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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Huckleberry

  1. 14 minutes ago, Clob94 said:

    So it's selfish to pay into something your entire adult life and to be told that one day you'll get something back? 


    Only to find out that you won't be getting something back and being pissed about it? 


    That's your idea of selfish? I'm selfish as fuck then. 

    He said the entire program is garbage if he doesn't get anything out of it. He didn't say anything about anyone else getting anything out of it. So if the program helps millions of his fellow Americans but not him then the program is garbage.

    Yes that's selfish as fuck and if you agree then you're selfish as fuck, too.

    Also, anyone intelligent who is under the age of 45 should have been planning for decades not to get a dime out of Social Security. That's not to say it's guaranteed we don't get anything, but if you've been planning on it then you're an idiot.

  2. 5 minutes ago, GRHorn said:

    Hey guys, I was out on vacation. Did I miss anything?  

    Everybody here still in a tizzy about Russia?   I guess we’re the exception here.


    “When Gallup recently asked Americans what the most important (non-economic) problem facing the country today is, the amount of people saying Russia was so low they couldn’t even attribute a number to it.

    Think about that. We’re being divided into two camps of increasingly insane and angry people because of hysteria surrounding an issue nobody even cares about. As usual, we can thank mass media for turning this topic into its singular obsession as well as promoting an environment of cultural insanity and stupidity.”

    That's a really insightful article from July 19th based on a poll taken in June. Fortunately nothing has happened related to Russia since June so it's a very valid conclusion.

  3. I am merely relaying what law Profs. Alan Dershowitz and Stephen Cohen said since some on this board don't understand what treason is. I am not trying to convince anyone. The fact is a fact.
    Yeah, we understand that you don't understand the difference between Constitutional Treason and the more general definition. Let us know when someone else tells you how to think.

  4. Beaty has no clue how to manage the roster, no clue on clock management. In his 4th year, he doesn’t know who his starting QB is yet, is hoping a transfer from Houston will be the starting center because he doesn’t have a backup for the starter who had to retire for medical reasons. My all time favorite is the defensive coordinator who is “ one of the brightest minds in the game” presided over the 129th best defense in the country. Plenty of gripes to go around

    This sounds like an alternate reality where Charlie Strong went to Kansas. It's actually kind of eerie.

    I'd still take Beaty as WR coach here.
  5. Just look at what France got. It appears we got short changed with Butina.  


    Her with Anna Chapman



    Let's be honest. The most damning indictment of the NRA and Republican Party is that Russia realized they only had to send Two Face Butina, the definition of B Team, to America so they could send the A Team elsewhere.


    • Like 3
  6. Im sure a gang of your  other snowflake buddies will be along shortly on this website and yall can all pound your chests and scrub each others nuts and all that stuff you all like to do on the internet.  Because it makes you feel tough or something.  You wouldnt talk to someone like this in person though because most likely they would thump your ass...

    Look at the little snowflake getting his feelings hurt. What a cute and pitiable little fella.
    • Fuck You 1
  7. 24 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:


    Not starting the derail on the previous subject, just dropping in to say that woman whose Tweet Hugo quoted and you piggybacked on is an idiot.

    "Stupid Bernie not mad on Twitter enough at Trump and is instead *adjusts glasses* angry at massive corporations abusing their workers? Like that matters!"

    Someone who said a smart thing later said a dumb thing. Film at 11.

    • Like 1
  8. It depends on what you define as a private meeting?   You dont think our politicians meet with Russian politicians unofficially outside what we see in the press?  Remember this one?
    "A hot microphone picked up President Obama telling Russian President Dmitri Medvedev he would have more flexibility to negotiate on issues like missile defense after the 2012 election"
    Yeah I remember that one. I also remember the pictures and video taken by, you know, other people in the room. Strange.
    • Like 2
  9. Correct, open borders to scared Republican voters means that literally zero oversight is performed, there is nobody positioned at any point of entry, and MS-13 murders the entire country in three weeks.

    The more open borders that I support involves what F250 talked about above. We should be encouraging as many good people to enter this nation as possible. We want smart and productive people moving to the USA and, this may come as a shock to lots of people, not all smart people are born in America.

  10. Just now, Incredulity said:

    but all Republicans are NAZI's.  That much is clear.  

    That's four consecutive posts where you are unable to even attempt to provide support for your claim. The only reasonable conclusion is that you're unable to provide support for it.

    Which is funny, because I know of someone who supports open borders. You just spew whatever bogeyman you were told to fear without even understanding it.

  11. Just now, Dertyberd said:

    The White House made a statement, but the President didn't.  I no longer believe what comes from the WH is actually speaking for the President.  I have to see it come out of his mouth before I know what he actually believes.  

    You sure that's going to clear it up for you?

    • Like 3
  12. 3 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    The movement that started in opposition to the New Deal.

    - no taxes raised to ensure social safety nets

    - no government debt to ensure social safety nets

    - little-to-no government regulation of industry (economic or environment regulations)

    I'd say that those are 3 things all flavors of "fiscal conservative" can agree on.


    I'm a fiscal conservative and I disagree with all three points. There is a spectrum to most things regardless of how much people want to put "the others" into tidy little boxes.

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