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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Huckleberry

  1. This is all just political sloganeering and shit-flinging. Everyone realizes that we have to pay taxes and that the government has to provide services in return. The question is how many taxes for how much in services.

    Everyone benefits from certain things that taxes pay for. Some are obvious like roads and emergency services, some are less obvious but even more pervasive in their assistance to every member of society such as public education. Shouting about how for 40-60% of your income above working class levels plus a 25% VAT you can live the dream is hardly instructive. If people could pay 50% tax on their income above $60K and have all medical costs paid for then that would actually work out as a positive economic situation (compared to their current baseline) for a huge chunk of the American population, especially when you consider that salaries may not be as negatively affected by the VAT as people would fear because medical insurance would be decoupled from employment. Salaries may actually go up because of that, I have no idea what the rough equivalent between a 25% VAT is in terms of sales taxes that we pay. Add in free college education compared to the debt load that people have right now and you have even more people who would end up net positive in such a system.

    Screaming about the costs without mentioning the benefits is silly. Now I happen to think the benefits would not be nearly as great as people want to believe, inefficiencies would increase costs on those benefits over time, and eventually the system would collapse. But it's completely disingenuous to talk about the proposed costs but not the proposed benefits.

    THEY WANT A WORLD WHERE YOU PAY TWICE AS MUCH FOR A GLASS OF BEER!!! By the way, the glass of beer is twice as large.


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  2. On 7/25/2018 at 10:51 PM, Fudge Nuggets said:

    Article says he was a RHP prospect but he decked her with his right hand. Dumbass.

    His baseball career had been over for 4 years when this happened. All it was at the time of this incident was his stronger pimp hand.

    • Fuck You 1
  3. 3 hours ago, F250 said:

    Swam needs to get a fucking ethos.

    He has one, it's (R)ism.

    Swam is the kind of person who if he had Swam4PennState would defend Joe Paterno until his very last breath. There is team and then there is everything else.

    • Like 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, RandomIdoit said:

    The only issue I have with this, is that an ID in Texas means that you can prove you are here legally. So it would not be given to every resident.

    lulz, there it is.

    Of course you're worried about illegals voting. I'm sorry I didn't instinctively assume you were one of those weirdos scared of a non-existent threat.

    You're right, the ID should be given to every legal resident.

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  5. 8 minutes ago, Goredho said:

    Our DOTUS...

    Kills net neutrality; Incredulous when the net does not remain neutral.

    Awesome. I hope a person with a lot of Twitter followers tweets that @ his account.

    "Are you saying you wish the Net was more...Neutral?"

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  6. Gets offered to sit and have a beer and discuss issues, still accuses someone he doesn't know of a falsehood. You're right...... that's a nazi tactic. My bad. 
    Claims Longhorns should be above name-calling, refers to others as using nazi tactics.

    Oh wait, the hypocrisy has already been well-established. Nothing new here.
    • Fuck You 1
  7. Sbc tried to get Ted Coppell. Give it a rest man. Your biased attempt to try and paint me as a Republican is just as echo chamberish as the aggys that tried to paint me an a radical leftist. Their echo chamber is no better than yours. Two warring tribes and it's always the people trapped in the middle that get forced or shamed into joining sides. You're junior high peer pressure tactics don't work on me. As I said to another poster, I'd gladly sit down with you and discuss the merits of any topic over a beer if you're ever in Gruene. 
    Btw-- calling people names shows a lack of respect for self and others. As a Longhorn, I would expect you to be above that. 
    No, I respect myself just fine. It's you who deserves none.

    You've also just committed another classic Republican fake centrist mistake. You think I'm a Democrat or leftist because I've pointed out your hypocrisy and lies. Unfortunately for you that's not the case.
    • Fuck You 1
  8. No, I did not suggest that at all.  I do not know what motivates Rand.  I speculated that his omission on rebuking Trump for meeting with Putin privately might be a play for political points with Trump (himself, not his supporters).  The Brennan stuff looks like opportunism to achieve a goal that he's been after for years.
    [mention=291]wildcat09[/mention] - I don't even know what I'm look at in your post.
    Right, he is trying to capitalize on that opportunity by appealing to Trump supporters when he should NOT be a Trump supporter himself. Even if we pretend for a moment that Trump is not beholden to Putin in any way, anyone with any knowledge of Trump would know that he's not meeting in private with him in order to achieve diplomatic success on behalf of the American people. He's doing it because he believes as the Executive he should be able to do anything he wants at any time. He is an authoritarian in every sense of the word.

