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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Huckleberry

  1. Yeah, that argument is absurd if you like Marvel. Especially considering that half the universe just died BUT WAIT WE WILL JUST TURN BACK TIME NEXT MOVIE.

    And Wonder Woman was a good movie. It was orders of magnitude better than Ant- Man and Wasp. This is the kind of attitude I was referencing earlier. At this point it's a combination of groupthink and confirmation bias. Everyone says Marvel is great and DC sucks, go to DC movie, find some issue with it, say it sucked, go to Marvel movie, find some formulaic thing you like, say it was great.

  2. 19 minutes ago, XYZ said:

    This thread has really gone to shit today.

    Yeah, discussion of specific strengths and weaknesses, actual data and live game results, scheme and playcalling causes and effects, and progression probabilities is definitely a lot worse than "HE HAS MOXIE!" and "NO HE DOESN'T!"

  3. 1 minute ago, kevwun said:

    I think we are probably not going to like what happens if they let Ehlinger start throwing to the middle of the field with regularity.

    Yep, his slow processing and release will result in picks without question. But it's on the staff either to improve that or make the decision on cost-benefit of incorporating it into the offense. It's obviously in the scheme, it's not like Rising's throw I linked before was from some other system. Ehlinger just basically refuses to throw in the middle of the field underneath the safeties. If his guy hasn't cleared the last safety he's hesitant to throw. That might not be 100% accurate as we don't have all-22 film to dissect but that's sure what it seems like.

    • Like 2
  4. 6 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    Just the way TRP likes it 


    It's fucking embarrassing, especially when you consider that Maine's turnout isn't exactly something to be proud of. In my opinion any turnout lower than 75% is pitiful in a representative democracy. Maine was highest in 2014 with a 58.1% voter turnout.

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  5. Awesome. I hope and believe he can have a good career but now he will always be able to tell people he played in the NFL with no qualifications. Happy for him, even if I know he's not satisfied yet.

  6. 12 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

    i know i'm in the minority, but i liked (and still enjoy) capt america.  i like that it's a period piece/war movie.

    he's nowhere close to my favorite marvel character, but i really enjoy his origin story.  i also think winter solider is hugely overrated, especially by surly/shaggy.

    I actually agree with you on both of these as well, I just get tired of having a differing opinion on the Marvel movies because if I stated all of them I would just come off as being contrarian for contrarianism's sake.

  7. 2 minutes ago, HuntinHorn said:

    David Ash sucked as a true freshman accuracy and decision making wise and got better as he got more experienced the following years......sound familiar?

    Ash was 57.2% his freshman year and then 67.3% his sophomore year. As the saying goes, most players see their biggest improvement between years one and two. There are exceptions, but the fact that they're rare is why you remember them. Ash was 55-72 (76.4%) against our non-conference schedule his sophomore season.

    Ehlinger was 57.5% his freshman year and is 57.6% so far in his sophomore year.

    Colt McCoy, who some people will want to point out as improving most after year two, was 68.2% his true freshman season.

  8. 7 minutes ago, kevwun said:

    If someone thinks Ehlinger throws a pretty ball, they're going to shit themselves when they get around to seeing Rising throw.  His passes in the spring game were crisper than anything we've seen since David Ash.

    Like this one

    Seriously, I haven't seen Ehlinger or Buechele look off a safety, come back and immediately release a ball over the linebacker and under the safety like that since, well, ever that I can think of.

  9. 11 minutes ago, OatmealRaisinCookie said:

    What's confusing to me is the characterization of rape via encouraging people to get drunk af and then come back to the room and have sex with them. I get using roofies/mickeys to rape people is horrible and should be prosecuted if that happened, but just buying girls shots and getting them so drunk they make bad decisions to get into a threesome with a good looking doctor and his gf, seems like a weird way to characterize rape.

    I'm reminded of the Norm MacDonald bit on alcholism and it being a disease. When asked about his symptoms of his disease, "I find I talk to people easier. At advanced stages of this disease, I'll go to a bar, meet a woman who also has my disease, and we will have sex."

    Wow, man. Seriously, just wow. Without being too snarky about the fact that I've never exactly considered you a brilliant poster, this is just way the hell out there.

    I guess to be fair I'll point out that I've never been a part of the dating scene at bars, but what you just described sounds a lot like rape to me. A strategy of getting someone so drunk that they do things they wouldn't otherwise do is rape and even if it weren't it is definitely still creepy. I will grant, though, that there is some gray area when it comes to alcohol and sex, but that's usually based on both sides using alcohol to lower their inhibitions. I personally am a big fan of alcohol because my wife, like many, will go into an evening planning on using alcohol to let loose and just have fun without worrying about the stresses in her life, how she looks in her outfit, if I think she has gained weight, and the million other thoughts that women can't get out of their heads. But a woman intentionally having enough to get buzzed and not worry about stupid shit is so far away from "I'm going to get her so drunk that she makes a terrible decision" that I can't adequately describe the difference in culpability.

    • Like 2
  10. The first Thor was not very good. Not as bad as the second Thor, though.

