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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Huckleberry

  1. 26 minutes ago, Chrispy said:

    You see the academia nuts being mocked? Give me a break. 

    Yeah, right here on this thread. You see, this is the problem with people who have a victim complex. When your side gets rightfully mocked OH MY GOD PEOPLE ARE MAKING FUN OF ME EVERYONE HATES US WE ARE BEING PERSECUTED SOMEONE SAVE ME. When you and others rightfully mock the other side you just forget it happened. I mean for fuck's sake we are in a thread dedicated to mocking academia nuts, you have participated in the mocking of academia nuts in this thread, and you actually still believe that academia nuts aren't being mocked.

    You have a mental condition, snowflake.

    • Like 1
  2. So who exactly would you trot out there at QB then?  No one has this silly notion that the coaching staff is always right. That is a strawman. Were you trained in the ctj school of debate?
    Well if the other option is being an idiot like you then I'll go ahead and say sure.

    You said that until someone overtakes him he's the best we have. Either you intended overtakes to mean "replaces" in which case that statement is saying exactly that the coaches will always play the best player or else you intended it to mean "becomes better than" in which case your statement was a tautology and made your post totally worthless. You're either wrong or an idiot. Up to you, I suppose.
    • Like 3
  3. Houston Fire department tweeting that evac is lifted and no dangerous substances were present.
    It's a weird situation where I hope it was actually a misguided supporter going for sympathy coverage. Not to score political points with it but rather because I prefer a world where campaign workers can open mail without worrying about being killed.
  4. I don’t think it’s even close but it sounds like you disagree which is fine. Who do you choose to start the next game and support your decision. You haven’t seen the freshman play recently and certainly haven’t seen them under fire
    just because I believe Sam is the best option starting at QB right now doesn’t mean I’d support every such decision. I want no part of Porter playing and didn’t like him starting last year.  Your argument that I want Sam stArting is only because Herman wants him is false. 
    I never said that was your argument, stop being so defensive. Yours was included as it was kind of the start of that discussion. The other two said that if he's starting then he's the best option. You explicitly allowed for the possibility that he could someday be starting despite not being the best option.

    Although now I'm curious how you'd know now that you've said you can't tell if you haven't seen the other guys play. For the record I'm fine with Ehlinger starting for now, but I saw enough in the spring game to know Rising is already a superior passer.
  5. 16 hours ago, Lhorn said:

    Yeah I don't know what the point is.  It's clear that he's our best option right now.  When there's a better QB option and Sam is still starting I'll bitch.  When Sam is throwing games away I'll bitch.  The need to make everyone agree that Sam sucks is bizarre.  He's better than he was last year.  I don't think that's debatable, although I'm sure Derka will post a graph demonstrating how he's regressed.  I don't think he'll ever be elite.  I don't think post season awards are in his future, but it's still early in his career.  He can get better.  He can also start to suck and at some point get replaced by Cam.  Who knows.  He's the best QB we've had since Ash so for now I'll take it.  


    16 hours ago, lemonandaturd said:

    The "where he went to high school" shit is just stupid.  If he can't play, he won't play.  If he is not the best option, he will be replaced.  Those are basic football concepts.  He has played well enough on a team that has won four in a row.   Until he loses again, it is all fucking noise.  


    15 hours ago, VaHorn said:

    Ctj has never made a single cogent post about a QB. But there is a method to his madness.  Eventually Sam will have a truly horrid game, which will give Ctj the chance to do a victory lap and post more inane drivel. But your point will remain. Until someone overtakes him, Sam is the best option we have. 

    Yeah, this unwavering belief that if the guy is playing then he's the best option seems pretty myopic.

    Kyle Porter led our team in running back carries last year. Now I was never a big fan of Chris Warren's effort and Daniel Young was a true freshman, but Kyle Porter should not have led our team in carries.

    Andrew Beck splits out in our 5 wide set instead of an actual receiving threat.

    On the most crucial drive of the game against Maryland this year, we put in Kyle Porter instead of Tre Watson.

    We are still asking Jerrod Heard to execute the crucial block on WR screens. I had high hopes for Heard when he moved to receiver, but he has proven over the course of multiple seasons that he either can't or won't block.

    Now believe me, I don't think Buechele is the answer, especially in this offense. I said as much on shaggy. But let's stop with this silly notion that the coaching staff always makes the best personnel decision they can make.

    • Like 4
  6. 17 minutes ago, Parliament said:

    And for the record, I am for expanded, LEGAL immigration that includes a measure of amnesty, as I am for the Rule of Law. I think there are plenty of us Trump supporters who are. Ironically, an immigration hardliner President vs a Congress that is softer may be the way get get good compromise.

    Amnesty needs to be combined with better enforcement. Reagan's 1986 (or whenever) law gave amnesty and did way to little to enforce legal immigration. We remember that, and are resultingly wary.

    The cognitive dissonance is impressive.

    That's not supporting Trump. That is against everything Trump claims to be for on immigration. But hey, he's on your team so I guess you say you support him.

    • Like 1
  7. Absolutely.  Investigate and charge with perjury.
    We still agree. Anyone who perjures themselves to the Senate should be charged. Like if they say they didn't watch someone else's testimony even if it was already reported that they were watching it as it happened.
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