    Rand Paul portrays himself as consistently principled and as a champion of liberty and opponent of executive power. If that's true then he should be a Trump hater himself. Yet he is using that term pejoratively against another to score political points for a single action he wants to take.

    That is absolutely spineless and the exact opposite of principled.
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  9. As we just discussed with respect to his father, cynical alliances are a terrible idea. Are you suggesting that he's merely acting like a Trump supporter so can get the support of Trump supporters? His dad's newsletters did the same kind of thing. I guess tree, fruit, all that.

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  10. 4 minutes ago, Clob94 said:

    Oh, my bad. I was unaware this was your personal proving ground of political and ideological beliefs. I've commented on a whopping 4-5 issues because they are simply at the top of the board. 

    You must have somehow missed the threads at the top of the board about

    Separation of families
    Trump's big government intervention in the market place via tariffs and handouts
    Privacy vs. Security where Republicans want to have full access to all information on all Americans
    Jim Jordan, Republican hopeful for Speaker who didn't think saying something about sexual assault was necessary
    The politically motivated arrest of Stormy Daniels

    It's truly a mystery how you only seem to miss the threads where the GOP is acting like big government goons. Bewildering, really.

    Oh wait, you found the thread about Sasha Baron Cohen's new show. I'm sure in there you pointed out all the horrific things the Republicans said. Let's go check.

    Oh no, sorry. You just complained about SBC and people trying to "get" other people. Somehow the biggest issue with Republicans saying horrific things on camera was the fact that society wants to see such things.

    You're a clown.

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  11. Yes, I'm aware of his justified attacks on Brennan in the past. The issue is with the timing of the ramp-up of his current crusade against Brennan. Is it merely because Paul actually didn't realize that former CIA directors maintain their security clearance? I find it hard to believe that a Senator who has staked his name on investigating the overreach of intelligence agencies didn't realize something like that.

    And now you see more of it. He describes Brennan as "Trump hater" instead of something that has anything to do with the reasons Paul claims are the actual basis for disliking him. He is appealing to Trump supporters, he has been a joke this week.

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  12. You are minimizing his failure to criticize Trump's meeting privately with only Putin and a Russian (nationality, not language) translator in the room. That is an absolutely huge deal and Paul's silence about it is a much bigger deal than you're portraying here.

    Also, what is your take on his attack on John Brennan's security clearance? Paul may have started this week thinking "diplomacy with enemies=good" but he very rapidly allowed it to morph into "defend Trump and attack his detractors" in a very public way.

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  13. I'm not sure that "I'm not racist but my movement acted racist to attract racists to our side" necessarily improves one's moral and ethical position over simply being racist. If your best defense against a charge of racism is that you're not racist but rather cynically appealed to racists with racism in order to increase your number of supporters, that raises a lot more questions about your principles than it answers.


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  14. 2 minutes ago, Gil Bang said:

    Friday nights? During football season?

    This is the exact avenue O'Rourke should use to respond to this proposed debate schedule.

    "My opponent Ted Cruz has proposed a debate schedule for Friday nights in the Fall. As a real Texan I understand why that's a bad idea."

    Again, I know it's probably not the best political move but I'd tie it into Cruz's refusal to defend his wife and father.

    "I don't let blowhards from New York City speak badly about my wife and father and I don't schedule important debates at a time that will force Texans to choose between watching us and watching their children."

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  15. I will answer my own previous question, though, he did say something about the tariffs and farmer welfare.

    I would say normally that tweeting isn't the way to communicate, but well...

    Although he should have tagged Trump.

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  16. I've found one statement he made, not any official release or anything like that.


    Republican Sen. Rand Paul released a statement that read, “I strongly support enforcing our immigration laws, securing our border, and protecting our country. At the same time, I oppose the government separating families.”

    Powerful stuff.

    edit - Beaten by seconds

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  17. A centrist who only finds time to offer specific criticisms of Democrat or "leftist" policy positions despite the fact that Republicans and the right are in control of Congress and the White House. One of those centrists.

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