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Posts posted by Huckleberry

  1. 2 minutes ago, Iconoclast Texan said:

    I think it’s pretty telling that a lot of the public comments to NYT articles about this situation are alarmed about the impact of unsubstantiated allegations such as this with no prior pattern of conduct. A liberal newspaper with the vast majority of readers that despise Republicans.

    I’m not psychologist but if someone is can they explain the phenomenon of repressed memory and the potential for sincere belief of something that actually didn’t occur. 

    Yes, public internet comments. Those are always an accurate gauge.

  2. I had high hopes for Heard but he just hasn't developed as a WR. He's a phenomenal athlete but he never makes the big play. He rose above a DB to make a catch on Saturday and it just bounced off his hands. That's the kind of play that we need this year, badly.

  3. 19 minutes ago, Rimbo said:

    What the fucking fuck did this fucking fucker think he would un-fuck with this "I didn't mean to post that publicly" fuckery? I mean goddamn, what the shit?

    That actually might be the most disturbing part of the story. This guy truly believes that people will accept that explanation because he believes that everyone in his area will think "well yeah, we all say that stuff privately." The question is does he have good reason to believe that. I fear that he probably does, which is why to me it's the most disturbing part of the story. The fact that a racist idiot is superintendent in a place called Onalaska, Texas isn't surprising or even disheartening, especially when you consider it's East Texas. There are racist idiots everywhere and small towns have a bunch of 'em in charge of stuff.

    It's more disheartening that he knows there are so many racists in his area that he thinks the fact that he thought it was a private message is a good enough explanation so that it doesn't affect his professional life.

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  4. One of the funny things about this terrible post was that it completely misunderstands the concept of cultural appropriation because the poster doesn't understand the actual culture O'Rourke is from. A person named Robert being called Beto in El Paso is not cultural appropriation. The concept of Latino culture being the dominant culture in an area is simply incomprehensible to OP so he has no idea of what reality is like in that kind of area.

    I've known Mexican guys as dark as it gets who went by "white" nicknames. I've called Juan Johnny because that's what they wanted to go by and I've called Carlos Charlie. Those guys weren't trying to appropriate the white man's culture, they were simply existing in it.

    Long story shot, OP is a moron.

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  5. 39 minutes ago, South Austin said:

    Hard to evaluate that depth when three of those guys haven't played a snap of college ball (or maybe two of those guys -- it's possible that Ossai saw action, but I've been too drunk to remember).

    Ossai has played for sure. What I'm not sure of is if it's only been special teams.

  6. Just curious, I was in a bar watching the Texas game with the sound down.  That uncalled safety in the first half which sure as hell looked like a safety to me could have been a huge turning point in the game.  Since I couldn't hear what was being discussed, what was the reasoning for not calling it a safety?  Does the same rule apply in reverse to a safety ball crossing the appropriate "front" of the line that a TD does?  I'm not clear on that ruling.
    It was just a terrible call and the announcers said as much plenty of times.

    The Big 12 owes us about 100 more.
    • Like 1
  7. The OL is that bad. We have had the same damn issues for the past 3 years. Zone blocking with players who either do not understand the scheme, or are not capable of executing. Alleged OL coach Callaway is completely inept in developing talent. We have the horses, but no trainer. Not taking anything away from Texas’ front 7, I realized the above probably reads badly. 
    I agree it's some of both but Orlando's defense did the same thing last year. Started out slowly against the run then by the end of the year we were basically stuffing run games with a front 5.
  8. Jones did not play against Tulsa. I thought he was pretty up and down last night but the 4th and goal stop was a really nice play, really bailed out Davis, who had the running back dead to rights but took a mind-numbingly terrible angle.
    So much this. Davis made such a terrible play on that one that I mentioned at the time he owes Jones a night with his girlfriend.
  9. 2 minutes ago, Irish Wrist Watch said:

    Don't know how this happened, but it should have been happening week one. We should be undefeated right now.

    The Trojans are not a good team. We still played much better than we did in either of the first two games, but this is just a small step. We were favored for a reason, Southern Cal looked as poorly coached and dumb in their first two games as we did.

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