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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Huckleberry

  1. 6 minutes ago, Incredulity said:

    I guess you didn't get the memo, the decorum of the Surl is allegedly snark free.

    Thanks in advance for your cooperation.


    Also, claims made without evidence.  The liberal gold standard.

    Nobody said there's no snark here, that was just more poor reading on your part.

    I said if you don't want your hypocrisy thrown in your face then you shouldn't be snarky.

  2. 15 minutes ago, Vertigo said:

    I hear what you are trying to say, but UTSA and Texas St are really new D1 programs. Rice has never been a football school, and UTEP is a barren wasteland of a school with natural recruiting bases in New Mexico and the West Texas kids that don't go to Tech. As much talent as is in the state, there is still really only enough to support 4-5 major D1 programs plus the out of state poachers. Texas, aggy, Tech, and a revolving door of 2 lower tier schools who may be good at any given time. Right now, TCU and Houston are up, but it was Baylor and TCU through much of the last decade. Houston's rise coincided with Baylor's fall give or take a year or two.  

    Historically there is one dominant program in any state. Florida, California and Texas being the outliers where you may see up to 3 truly dominant programs at one time, and even then, I don't think there has ever been a time where both Texas and aggy were national contenders at the same time.  

    UTSA and Texas State have gotten worse, not better, since they've been FBS programs. Youth of the program has almost nothing to do with it. I'm not looking for the scrub teams in our state to all be in bowl games. I'm looking for them not to be the absolute dregs of college football. Take the end of 2013 for example.


    That's not great. But it's not this.

  3. On 9/30/2018 at 8:58 AM, Snacks said:

    Fan was wrong. Fan didn't know wtf he saw. It was a bread and butter RPO.... the OL blocked it shitastically and tOSU had the right call and perfect execution. Every aspect of the call was covered. McSorely actually looked at the safety during the ride, and the safety was going to be at the bubble about a split second after the ball. The QB keep was covered on both ends. The give was the correct read, but 2 OL touched nobody. Rewatch the play.

    I'm sure Franklin was pissed that he lost, and he should have just walked in, but the student coach didn't know shit.

    RPO with the pass option being a bubble screen 3 yards behind the line of scrimmage on 4th and 5? Sorry, the playcall was fucking horrible. I know it's your thing to blame players and never blame coaches because, hey, if the players are perfect then the calls would work! But guess what, players aren't perfect. And horrible calls are still horrible calls.

    And I don't believe it was an actual RPO anyway. That bubble screen receiver is trying to pull the safety away from the play. He doesn't actually have any belief he might get the ball. And he's the only receiver who ever looks at the QB so if it was actually an RPO then he's the only possible target.

  4. No one has endured what Kavanaugh is going through. Allegations of wrongdoings as a teenager and being impugned as a rapist when there hasn’t been anything remotely pointing to such deviancy as an adult. 36 year old claims without the necessary detail to rightfully merit a police interview. What Clarence Thomas or Bork went through don’t hold a candle to this bullshit.
    This is an idiotic post even for you.
  5. 1 minute ago, Ghost of Shag said:

    You mean testifying under oath in front of a group of people who are trying, at all costs, to keep you from getting the seat you've worked toward your whole life? 

    You sit across from the people you believe to be lying about your life and a sexual assault accusation, and do so in a calm, collected manner.  Don't raise your voice.  Don't get emotional.  

    Because by god, this is the Supreme Court.  You're not a human.  You're a Supreme Court Judge.  So sit there, take your beating like a man, and fucking like it.


    Perhaps you're unaware that this impossible feat of staying calm in the face of asshole politicians and not behaving like a child has been achieved by countless others in the history of our nation and others around the globe. The reason you're hearing about this is because Kavanaugh is one of the only examples of someone who was actually incapable of doing so. I mean if you think you wouldn't be able to do so, that's fine. I would not impugn your ability to be a decent person because of it.

    But I wouldn't confirm you to be a Justice on the Supreme Court, either.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Ghost of Shag said:

    I'd love to see some of you hold yourselves to the same standards you impose on others.

    If you believed yourself to be innocent, and half the nation turned on quickly and mercilessly, you think you would just sit there calmly and respond in monotone to false accusations?

    Shit, most of us can't read a post on Surly without responding emotionally.

    I love this narrative that "his demeanor and rants are unacceptable for the Supreme Court of the United States."

    Shut the fuck up with that noise.  Had he responded in opposite fashion, you would be saying that were he truly innocent, he would have responded passionately and with anger.  

    I'm neither Democratic nor Republican.  I didn't vote for either candidate; they were both dogshit.  But this double standard nonsense is ridiculous.  

    No, this post is ridiculous. Holding a standard of behavior for a potential Supreme Court Justice while testifying under oath in front of a Senate committee that is different than the standard of behavior I hold for an average citizen is not a double standard. What would be a double standard would be holding a different standard of behavior for that position depending on the nominee's political leanings.

    I expect a different level of behavior from my 10-year-old son than I did when he was 3. Is that a double standard?

