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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Huckleberry

  1. 1 minute ago, retread said:

    I find the policy tak interesting although I'm not as well-informed as many in here. You'd have to wonder how many voters actually think about the wonky details (to them at least) in the last 10 pages. I mean, Trump got elected repeating "The Wall will be so beautiful." That 35-40% is gone and not reachable. I wonder how many of the remaining voters are reachable with specific, D or R policy planks?

    They're not reachable but you can keep a number of them home and away from the polls by peppering them with reminders "It's been two years. Trump has been President and the Republicans have been in control of Congress. There is no progress on our wall! DON'T SUPPORT THESE LIARS AND UNAMERICAN CHARLATANS!"

    Political ad paid for by Americans For The Wall

  2. Would you two idiots cut it out? slorch and I are trying to be the stupid argument between two people on this thread. Get your own thread.

    Also, slorch:

    4 hours ago, Huckleberry said:

    Point out my liberal posts. Alternatively, simply explain what you think are my liberal ideas.


  3. 6 minutes ago, American Swindle said:

    Don't try and highlight the hypocrisy of the left's outrage, it'll likely result in you being tracked down, slandered, and violently assaulted.  

    Well you voted for Obama and I didn't, so who's the leftist now?

  4. i have to pay it back but nothing changes.  i'm having trouble with that.

    Are you being serious right now? You think paying for it is somehow worse if you pay for it later rather than sooner?


    I'm not trying to be a dick (it just comes naturally) but it's starting to seem like you think it's a problem if it's more likely you're going to have to pay for it instead of your mom and dad.

  5. Is it possible they interfered?  Yes. Do i 100% believe the IC's partisan witchhunt and their conclusions? Nope.  

    Explain why dozens of Republicans have unequivocally stated on the record that it's true if it's a partisan witchhunt.


  6. You are assuming that those things are happening, i'm not sure they are and they seem a little alarmist in my opinion.  
    It's not assuming. He is basing his beliefs on multiple United States agencies, elected Democrat politicians, elected Republican politicians, fellow Americans on the grand jury, and others with access to the information obtained by the investigation. All of these people agree that it happened and is still happening. Only one person does not. But sometimes he does. Then changes his mind. After correcting his misstatement.
  7. Newsflash to Malik, DeShon, Connor, Holton, and Warren: it's not badmouthing if Herman, Orlando, McKnight or any other member of the staff tells the NFL that you weren't ready mentally or physically for the NFL. You weren't. There wasn't a single one of them that couldn't have helped himself with another season. 
    Dicko is the exception and I'd bet "behind closed doors" the Texas staff didn't "talk shit" about them. 
    This is important. Herman owes it to future Texas draft prospects not to oversell current draft prospects.
    • Like 2
  8. truth is, my family mostly paid that cost.  i'm talking about if i owed some entity as being disgusted.
    Your point doesn't make sense. That degree was paid for. So in my proposed system absolutely nothing changes in your scenario. You get an English degree, you don't use it, and the taxpayers end up not paying for it because you have to reimburse them. You end up in the exact same spot.

  9. that's really kind of funny.  my degree was in english but i didn't pursue that field like i expected to.  i gravitated over time into design work in aerospace where i helped design a good many different airplanes, several times helped update our space suits, and participated in the aborted design of one stupid trash truck.  i sure would hate to have to repay the cost of getting that english degree because i didn't stay in that field.

    You did pay the cost of getting that degree.
  10. You laugh.  I bet that we could come up with some scam to protect the olds against "MS-13 comin' to git ya" and make a fortune.
    Shit, we oughta just sell MS-13 insurance.  If anyone in your household is attacked by an MS-13 member, we cover all your expenses.*
    * This offer not available if you're Central American, and thus a member of the only group of people who actually has something to fear from MS-13.
    I'm not kidding when I say this is a good idea. I absolutely believe you could sell MS-13 insurance to millions of idiots right now.

    "For just $19.95 per month we cover all funeral expenses for any immediate family member killed by MS-13."
  11. Just listened to rob manfred on mlb network talking to the guys, and he basically just said the next change is going to be “the game returning to the game we grew up watching with more balls in play”. The follow up question was, “so no more shifts?” And he said it’s something we’re gonna have to talk about. 
    Shifts being outlawed are right up there with universal DH. It’s just a matter of time. I don’t love it, but i don’t hate it either. But this rule doesn’t get changed if guys like Bryce Harper could beat the shift more frequently. That’s what makes it kind of funny to me
    If they want more balls in play then simultaneously deaden the ball while lowering the seams.
  12. It took me 5 minutes of reading and watching video to know everything I need to know about the Democratic candidate for the 14th Congressional District of New York. I live in the 10th Congressional District of Texas.

    You should probably consider that the reason you are reading so much about her is because media depends on rubes like you who think that she is going to have some sort of impact on your life.

    • Like 1
  13. No, I think she probably doesn't.

    Was that supposed to be a gotcha moment or something?

    And I never said your repeated posts on Ocasio-Cortez are irrelevant to the thread. I just find your focus on her humorous when neither you nor anyone in your audience will help determine whether or not she's elected.

  14. And then not delete them once they see other people being taken down because of old tweets. I think that part is actually really relevant. It was such a normal behavior for him that it didn't even click in his mind that he should go back and delete those when he heard about the other cases.

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