    Marvel has developed the biggest fanboy following in cinematic history, but a lot of that is because they've put out several great films in that franchise. But the below average and bad films just get a pass because of the sheer number they've released. It even extends to critics, in my opinion. Ant-Man and the Wasp was not a very good movie but is 88% at Rotten Tomatoes. It actually has a lower audience score than critics score. It's well-established here that I think Ragnarok was overrated, too, but I recognize I'm mostly alone on that.

    And by biggest fanboy following I mean that the fans of the franchise refuse to ever criticize one of the movies. Meanwhile franchises like Star Wars get ripped by their diehard fans for everything from major plot holes down to microscopic editing errors.

    Anyway, it's still correct that Marvel usually crushes it on origin stories. I would bet on this one being good, too.

  11. Just now, Zavala said:

    Here you go man

    If facts and reality make you feel insecure then you might consider that the issue is actually that you don't know as much about football as you thought. I looked at the first drive in detail because Hiphopopotamos pointed out NFL data (bringing something to the discussion) and Gene Parmesan pointed out that we really need to look at college data, which was a good point.

    If you want to simply post about what your feelings tell you then that's cool, but there are clearly other posters who prefer to analyze facts. Good luck with your feelings.

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  12. 18 minutes ago, Gene Parmesan said:

    I don't disagree but using NFL statistics is flawed.  It's a completely different game that has actual parity.

    True, but the times are roughly the same. Just looking at the first drive of the USC game and each Ehlinger attempt:

    3.5 seconds - great protection, but the throw was into a really tight window because the defenders had time to adjust to the route, but he made the throw
    2.6 seconds - good timing, good throw, this one was actually a much easier pass but he threw it low to Johnson, still got the completion
    2.4 seconds - Beats the edge blitz with a quick throw, doesn't give Johnson a chance, though, the quick throw got there before safety help could come over, this is why sub 3 seconds matters
    3.1 seconds - play action half roll to the left, gets rid of it to beat pressure, again showing that 3 seconds is important
    1.6 seconds - overload blitz, good quick release to beat it to Beck who gets the first down, this was a good job by Ehlinger
    2.3 seconds - this is an interesting one because it was a sprint out to LJH on a quick out, so 2.3 seconds but the throw was actually late, Ehlinger took an extra two quick steps to throw, if the throws it at 1.9 seconds it may have been a touchdown

    Anyway, point proven that 4 seconds is way too long in a real football game.

  13. 17 minutes ago, Zavala said:

    He has been throwing a pretty ball, and he's been more accurate. All it takes is repetition. The dude must've been throwing guys open in 7-on-7 because you only get 4 sec to throw.

    Four seconds? That's a lifetime in the pocket in a real football game. Most sacks happen before 3 seconds are up.

  14. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-45567103

    This could be a pretty terrible deal, although this particular comment stuck out to me:

    "We believe the defendants used their good looks and charms to lower the inhibitions of their potential prey"

    If that's a crime then I will never be confirmed to SCOTUS (no CR)!

    US surgeon and girlfriend suspected of multiple drug rapes
    18 September 2018

    A California surgeon and his girlfriend have been charged with two sexual assaults, and investigators suspect there could be "hundreds" more victims.

    Grant William Robicheaux, 38, and Cerissa Laura Riley, 31, allegedly attacked two women they met at a bar and a restaurant in 2016.

    Prosecutors told the BBC "thousands and thousands" of videos of potential victims were on the defendants' phones.

    Investigators are trying to identify the women in the clips.

    At a news conference on Tuesday, Orange County District Attorney Tony Rackauckas said the pair were suspected of using their "clean-cut" looks to lure targets into a false sense of security.

    "We believe the defendants used their good looks and charms to lower the inhibitions of their potential prey," he said, reports KTLA-TV.

    He added: "There are several videos where the women in the videos appear to be highly intoxicated beyond the ability to consent or resist and they are barely responsive to the defendants' sexual advances.

    "Based on this evidence we believe there might be many unidentified victims out there."

    Mr Robicheaux is an orthopaedic surgeon from Newport Beach, 45 miles (72km) south of Los Angeles.

    He once appeared on the Bravo cable network's reality TV show Online Dating Rituals of the American Male.

    Image copyrightCBS
    Investigators say the pair worked "in tandem" to meet women at bars, drug them or coerce them to drink large amounts of alcohol, and then bring them back to Mr Robicheaux's apartment to be assaulted.

    Two women have alleged encounters with Mr Robicheaux and Ms Riley two years ago.

    The first said she met the pair at a restaurant on 10 April 2016 and was invited by them to a boat party.

    Once intoxicated, the 32-year-old was allegedly taken back to Mr Robicheaux's apartment and raped.

    She contacted Newport Beach police the following day and tested positive for a number of unspecified drugs, the prosecutor said.

    Both defendants are accused of rape by use of drugs in that case.

    On 2 October 2016, another woman said she woke up in Mr Robicheaux's apartment after a night of drinking, and screamed for help until his neighbours called police.

