with Texas State if I had a vote.

  13. 14 minutes ago, Al_4_ISU said:

    Giant TV markets don't mean shit when no one watches.  This is why the Pac 12 and ACC are behind the Big 12 financially.

    If the world functioned the same way that it did in 2010, I'd agree with you.  The Big 12 does have smaller markets.  However, the conference network model being forced onto cable is dying quickly with cord cutting.  What matters is viewership. The Big 12 is doing well in that category because even though it's markets are smaller, they are markets that are heavily interested in college sports.

    I could see wholesale changes to the structure of the sport that would lead to the destruciton of the Big 12, but it would alter the whole conference model altogether.  The 4 x 16 model of the Pac, Big 10, SEC, and ACC is not going to happen.

    Okay, man. I hope the Big 12 survives and I'd rather be wrong than right on this one. But I don't think I am.

    Market size does still matter, the cord-cutting situation only disrupts the conference network model in terms of carriers being willing to add those networks to tiers and then charge all their customers for the channel regardless of their viewing habits. That in turn makes the smaller market teams even less valuable than they were before, not more. 

    Kansas-Baylor drew 414K viewers. In terms of conference revenue those two football programs could be replaced by Rice and Wichita State and nobody else's bank accounts would notice. The money is there because of the big name programs. That sucks but it's true. And you're high as a kite if you think the networks haven't explained to Oklahoma and Texas how much more money it would be worth over a 10 year period for them to be playing Auburn instead of Oklahoma State, or Mississippi State instead of Kansas State.

    Now I happen to think that such things are oversold by the networks. I don't think that Oklahoma-Mississippi State would actually draw considerably more viewers than Oklahoma-Kansas State. I think lots of the ratings differences are based on the fact that nobody thinks of Fox as a college football channel right now, but that just points to more failures by the Big 12 office. I'm not telling you what I think or what I want, I'm telling you the way it's being seen by the decision-makers right now.

    • Like 1
  14. Our revenue distribution will not be as big the next time around, and certainly won't be as big as some of the other conferences. The Big 12 is viewed as a dying conference in the AD offices around the league because of the one thing that none of them can control - the tiny markets that many of the conference's members are in.

  15. 7 minutes ago, Surly Bevo said:

    Frankly they are interchangeable on that play given their size and ability to bully smaller DBs.  If Sam can continue to be accurate the little curl or slant on 3rd and <6 is a devastating weapon.  Body up the DB, get to the sticks, get the first and then see if you can out-physical them for additional yards after the catch.  Watching them both on Saturday run that play multiple times reminded me of Aikman throwing that route to Irvin back in the day and DBs not being able to do a damn thing about it.  

    In all honesty, this was perhaps Johnson's most impressive play of the year and is something that the NFL will like to see:

    11:54 mark if it doesn't queue up correctly. Very physical play by the DB, he's draped all over him, makes the catch with the defender's right arm wrapped around his chest, controlls the ball, and fights for a crucial first down.

    • Like 1
  16. 6 minutes ago, Al_4_ISU said:

    Only if Texas or OU want to leave, and there doesn't seem to be much reason for either institution to do so.

    If the Big 12 dies, it will be as a result of a complete and utter flip of the college football landscape like some of the ideas being posited in this thread.  It's not going to be a 2010 style carving among other leagues.  The idea that the Pac 12 is going to poach this league is ridiculous.  As is the idea of Texas or OU wanting to get in line for B1G/SEC scraps.

    OU wants to leave, period.

    Texas will leave if OU leaves and is in the process of being convinced to leave.

    That's all there is to it. I know it sucks as an Iowa State fan and maybe you are sticking to what you want to believe versus what you should believe. That's perfectly understandable. I do think it's funny that you somehow believe that Texas and OU would get any conference's scraps. Ha. Regardless, if you want the Big 12 to survive then you should make sure your administration is convincing the league office to stop being so damn stupid all the time.

  17. 1 minute ago, Thermos H. Christ said:

    If you can't get excited at the prospect of going back to Dallas and beating OU again it's hard for me to accept the premise that you are a fan of Texas or even college football.

    If you've been to Texas-OU games at the Cotton Bowl, college football games at Jerryworld, and are excited about watching a Texas-OU game in that sterile corporate environment then it's hard for me to accept the premise that you are a fan of sports.

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