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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Huckleberry

  1. There's no way his lawyers wouldn't shred that argument as he's never shown to be a threat to anyone other than his domestic partner. That would be a huge unnecessary reach that goes contrary to the rule's intention. 
    They could have fired Zach Smith at any time for almost any reason. Ohio is an at will employment state. If it's not specifically protected in his employment contract they can fire a coach for any reason. You are making no sense.
  2. Did Wulaw Horn ever make it over here? It was just after the election that there was a big discussion about the probability that Trump's election would destroy the Republican Party as it existed at the time. This right here is a major step in that eventuality, if it should really occur.

  3. 6 minutes ago, FondrenRoad said:

    And its never hypocritical to criticize a system you benefited from.  In fact, its far more beneficial to have someone who succeeded in a system critique it.  What you're missing in the cartoon is the guy with nothing to trade so he can't trade for water and is dying of thirst.  Of course, the guy with nothing would like for wood and water to be given to him.  His opinion is far less valuable than the opinion of someone with something to lose.  The guy with the wood would split his resources with all 3 of them, but he can only do that if the guy with the water does the same.

    Reminds me of sports arguments.

    Your team lost and you complain about clearly terrible officiating - "You're only complaining because you lost! Sore loser! Shut up!"

    Your team won and you complain about clearly terrible officiating - "Why are you whining about the officiating?!?!? You won! Shut up!"

    Well, sometimes the officiating fucking sucks and someone needs to say something so it doesn't suck as much in the future.

    • Like 1
  4. 33 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    Too much might be made about this.  If I hired a friend's kid, and the kid was screwing up, I would give him a choice to leave on his own or be fired.  If I fired him, I would probably give my friend a call to explain the situation.    

    Of course, I would have had that talk with my friend when I hired his kid.  He screws up, I'm firing him as I would anyone.

    Zach Smith was a wife beater for a minimum of 9 years, 6 of them on the Ohio State staff. Nobody ever heard anything about it until this summer. He worked under Urban Meyer who was an assistant under Bruce for two years in Columbus.

    Earle Bruce died on April 20th of this year.

    It's not guaranteed, but it certainly seems like Smith was being protected in Columbus with Bruce's help and when Bruce died suddenly Smith was held to account for his actions.

    • Like 1
  5. It's still not necessarily hypocrisy. One of the reasons that many people oppose pure capitalism is because they recognize that humans are greedy and selfish and that we require regulation or we will enrich ourselves and our immediate loved ones at the expense of huge segments of society if we got the chance. Being personally rich, even obscenely rich, and arguing that laws should be changed to spread that wealth out is not hypocritical. In fact in some cases those people are arguing for it because they have personal experience understanding that the super rich will only continue to get richer if left to their own devices. They understand that selfishness is a natural human trait and so it has to be reined in by society.

  6. It’s a critique on people that do nothing but pontificate on the internet while the people that actually care are the ones out doing something.

    That's not it at all. It's mocking the people who claim you can't criticize something if you participate in the current system.  

    So if an elderly person criticizes Social Security but has a logical argument against the current setup then idiots will dismiss the argument. Or if a recent college graduate complains about corporate pay structures while working for a large corporation they get dismissed by that idiotic argument.




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  7. Obviously he never thought it would come to this, but why cover up for a WR coach?  He could have just fired him, hired another guy, and continued on with his morality illusion.  Probably would have given more credence to his bullshit value chart. 
    It was Earle Bruce's grandson.
  8. 11 minutes ago, Hiphopopotamos said:

    This seems pretty damning - so OSU knew about the 2015 incident as well:



    In McMurphy's full story it states that James specifically did not forward information to Ohio State because he was acting as Smith's attorney at the time (attorney-client privilege) so there's an out on that one.

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