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Posts posted by Huckleberry

  1. 23 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Like Biff, I'm a little disappointed by the indictment.  It's great that it lays bare a Russian conspiracy to affect the election, but it's a total bummer that this particular indictment will go exactly nowhere.

    Did you miss the part where the indictment details communication and cooperation between the Russians and someone close to Trump as well as a Congressional candidate? Or do you just think that they're done with those strings and won't be unraveling them any further? You're the one with experience in the legal system, explain to me why those mean nothing and will go nowhere.

  2. 1 minute ago, Incredulity said:

    Propose a solution then.  

    Anything proposed by anyone even perceived to be a conservative will be followed with the above sanctimonious crap.


    Indicting "Guccifer" is window dressing at best.  Does nothing to fix the problem. 


    Well I'm a conservative and I know that voter ID laws will do absolutely nothing to help with this issue. The keys to not being followed with sanctimonious crap when proposing a solution as a conservative are:

    1. Actually be a conservative, not a mindless (R)bot.
    2. Propose a solution that has anything to do with the problem.
    3. Propose a solution that isn't mind-numbingly stupid and easily shown to be pointless.

    For example, one solution to our voter databases being hacked by foreign operatives is to indict the foreign operatives and then indict and convict any domestic co-conspirators. What is not a solution is saying that the first step in that process is window dressing at best. Such a statement merely reveals one's own prejudices and unwillingness to address the problem.

    • Like 8
  3. 1 hour ago, Biff Tannen said:

    All of Congress should be removed from office and not allowed to run again.  All seats are up for grabs in November.  God dammit.


    1 minute ago, maninblack said:

    Can we add a prison sentence as well?

    It's nice in theory but I'm pretty sure both of you are aware enough to realize that the American public would simply elect every sitting member's spouse or son or brother or daughter or sister. We're not smart.

  4. Just now, Incredulity said:

    so would requiring individuals present valid government ID at a physical polling place solve this?

    No, genius, because one thing you can do when you've hacked into a voter roll database is remove people from that database. You know, like people who match a profile that says they're very likely to vote for the person you don't want to win.

  5. 17 minutes ago, Celery Man said:

    it's all good, but a bit after 2:30 is where he starts rattling off GOP insults for Trump

    This is what the Democrats will do if they want to win seats. Call out and broadcast all the insults that GOP candidates hurled at Trump in national advertisements. Then call out those same GOP cowards for lacking the spine to stand up to Trump now.

    Well I don't know about winning seats, but I'd be entertained.

    • Like 5
  6. The baby balloon is funny in a British sense, meaning that it's typical British dissent. I get that. But I'm still not sure why "LOCK HIM UP!" chants at Trump-related activities aren't a thing. That seems like the American way to jab at him I guess.

  7. I agree I haven't researched anything, but that's mostly because I don't consider reading news stories on current events to be research.

    I'm well aware of what's gone on with this story. I was merely commenting on your repeated tendency to interpret everything as rosily as possible for one side and as nefariously as possible for the other. It's actually humorous to watch in action so don't think I'm upset about it. It's entertaining.

  8. 4 minutes ago, sheeeit said:

    I can agree he should have released a better statement but releasing your statement would have ruined him by people just like you.  By saying "wish I had done more" admits that he knew there was an issue worth doing something about.

    He probably just should have said " while i personally was never made aware of abuse by the Dr. it appears that there were issues and i welcome an investigation into the matter and I will cooperate in any way I can".  However, I think only an extremely naive person would think that would actually end it.  As soon as there was a whiff of sexual abuse and Jordan's name then it was out of control.

    Can you think of any other reason why he wouldn't say he welcomes an investigation in his statement? Any other reason at all? Let's brainstorm together.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  9. Wait, does that mean the other two who were arrested are going to have to deal with the charges still? Or are they also not regulars?

    If this stunt metaphorically screws the other two then that would suck.

  10. 2 minutes ago, retread said:


    Okay, she's a terrible lawmaker and far from the brightest bulb in the box, but that was funny. I wonder who wrote it for her.

    • Like 1
    • Fuck You 1
  11. Oh, I completely understand. People are selfish creatures. You will whine about how tough your job is and how you need more resources but will then wonder why we're "wasting" so many resources elsewhere. It's human nature, everyone does it including me. The important thing to do is to admit it.

    • Like 3
  12. 3 minutes ago, South Austin said:

    Charges against Stormy Daniels dismissed

    If you rub the clit, you must acquit.

    In a probable cause affidavit obtained by CNN affiliate WSYX, detectives who were at the Sirens Gentlemen's Club said they observed Daniels remove her top and force patrons' faces into her chest.

    "The officers also observed Ms. Clifford fondling the breasts of female patrons," Franklin County Municipal Court records show.

    When officers witnessed those activities, three detectives approached the stage. Daniels allegedly made her way toward two detectives, leaned over and grabbed their faces. She shoved each of their faces between her breasts, court documents said.

    She fondled a third officer's buttocks and breasts, according to the documents, and then forced the officer's head between her breasts and smacked the officer's face with her breasts.

    So they witnessed the illegal activities and then got in on the action instead of immediately announcing themselves and making the arrest. I'm pretty sure that answers the questions above regarding who would want to see or participate in those kind of activities with Stormy Daniels. Apparently Columbus police officers, that's who.

  13. Just now, Sgt Hulk said:


    Yes. Your example says that you have 40 men who are now getting the job done but that you want 100 men to do the same job. What that means is that the 100 man level of staffing was government bloat and waste. You don't agree with that opinion because it's your ass on the line.

    But if the EPA had a 100 person office with a workload that 40 people could get done then you would want to know why tax dollars are being wasted on 60 extra heads and wouldn't care one lick about the stress that the 40 EPA employees would be under. And you'd be right to question that.

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