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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Huckleberry

  1. 10 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    Anything from -1 to +1 for the GOP is going to be remembered as "blowing a wide open, fast break layup" in history books considering the map.   They looked at this map right after Trump won and saw 10 "automatic" pickups from Democrats in Trump-won states and probably thought they had a chance as soon as Franken's seat opened up.

    Who would have been foolish enough to assume that, or that being against Trump would be a terrible handicap?


    The first two posts in that thread are illuminating. As is the change in tone once Trump started doing predicable Trump things.

    • Like 1
  2. You are missing the point. There were known and admitted trolls violating the rules of the board. Registered multiple usernames specifically to troll. Other posters were negging their posts so they could no longer post.

    You were trying to keep them alive because instead of thinking you just reflexively assumed that they were being negged for their political positions versus the reality that they were being negged for being trolls.

    • Like 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, udaydanceparty said:

    The sock problem takes care of itself if you just mute them.  I've said this repeatedly.  I've ignored the unhinged posters on here and it's made things much more pleasant.

    Uh, you obviously haven't ignored them considering you have to see their posts to rep them.

  4. Just now, udaydanceparty said:

    Okay Jessica Fletcher, so I guess next you are going to claim you think both are my socks. 

    We instituted the option of banning people based on rep and it's resulted in certain posters acting like kindergartners.

    People like brian fantana (and others) can unload 10+ negs a day on a single person and do it on a regular basis.  Not a peep from you because he's on your team.   In response, people on the other team, +rep those posters to prevent them from getting banned simply for having a different opinion.  And you seem to have a problem with that?

    Keep in mind that some posters on here know eachother IRL and are willing to "inoculate" those they believe are being cyber-bullied.  If that really bothers you, maybe you need to take a moment to self reflect why that is... 


    Maybe you should take a moment to self reflect on why you are trying to keep admitted trolls who registered four usernames on the same day specifically because they intended to troll alive.

  5. Replying to this here so as not to continue the derail over there:

    7 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    I asked this earlier and I guess it got lost: You say you've never voted for a Democrat nationally in your life; do you always vote third party/independent? Have you voted Republican?

    But aside from that, nowhere in my choices do I talk about either party, simply the larger political spheres. Will you deny your existence and participation in that sphere?

    Maybe not rely on obvious logical fallacies (appeal to authority, identity politics, etc...) and do some independent thinking that might lead you to self-reflection too painful for your astonishing, I-am-very-above-it-all ego?

    Also, I don't think "ex-spook" and "CNN analyst" is really the direction I'd want to go even if I wanted to rely lazily on appeals to authority.

    White conservatives playing the id-pol game is always a good laugh.

    I am going door-to-door across the nation, asking questions. If I find someone who says, "I might vote Dem and I've never done it before" I hit them in the face with a banana cream pie and tell them their mother is a whore. It's time consuming, but a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.

    Not "everyone", buddy, just you guys. Because we all have 20 billion posts we've all read and there's no point pretending that we're talking to some ideological tabula rasa.

    This is a funny post in the middle of Huck's effort-posts.

    I'm going to start a separate thread for this and Huck can go in there with one-liners and his brigade of puppies can yip at me threateningly there lol :D

    No, I don't participate in the Republican sphere in any way whatsoever and never have. I covered this elsewhere but I actually believe in small government, social liberties, and individual freedoms to the extent possible. But I also believe government regulation does have a role to play in society because protecting individual liberty and safety by limiting the negative impacts of selfishness and greed is one of its main roles. So basically I disagree 100% with the reality of the GOP (although they pay lip service to the small government portion of that they have never actually put that into action since I came of voting age). The only plank and effort of either main party with which I agree is Democratic efforts to preserve social liberties. In national level races I have historically either voted Libertarian or not voted. In State and local races I do occasionally vote Democrat, especially for judicial elections, because I oppose the "LOCK THEM ALL UP" stupidity that Republicans run on. National and State/local government have different roles, as they should. so the easiest way to sum up my voting patterns is generally Libertarian nationally/Democrat locally. Voting for Democrats locally doesn't worry me fiscally because they aren't going to affect fiscal policy in any meaningful way from those positions.

    Again, this has all been hashed and rehashed thousands of times on these boards, you just refuse to listen so you can keep your shtick going. It's also beyond humorous to the point of absurd for you to tell other people "Maybe not rely on obvious logical fallacies (appeal to authority, identity politics, etc...) and do some independent thinking that might lead you to self-reflection too painful for your astonishing, I-am-very-above-it-all ego?" considering you bashed everyone who didn't immediately believe the fanciful fiction in Sabrina Erdely's Rolling Stone story. Talk about blinding yourself to terrible logic because you thought you were above everyone else. Holy shit that was something.

    • Like 3
  6. 1 minute ago, Eastwood said:
    5 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:
    more or less "wound up" than the person(s) who brought it up again?

    He was just fucking with you, so you're right: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    To be clear, bad_teammate is correct that I think this is important. I'm not sure "wound up" is the proper description for either of us, but I think he and I can both agree that getting Donald Trump out of office and as many of his GOP enablers as possible at the same time is pretty fucking important.