    That woman told police she had been drinking at a bar in Newport Beach with the couple until she lost consciousness.

    Both defendants are accused of sexual assault with intent to commit rape in that case.

    Investigators say they have recovered video of one of the two women being assaulted.

    Mr Robicheaux and Ms Riley are accused of possessing a large quantity of drugs, including GHB (considered a date-rape drug), psychedelic mushrooms, ecstasy and cocaine.

    Police said the illegal substances were found during a search of the surgeon's home in January 2018.

    Mr Robicheaux is further accused of possessing two unregistered semi-automatic rifles, four other firearms and magazines capable of carrying large amounts of ammunition, according to a press release.

    Newport Beach police passed the case for review to the Orange County district attorney on 6 September, and the couple were arrested at the man's home last Wednesday.

    The district attorney said the state's medical board has opened an investigation into Mr Robicheaux, but there is no evidence so far that any of his patients could be victims.

    Officials say the couple have attended music and art festivals such as Burning Man in Nevada and the Splash House Festival in Palm Springs, California.

    Both of the accused have been freed on $100,000 (£76,000) bail bonds.

    "We've all heard of a wolf in sheep's clothing," said the district attorney.

    "Well, a wolf can wear scrubs or doctor's clothing. Or a wolf can be a beautiful woman."

    If convicted, Mr Robicheaux and Ms Riley could spend 40 years and 30 years in prison respectively, said the prosecutor.

    Mr Rackauckas added: "People often assume that rapists are creepy, scary men who lunge out from hiding amongst bushes and attack unsuspecting women.

    "The reality is that rapists come in all socioeconomic groups, of any background."

    The pair are due to be formally charged in court on 24 October.

  15. 12 hours ago, AeroHorn said:

    The map maker also has continuation map from last season as if 2018 is continuation of 2017 season. This is lot more biased towards long winning streaks and hence cleaner.

    If it continued every year it would eventually merge with the college football title belt concept, right? And unfortunately right now Penn State holds the belt after destroying Pittsburgh for it.

  16. Without getting into that argument and all the reasons the libertarian utopia doesn't work in reality, there's also literally no way around having a government-enforced minimum wage for teachers. Every school district, which are governments, sets the floor for their salary scale. That means a minimum wage for those positions by definition. Having it done at the State level just shifts it from local to more centralized, which in and of itself is a bad thing. Somebody living in Shawneetown doesn't need to make the same as someone living in an expensive section of Chicago.

  17. Yep, split the difference between those two and you're close to reality in my opinion.

    An online poll would obviously trend younger all things being equal. Well, unless A&M message boards got a hold of it, which based on the results it seems like they didn't.

  18. 39 minutes ago, PenelopeWitherspoon said:

    I probably understand the true meaning of a minimum wage substantially better than you do.

    FYI, the median teacher salary is IL is 59k (google median IL teacher salary) Perhaps, rather than an article with an inflammatory headline, maybe the Tribune should do research. How many IL teachers actually make less than 40k? If they do, what is the cost of living where they live?

    At the end of the day, the money has to come from somewhere. IL is a high tax state. Who is going to bear the burden? Where are the cuts going to come from? Is this going to guarantee better teachers and better results? Those are the questions that need to be asked. Those are questions so many people do not ask, which has led this entire country to the place we are now. Hard decisions have to be made. Money is a finite resource.

    Yeah, you keep ignoring the fact that the law on their books is, you know, illegal. $9,000 in annual pay for an employee who works 180 8-hour days (and we know teachers are expected to work more than that) is below the federal minimum wage. So that figure absolutely needs to be raised or else the minimum annual salary for teachers needs to be erased from the books.

  19. 10 hours ago, ztejas said:

    Actually though this entire thread is ridiculous. I just re-watched the 2nd half of the USC game. For a true sophomore under the big lights Ehlinger was phenomenal. Composed, in control, making calls at the line. Yeah he isn't throwing receivers open like Dan Marino but that's a bit much to ask right now.

    As long as he keeps showing improvement, this is the best we've looked at QB in a long time. 

    Hook 'em and double fuck TCU 

    Not throwing receivers open is a huge deal and is the difference between adequate QBs and good QBs and it has an even bigger impact on the offense overall. QBs who can't do that cause themselves to be pressured more and that's an especially big deal for Ehlinger because he frequently makes terrible decisions once he decides to leave the pocket. It's also not a skill that simply develops over 4 years like other football skills, although it does get better for some guys. More frequently, though, a guy who doesn't have that anticipation simply never develops it. We will see with Ehlinger, but basically every single pass he throws is later than it should be. Even the ones that work out like the TDs to Humphrey and Moore against USC are at least a little late. Also, Dan Marino is weird to use as an example of that skill. Marino didn't have to do that because he had a lightning quick release (Ehlinger's is average at best) and a cannon for an arm. He more than basically any QB in history could afford to wait to make sure that the receiver was open and he frequently did.

    Also, there's zero chance that Ehlinger is better than non-concussed David Ash, but he's probably the best we've had since Ash.

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