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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Huckleberry

  1. Just now, McCroskey said:

    Innocent until proven guilty.  There is not a shred of proof being provided here today, nor at any point in any of this.

    Does Corey Booker really want to get into what our "founding documents" state when it comes to an individual being accused of a crime?

    This guy is a piece of shit.


    You seem confused. This is not a criminal trial.

    • Like 2
  2. Just now, SimonBolivar said:

    The rubes will point out that she has flown before and now was scared so....it's all a libcuck athiest anuti-american plot so I can sleep soundly tonight in my all white suburb. That's the point.

    Right, but the people who are dug in and have chosen to believe Kavanaugh no matter what or not believe Kavanaugh no matter what are irrelevant. There actually are many people watching this and who will hear about it later who wanted to hear the testimony to make up their minds. This is a rare case where the entire American electorate gets to be one huge ass jury, not that we get a direct vote, but because public opinion polling after this is over will be important to what the politicians do.

    For those who tried to come into this with an open mind, the airplane line of questioning does nothing but make Ford more relatable. It was a terrible idea.

    • Like 1
  3. So the strategy is to accuse Ford of having flown even though she claims it makes her anxious, despite the fact that her appearance has basically been about testifying despite the fact that she was nervous about testifying. Essentially it supports the argument that this isn't about her and that she is reluctantly doing it because it's important.

    It's a bold strategy, Cotton.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, kevwun said:

    Grassly told a reporter that they will need to sleep on what they have heard.  Not a good sign for Kavanaugh if he's wavering.

    "need to sleep on" = need to get quick polling results

    I hope they don't confirm Kavanaugh for the sake of the nation (it will quite possibly lead to the impeachment of a SCOTUS justice), but others have pointed out that Republicans favor confirming Kavanaugh even if the sexual assault allegations are true.

  5. 29 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    The WORLD needs more Susanna.

    I know I've told y'all the story about how an adorable Susanna gave 16 year old Brisket a hug.  But I'm gonna tell it again.

    I got onto the Bangles tour bus, and Susanna autographed my cassette and gave me a hug.  It was awesome.


    • Like 3
  6. 3 hours ago, Mojo Hand said:

    Couldn't help yourself, Tahoe?   Don't worry, the next guy will be from the list too. 

    That's who that post reminded me of even though I couldn't place it. Also seems like it's something TahoeHorn liked to say.



    I wish he would have just come back with the same username if this is him.

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  7. 23 minutes ago, DixonHur said:

    Bullshit.  First of all, you don't know how every woman you've slept with felt afterward.  Women have a totally different relationship with sex than men.  They will have sex with guys for many different reasons...drunkenness, feeling pressured, wanting to feel loved, not wanting to seem like a prude, etc.  These things might make them feel bad about themselves afterward.  That's what I'm talking about when I say many probably felt dirty and embarrassed.  It's about the situation, not the person.

    You are projecting your experiences onto other people. I'm not saying I'm a better person than you are overall, but I will say that every girl (when I was a boy) and woman I've ever been with sexually came back for more when completely sober. So yes, I'm pretty sure they didn't feel dirty and embarrassed afterward. That's not some sort of internet brag or anything, for example it sounds like you've probably had sex with more women than I have in my life so this isn't a dick-measuring contest.

    23 minutes ago, DixonHur said:

    So I repeat...have you never gone to a bar hoping to hook up with some girl who may have her inhibitions lowered from drinking?

    No, I have not.

    23 minutes ago, DixonHur said:

    Have you never had a drunken one night stand after a frat party?

    No, I have not.

    23 minutes ago, DixonHur said:

    Never had a girl do the "walk of shame" from your apartment?  

    No, I have not.