    The disagreement is with respect to the strategy to get from here to there. He thinks being an asshole to everyone who might vote for Democrats in November 2018 and 2020 despite never having done so before is the right move. Most others don't.

    But there's no doubt this is important.

    • Like 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    This is literally how Internet trolls live: "lol ur madder than me b/c I said fewer words"

    I let it go earlier b/c it got repetitive. I'm fine with arguing about it or not arguing about it.

    Want to let it go, I'll let it go.

    Want to talk about it, I'll talk about it.


    I didn't say anything about how many words you used, that's basically irrelevant to me. The fact that all the words you use contain zero actual thought seems, to me, to be the more salient issue.

  8. 6 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    * make a shitty argument, keep making it, bring it up again after it's passed... *

    Huck, "You see, I'm not the mad one. I'm actually laughing."

    But you accept the rest? Good, that's progress.

    Literally not an option until 2020 at the earliest unless conservatives do the right thing. Which they won't.

    Why do you guys act like "dump Trump" is something that the Left needs any persuading about?

    No, I don't accept the rest. Partially because you're still lumping me in with Republicans because you're as hopelessly wound up in binary thinking as any moronic Republican on this site.

    I'm really still trying to figure out whether I should trust a former FBI special agent turned lawyer turned public policy lecturer at Yale who rose through the ranks from law clerk in Puerto Rico as an Indian-American woman. Or if, you know, I should trust bad_teammate's thoughts instead. It's quite the conundrum.

    • Like 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    Well I guess if you guys want to start this shit up again...

    What is "the right thing"?

    Choice 1: Oppose Donald Trump and work within your political spectrum, the spectrum that both birthed Donald Trump and feeds him today, to ensure his impeachment and removal, something that is literally only possible if you guys fix your own side? Cool, do that.

    Choice 2: Accept that "fiscal conservatism" has actually been the problem this entire time and is what led to Donald Trump and this Congress and that a fundamental breaking down of core beliefs is in order? Cool, do that.

    Choice 3: Run screaming, temporarily, from the house you filled with your own shit and demand not only entry into someone else's house, but praise for your grand courage in temporarily running from your own mess, all the while continuing to stuff your face with Taco Bell and laxatives? Nah, we're good over here.

    ("Oh man a CNN analyst said something... I'm really going to own b_t with this one!" lol)

    Your strings are very easy to pull. The funny thing is you absolutely knew you were being played and still couldn't help yourself. You're both predictable and weak.

    And, again, nobody has asked for praise for their grand courage. That is something you completely made up in your head.

    • Like 1
  10. 13 hours ago, JBJ said:


    I'm not trolling, not even close. Try to come up with a better excuse for not having a decent retort.

    The flag of the United States shall be thirteen horizontal stripes, alternate red and white; and the union of the flag shall be fifty stars, white in a blue field.

    Blue line flags are a desecration of the United States flag. The only reason it doesn't bother you is because you agree with the message. The only reason the one in Kansas bothers you is you disagree with the message. Your complete lack of self-awareness is disappointing even if it's not surprising.

  11. 11 minutes ago, Horn Dog said:

    Philip Bennett, 37, a machine repairman at Mid Continent, appeared close to tears as he talked about his 5-year-old daughter, Aubree, who has a congenital heart condition that has required multiple surgeries. He has health insurance through Mid Continent that covers her.

    “There’s a lot of good things that he is doing. But he’s affecting me now, and I don’t appreciate it,” Bennett, a Trump supporter, said of the president.

    Ah, the selfishness of the American voter laid bare for all to see. Now that it's affecting him he doesn't really appreciate it anymore.

    • Like 4
  12. 10 minutes ago, Trent Whaley said:

    I’m just making sure you all are consistent because there was/ is people that were calling for Charlie’s job and Shaka Smart’s job after two seasons. So when the football team is mediocre again this year I expect the same. 

    We will be 100% consistent, I guarantee it. If Tom Herman leads us to his second straight losing season this year then every single surly poster will publicly call for his firing.

  13. Not sure if that is a rebuttal or simply stating a fact, but yes I totally agree Kansas was the worst of the two, and not even close.  With more research Rice had a winning record in conference play that year. 
    I completely understand how it can be confusing when someone supports your post instead of arguing against it on here. Ha.
    • Haha 1
  14. Yes, when I think of Ted Cruz I think tough.

    What Tough Texas Man wouldn't allow another man to talk shit about his wife and his father and then never say or do anything about it? Isn't that what makes a Texan a Texan, letting other men talk shit about your wife and father?

    • Like 2
  15. Sort of their Give us sovereignty or give us death! moment. Obviously Trump has that kind of spine.

    It's so funny seeing the same people who started the whole "beta cuck" namecalling trend defending the Beta-Cuck-in-Chief all the time.

  16. Just now, American Swindle said:

    Ah yes, I did, then I discovered Ron Paul and Liberty....there you go. You got me bro!

    Uh, I didn't consider reminding you of your own words a gotcha, but I suppose if it's hard for you to keep things straight it might be. In which case you're welcome.

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