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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Huckleberry

  1. 2 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    What unaligned democracy have we ever toppled?  (excluding democracies that elected communists)

    There is some truth to the rest except when it comes to Europe. 

    If NATO or the EU is broken up it will be a bloodbath. 

    Seriously, dude? Do you think that maybe, just maybe, democracies that elected communists are, you know, unaligned democracies?

  2. 42 minutes ago, zork said:

    I don't disagree with anything you said.  Reasonable.  

    I can see with the type of guy Trump is and has been labeled(fairly and not) that maybe Kennedy would think it actually prudent to meet the man before deciding if he could retire when he wanted.  That the alleged impropriety was actually a sane and reasonable act given the circumstances.(not mentioning any cases that were going on with just the need for Kennedy to meet the man in person who would pick his successor)  

    What do you think @Huckleberry?  What is your opinion on this topic?(separate from any personal comments)


    edit:BTW this came out while I was typing which makes it moot, to a certain extent:


    I can't divorce my opinion on this topic from personal comments when being asked by you in this manner. I mean Jesus H. Christ on a cracker just look at this post I quoted.

    Paraphrasing of zork's arguments for multiple posts: "Here are a million reasons why NBC's story shouldn't be believed. And even if it's true, it's not a big deal."

    5 minutes later: "Oh look, here's a blogger's tweet. Case closed. Because obviously this one makes everything moot because I believe it because it's what I want to believe."

    Also, give me some labels Trump has had unfairly applied. The dude is a megalomaniacal narcissist who was born into money and then held on to it by shortpaying vendors and playing the corruption game in New York City. Was someone unfairly mean to him? That would suck.

    • Like 2
  3. 4 minutes ago, formermav43 said:

    Well...sort of.

    Most who came for “religious freedom” actually meant “setting up our church as the established church.” They weren’t actually for religious freedom in principle, with the exception of Rhode Island.

    Yep. At least 8 of the 13 colonies had official State Churches. Rhode Island was founded because there was not religious freedom in the colonies.

  4. That woman was too nice. I understand wanting to be civil and take the high road for the camera, but the moron should have been told he's a moron. She didn't stick to the Puerto Rico explanation long enough.

    "Puerto Ricans are United States citizens. It is a territory of the United States."

    *allow some foolish blathering for a moment*

    "Yes, Puerto Ricans are United States citizens. Perhaps you should do some reading. It's a good thing periodical citizenship tests aren't required to maintain citizenship or you'd need a green card."

  5. 14 hours ago, LongestHorn said:

    If you know anyone who claims to have been a SEAL, send Don Shipley an email, and he will confirm it with their name.  Or ask the what SEAL class they were in.  If they answer with a year, they're FOS.  Don Shipley is easy to find.  He and his wife have a youtube business exposing Stolen Valor.

    If you know anyone who claims to have been US Special Forces, contact the admin at www.professionalsoldiers.com, and he'll know.


    My wife went to elementary and middle school with a guy who went into the Navy. Long story short, a game of telephone later my wife mentions offhand that he's a SEAL. I didn't know the guy well, but from what I knew of him there was no way he was a SEAL. Just based on personality, etc. She asked me why I would say that and I just said he's a great guy but I don't think he's a SEAL. She sets off to prove me wrong.

    To my wife's credit she told me I was right when word finally filtered back. He was in some sort of support role for the SEALs but his exact quote was "Oh hell no, those guys are a different breed." Basically he was talking to his mom about what he did, she talked to my wife's mom, who talked to my wife, and somewhere in that process he turned into a SEAL. Anyway, I'm not enough of a military guy to remember exactly what he said he did, but long story short I was right and my wife almost said "you were right, I was wrong" but stopped halfway through. If she'd actually said the whole thing then this story would have been way less believable then all those stolen valor tales.

    • Like 1
  6. I actually thought one of the weaknesses of the movie was the nonstop barrage of comedic relief moments. They know that those moments have been perhaps the biggest reason for the MCU's success so I guess they thought "let's just throw one in every 30 seconds because more is always better!"

  7. So on this thread Longhorn94 is pointing out that Lake Travis player is exceptionally polished as a player but lacks elite athleticism to improve much more in college so may not have the ceiling as a college performer that another more athletic prospect and less developed prospect has.

    Then Fud comes in and starts arguing with him about it.

    What the fuck is going on?

    • Like 4
  8. 17 hours ago, ChiTownDoc said:

    Nothing really wrong with this.  But not just merit based, we still need to take those seeking asylum - cap it if you like (not sure how?), and really vet out true asylum seekers vs those just looking to cut the line.  And Mexico really isn't doing that poorly...many of the issues come from south of their border.  By purchasing power parity Mexico has the 11th best economy in the world.  So that's not an issue.  If  you want to talk about crime/cartels, I hear you. 

    Did you miss the national biometric ID part? Fuck that.

  9. 4 hours ago, Goo Punch said:

    i post mostly on the basketball board, and to a lesser extent baseball, OS, and Varsity. That's pretty much it. Not very many posts get rep of any kind on those forums. Then i go to the football board, or i accidentally click on a cloak room thread and every other post has 3, 5, 7 rep points. lot of circle jerking going on in those forums. 

    I have been saying for years that there should not be any rep allowed in the political forum, whatever it's name at the time is. Single easiest improvement to the forum.

    The potential downside being that politics only (or mainly) posters would then invade other boards to get rep, but I don't think that would last.

    • Like 1

  10. 5. While I couldn’t suggest a better methodology, the entire paper is an assumption that names played the determine role for success or failure. Unless there was a follow-up on why resumes/applications were accepted/rejected, which isn’t mentioned in the paper, it’s merely speculation. That’s not to say that the names did not play a role in any of the determinations, however. But the conclusions are based on conjecture.


    "Would you say that racism is why you called the white sounding name applicant and not the black sounding name applicant?"

    "No, definitely not."

    "Okay, I'll mark you down as not racist!"

    "Thanks Mr. Spankytoes!"

    Gee, you definitely don't seem like you're looking for any possible way to claim it's not racism. Definitely being objective and not dumb.

  11. I am no bigger fool than you and the overwhelming number of posters that post liberal crap. Maybe you need to look in the mirror. 
    I recognize the crap that my party does. Maybe you  and your ilk should do the same.

    I don't post liberal crap. I'm not a liberal. I don't usually vote Democrat. Again, you're a fool who can't understand simple statements because they conflict with your team mentality.

    "He's not a Republican, he must be libtard. Durr."
    • Like 1
  12. I won't have a stroke as long as your side continues to support your idiot candidates. Hillary made voting easy.
    Yet again you prove your idiocy by assuming that anyone who recognizes the completely pathetic nature of the GOP must vote for Democrats.

    You are so blinded by your belief that team is all that matters when it comes to politics and elections that you can't help but try to put people in one of two buckets. You are a fool.
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