    Again, you're projecting your life experiences onto everyone else. I am trying to explain to you that just because you think a certain behavior is normal doesn't mean it's actually normal for everyone. I have rejected sexual advances by multiple drunk women in my life. To be fair many of those were after I was married, but I also rejected advances well before that when unmarried. You should stick to the part where you feel really badly about things you did in the past instead of trying to normalize them like you are now. I don't think I'm special because of any of this, my entire argument is that I believe my life experience is just as normal as you believe yours is. Now I certainly hope that more people would decline sex with a clearly drunk off her ass woman than would go ahead with it, but I can't say that for sure. Perhaps I have my head up my ass but I choose to believe that more people would decline than would proceed. I heard plenty of boasts from guys growing up and into adulthood, and I never heard anyone talk about how they slept with some basically unconscious girl. I guess I just don't believe that sexual assault being socially unaccepted is unusual. And none of this is to say that I'm a saint, I have stuff I've done in the past that I wish I hadn't done. It's only that none of those things involved having sex with a woman incapable of consenting.

    Also, sorry for the derail. I do consider it important that people don't consider non-consensual sex normal, but this should probably be a separate thread at this point. Back to Kavanaugh.

  8. Well I don't know about that, but I do think it shows that Oklahoma's defense is very good when they out-athlete the opposition by a significant amount. When athleticism is closer, they "struggle" more. Essentially they have performed like a slightly below average P5 defense so far this season.

  9. 29 minutes ago, Jkwellborn said:

    Don’t be stupid. Triple option is a mother fucker when you only get a week for it.

    OU is the best defense left on the schedule. This will be a case where the numbers won’t matter.

    Oklahoma gave up 5.0 yards per play to UCLA. In their other games against Cincinnati and Fresno State, UCLA gained 4.5 and 4.9 yards per play, respectively.

    Oklahoma gave up 6.9 yards per play to Iowa State. In their other games against Iowa and Akron, Iowa State gained 3.4 and 5.3 yards per play, respectively.

    Against both P5 teams they have played, Oklahoma's defense has been worse than their opponents' other opponents. Interestingly, they did better against Army than anyone else has this year, and also did much better against Florida Atlantic than other teams have.

  10. 4 minutes ago, retread said:


    I know Avenatti is an asshat, but they took his client's information and questioned Kavanaugh on it without ever responding to Avenatti (her attorney). That seems a bit, uh, shady.

    It also changes the timeline on the Kavanaugh calendar. He knew about the latest allegation when he released the calendar that has BEACH WEEK on it. Which, interestingly, is actually a note in favor of the calendar's credibility.

  11. 4 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    This should be good. 

    I wish, but it really won't. The Senate makes the decisions about Senate business and so the courts will rightfully refuse to even hear the case. Senate advice and consent should be completely independent of the Executive but that will never be reality as politics are purely party based. 

    • Like 1
  12. 6 minutes ago, DixonHur said:

    I'll bet you can see for miles on top of that high horse of yours.  I guess you're that one guy who never had one-night-stands with really drunk girls in high school and college.  THAT is what I admitted to, and yes, under today's standards that is considered rape.  I certainly didn't think it was at the time, but unlike others, I'm not going to act like it didn't happen.

    I don't consider it a high horse simply because I have never had sex with a woman who was so drunk she couldn't consent and who then felt dirty and embarrassed afterward (your description).

    As I said, I appreciate the honesty, but I don't think attempting to normalize that behavior is going to work out for you like you hope.

    • Like 1
  13. 11 minutes ago, Aphelion said:

    On this forum, you will get up voted and thanked for admitting to having drunk sex with girls who wouldn't have consented if sober as long as you end your post with "fuck the GOP and Johnny Sack."  

    Yeah, I don't see how you give that post pos rep without feeling dirty. I mean I appreciate the honesty, I guess, but the guy just admitted to sexually assaulting girls.

    6 minutes ago, Stros said:

    The safe space. They will neg you now.

    Can you think of any reasons why people disagree with Aphelion but don't neg him versus disagreeing with you and negging with great gusto? Any reasons at all?

  14. 1 minute ago, hayden_horn said:

    so, can anyone explain why mcconnell is all in on this guy?

    i mean, he's been staunch and steadfast this whole time about having a vote. no other republicans are squeaking all that much either.

    what the fuck? why are they risking everything for this one guy?

    It makes sense that they want him badly because he's told them he'll vote to extend Presidential pardon powers to State crimes (which is absurd). I really can't come up with an explanation for it other than that. It's not like he's anywhere near the best conservatively oriented justice in the nation.

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