    • Like 4
  7. Look, Incredulity, you are a self-proclaimed tech idiot so I'm not sure why you're so eager to get into this discussion again. But since you are, your post about intellectual honesty makes zero sense whatsoever.

    High Plains Drifter is clearly pointing out that your concern that we would end up with 50 (or more) net neutrality standards is countered by the fact that we don't have that many different emissions standards. I mean you certainly think that emissions standards are relevant to this topic, right? You argued as much earlier. So why are they now irrelevant when he brings them up?

  8. 3 minutes ago, Cacti said:

    From a moral standpoint, is lying under oath about such "inconsequential items" worse than lying while not under oath? And if not using a moral argument, what is it about the former that is so egregious that it should be used as a disqualifier for SCOTUS? And why shouldn’t such a character flaw or otherwise questionable behavior be a disqualifier for the other branches of government?

    Are you seriously asking why perjury should be a bigger deal than non-perjurious lying FOR SOMEONE BEING CONSIDERED FOR THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES?

    That could be one of the dumbest questions I've ever read on any message board, and that's saying a lot.

  9. Oh FFS it's spelled fracking. Yes, we all know that there is no k in "fracturing" but fracing looks like it rhymes with racing. I'm in O&G and if someone gives you a hard time for spelling it fracking then just roll your eyes at them. People in a panic are panicking. If I mimic you then I'm mimicking you. If you're so bothered by the then just type out fracturing.

    • Like 5
  10. 5 minutes ago, Incredulity said:

    If you agree with California having its own set of rules regarding NN you certainly do.

    I don't think 50(or more) disparate standards for  things that massive impact on Interstate Commerce is the correct course of action.

    While I agree with you on internet rules, the fault lies with the FCC when they recently stated that they have no power to regulate ISPs. If the federal government has no power to do something, then guess what the 10th Amendment says?

  11. 22 minutes ago, Incredulity said:

    No, you miss the point.  California's emission standards have a large impact on the global production of everything from small engines to diesel engines.  

    Point is California is completely willing to use its market size to regulate other states.

    California makes rules that California wants for California.

    The impact of those rules on other States or huge corporations that want to standardize their offerings across the entire nation is not California's fault. It's just more corporate crying. Do you believe in States' Rights or not?

    • Like 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, DixonHur said:

    I'm a big Earl Thomas fan, but he was wrong to flip off Pete Carol, whom I despise.  Regardless of what roll Pete may or may have not played in whispering sweet nothings into Earl's ear, he and he alone made the decision to play.  I'm not a big fan of holdouts, because I think if you sign a contract, you should honor it, however, if you are going to do it, you need to commit to it, or deal with the consequences if you decide to play.  Le'Veon Bell is doing it right.  He knows his value and is refusing to risk injury.  He knows that he will get a contract next year that will more than make up for any lost wages for holding out.  Earl should have stuck to his guns and stayed away, but he decided to take the risks of playing a violent game.  I'm just glad it was *only* a broken leg.

    I thought Bell has to report by Week 11 if he wants that contract.

  13. 45 minutes ago, Thiefery said:

    Doesn't these things go in cycles or something?

    This isn't a cycle, this is horrific.

    44 minutes ago, bluto said:

    Then there's talk of more Tx schools adding fball programs (UTA is I think), so very very dumb

    They can all add FCS programs to their heart's content. In fact there's no reason why all the UT satellite schools couldn't be in an FCS conference together.

    • Like 1
  14. 33 minutes ago, T’Boo Ted Marshall said:

    That’s not new though.

    Sure, but it's something that could be changed. Locke isn't great, as 6th Street mentioned, but it's absolutely unfair to him to expect him to cover someone like that. He just can't cover a quick slot by lining up 10 yards off the receiver and yet we keep asking him to do it. He finally "stopped" the slant against Kansas State last Saturday once we brought Brandon Jones down to essentially double team it.

  15. Meaning the State of Texas overall (not that we're hot stuff compared to where we should be). Here is the Massey Composite followed by the teams from Texas:


    #20. Texas
    #29. Texas Tech
    #33. TCU
    #41. Texas A&M
    #45. North Texas
    #52. Houston
    #64. Baylor
    #97. SMU
    #122. UTSA
    #126. Rice
    #129. Texas St.
    #130. UTEP

    There are 130 teams. The top end is depressing enough, but the fact that 4 of the worst 9 teams in the country come from Texas is embarrassing. Ohio has 8 teams and no other state has more than 7 FBS teams. Texas simply has too many teams. Hell, at this point I think as the flagship of the system we should just order UTSA and UTEP to disband their football programs or else drop to FCS.

  16. Dismiss them all you like, but Snyder has very clearly circled games against Texas over the years and his players have played way above their talent level against us. Our players have to figure out that we always get everyone’s best shot and we have to be ready to fight back. 
    Uh, no. This is related to the biggest crock of shit that Texas fans believe about the team, that somehow only we get everyone's best shot. Bill Snyder doesn't give a single shit more about Texas than anyone else. What he does is have a well coached team every year and we have a history of playing and coaching dumb. Combine that with Kansas State missing all of our best teams since 2000 and there you go.
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