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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Huckleberry

  1. 1 minute ago, Sgt Hulk said:

    Now we do more with less having leave cancelled because our 100 man shop is now 40 man shop still doing requirements of a 110 man shop.  But again I’m just a stupid military guy 

    In the private sector what this says is that you should have never had a 100 man shop if 40 men can do the job. But for some reason that "IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR" logic never gets applied by the right to the military, only to other government agencies like the EPA, Education, etc.

  2. 1 minute ago, Anastasis said:

    And we would still have a multiple on spending dollar for dollar relative to China at #2. Wonder if there is anything cool we could do with an extra quarter trillion annually. 

    According to Kevin Morgan's lawyer we could be 720,000 shaggytexas websites.

  3. It's fairly ridiculous that so many "conservatives" think the response to that graphic should be the other countries coming up to meet our line instead of us moving down to meet theirs.

    • Like 6
  4. Good job, Gary Johnson voters. Defend this one.
    Why would I defend this? I told everyone who would listen that Trump was a terrible human being.

    Oh, you meant those Gary Johnson voters.
    • Like 1

  5. We don’t know the intriacacies of what was discussed or how far they got before the latest setback.  I think any further dialogue after the summit and the summit itself serve as stepping stones as we go along.  That’s how it works. When everyone circles back around, topics have already been broached, progress already made.  In the interim, screws will be tightened.

    "I have no idea what happened but it was definitely good! And now more good things are bound to happen! You guys don't understand how things work."
    • Like 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, GRHorn said:

    I count the North Korea as a positive since the ball is already advanced farther than I think it would’ve been. So that makes it four out of five.  80%. Cmon you’re the numbers guy.  And I’m sure there’s more, maybe I’ll come back later if I can. 

    Your first two are both one thing (judicial appointments).

    And North Korea mocked the United States regarding disarmament in the last 24 hours. That ball hasn't moved an inch, you're just hoping again.

  7. 8 minutes ago, GRHorn said:

    He’s appointed two qualified, appropriate Supreme Court justices.  

    He has also appointed several other conservative justices throughout the system that have pleased conservatives that I follow, not just Trumpists.  

    I believe his emphasis on deregulation has helped spur the economy on in the face of our first interest rate hiking cycle in over a decade.

    For now talks look to have slowed with North Korea but with this administration anything can happen and anything fruitful that comes from this would not have come from Hillary.

    And, looking into the future, I think his Justice Department will end up looking the other way on marijuana if not outright endorsing it, due to political reasons.  That’s in contrast to his natural inclination to lock up the dopers. 

    I like how half of your list is things that haven't happened but that you think might possibly happen you hope.

  8. Now that I have no rooting interests left my mind goes back to World Cups the USA was in. And after another decade-and-a-half of following these things I realize that I didn't appreciate our 2002 performance enough. And I also don't hate Torsten Frings or Hugh Dallas enough. I will redouble my efforts on both accounts.

    Fuck Torsten Frings.

    Fuck Hugh Dallas.

    • Like 1
  9. What Sterling is doing so far in this match should be part of the strategy for the USA. Absurd athletes threatening the defensive line immediately upon possession changing. Croatia's back line can't even think about getting involved in their attack right now because of the threat of Sterling's speed. It's not like anyone is scared of Sterling's finishing skills.

    Yeah, yeah, most people think soccer is more beautiful with one-twos and intricate passing and possession. Well our national identity is athleticism, we should play to it.

    • Like 3
  10. 19 minutes ago, RandomIdoit said:

    Why is citizenship of any country sacrosanct? Our ancestors fought wars so that we could be our own country. Should we not be able to say who is worthy of citizenship or not if they were not born to people who are citizens? 

    Of course, but that shouldn't mean that they are automatically US citizens in my opinion. Make sure they are well taken care of, but then send them back with their parents if they are not granted asylum.


    I have ancestors who fought for the United States in wars after jus soli became the law of the land. So do millions of other Americans. You understand that means that they fought for a nation where people who are born here are citizens, right?

    And why are you only wanting to get rid of jus soli? Hell, I think we should get rid of jus sanguinis as well. We should require citizenship tests of every single American. If you don't pass then you lose your citizenship. If you can't claim citizenship in any other nation then you are forcibly relocated to Oklahoma, which under my plan would be a penal colony.

  11. 9 minutes ago, satyanash said:

    Federer's just making too many UEs to put Anderson away. Sooner or later, his serve is going to crack...

    Yep, don't watch much tennis anymore, but the inconsistency from Federer is what you'd expect to start creeping out every once in a while as an athlete gets "old" and is in a 4 hour match.

  12. 1 minute ago, Newdoc said:

    Civil discourse has taken a back seat. You can blame it on the oompa loompa but this has been festering for a decade.  Both sides are steeped in the behavior now but you can pick examples for your team.  Yea Tribalism!

    So you're saying it's been festering roughly since the black man was elected President?

    • Like 3
  13. 2 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    Are there people who truly feel that socialism is a good path for the US? What is the incentive to work? If people don't have incentive to work, doesn't society collapse? Who bakes the bread? Who harvests crops? Wouldn't the smartest, most productive, and most creative people stop working if they could not receive proper incentive for their work? Even if you did receive proper incentive, you wouldn't be able to get anyone else to provide you any services so what's the point?

    And as I’ve pointed out previously, socialist countries have flatter tax structures.  So the poors and middle class taxes will be going up a lot more than mine.  

    I don’t oppose socialism so much for the impact on me, I oppose it because it will devastate our economy. 

    Socialism is a terrible path for any country.

    But socialism is what crony capitalism becomes once enough of the population is fed up. What do you think the odds are that either of the two major parties we have rolls back crony capitalism? Here's a hint that you won't get from your Facebook feed: Democrats aren't actually for socialism. They feed the crony capitalism beast just like the GOP.

    When the pendulum swings toward socialism you will have only you and your ilk to blame.

    • Like 1
  14. 18 minutes ago, slorch said:

    Hardly a dogpile in this joint, but let’s overreact. Such is the playcall of the left these days.


    Not that jimmyjazz did...but holy fuck, people be ganging up on lefties...


    I know what he negs and comments on.  So does he.


    Grow a sack or STFU. Don’t pull punches and then play coy.  That is bitchassery. 

    You again completely fail to address the point. It's pitiful. Everyone can see that it's not because you won't but rather that you can't back up your claims about him. And the best part is that you just called yourself a bitchass. You pulled a punch and now you're playing coy instead of admitting that you can't back it up.

    You're also another moron to add to the list who assumes I'm on the left because I disagree with you, even though we just finished a discussion about that silliness. Awesome.

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