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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Huckleberry

  1. We feel the same way about liberals. I mean, look at who you support.
    It cuts both ways. One day you will understand that. Both sides are cesspools.
    Imagine never voting for anyone like that.

    Wait, don't do that. You'll have a stroke when you try to figure out how not to vote for your team.
  2. 7 minutes ago, Fudge Nuggets said:

    They had a slightly different angle that showed his cleats hitting the shin while the ball was still a foot or so inbounds.  By the time his leg contacted the Brazil player, yes the ball was out.

    Yeah, Kompany kicked Jesus's right shin when the ball was well in bounds, but at the same time it was never going to have an impact on the outcome because the ball was headed straight out no matter what at that point. I could see it going either way.

  3. 2 hours ago, DaggerHorns said:

    It was great last season. We ran a qb draw rather than Warren to ensure we didn’t advance the ball vs USC.

    It also worked well in the title game vs bama when Colt got a quick exit.

    If we ran it vs sand aggy last year we would’ve fucking won but we called a pass play on third down in attempt to give them more time to score. It worked great for them!

    That wasn't a draw play. Also, f you for bringing it up.

    • Like 5
    • Haha 1
  4. 2 hours ago, EMAWesome said:

    Trump support is going to be under reported in the polls.  This politics board is a microcosm of the country.  Trump supporters get tired of having their balls busted and listening to political lectures from the anti-Trumpers.  Not tired enough to stop supporting him but tired enough to not tell anyone that might lecture them that they are supporting him.  A lot of Trump supporters are going to tell pollsters they aren't supporting Trump when they really are.  They just want some peace and quiet in their political lives.

    My Facebook feed says you're nuts.

    • Like 1
  5. Doesn't really bother me that much, more like a minor irritant, but the incorrect description of "unanswered points" or, as in this case, "unanswered runs" in sports commentary.

    The final score was 14-12. The Marlins answered the 14 runs, they just didn't retake the lead. The Nationals scored 14 consecutive runs, not 14 unanswered runs.



    After trailing the Marlins 9-0 in the fourth inning, the Nationals rallied for six unanswered runs before Turner came up with the bases loaded in the sixth.

    Turner yanked a grand slam just over the leftfield wall as Nationals Park erupted. 

    After Turner returned to the dugout, he popped back out for a curtain call, lifting his helmet into the air to acknowledge the crowd. 

    In all, the Nationals scored 14 unanswered runs after trailing 9-0.

    The last team that won a game after trailing by nine or more runs was the Mariners, who beat the Padres 16-13 in 2016, according to ESPN Stats and Info.


  6. You're wrong and you know it. That has nothing to do with it. The only thing that matters is if you have a R or D after your name.
    Yes, I covered that with the clear implication that those without morals, principles, or a spine may make their decision based on that.
  7. I have heard these statements a lot in every election year since ‘02. I’m not doubting you individually, but there’s a lot of bombast in this thread. 
    Having said that, I would concur that the Rs appear to be fucked nationwide and maybe even Cruz, which would be a huge statement. 
    I've voted for plenty of Democrats over the years, but only in state and local races (particularly judges as I reflexively vote against I'LL LOCK 'EM ALL UP candidates). If O'Rourke stays close to Cruz then that will be my first vote for a Democrat in a national race that I can recall.
  8. 58 minutes ago, zork said:

    I am not fully informed on the story beyond the basic internet reporting of course.  We'll see how it comes out.  

    No you're not, but that didn't stop you from assuming one version of events and running with it. Sort of like in a thread about an absurdly corrupt Trump admin official you jumped in only to make a comment about how hotel mattresses are awesome.

    Your fealty is impressive.

  9. 8 minutes ago, Lucid said:

    When the label is a religion, yes. Most all religions reject relativism. You accept the teachings and traditions or you reject them. Accepting some parts and rejecting other parts is how you wind up with 10,000 protestant denominations

    What's the percentage of religious people who believe divorce should be legal? Why are you not complaining about that?

  10. 10 minutes ago, Annie said:

    What if the state level Democrat is anti-liberty?

    What does that have to do with his list? On every single item on his list where State laws would matter he holds the Democrat position. #2 - pragmatically not opposed to abortion, if Roe v. Wade is overturned then it abortion will be illegal in Texas but he doesn't actually care that strongly either way. #3 he doesn't give enough info. #6 is the Democrat position at the State level. #7 is the Democrat position at the State level.

  11. 2 hours ago, Hate said:

    Well, here is what I stand for and you tell me how I should vote:

    1.  I'm against open borders, but I do support legal immigration.  I did not agree with the "Syrian airlift" that Obama started and that Clinton wanted to double.  

    2.  I wouldn't say I support abortion as I think the idea is abhorrent, but I realize that as a society we are probably better off without thousands of unwanted and unsupported kids.

    3.  I support "Republican" platforms as far as the economy goes.  I'm not one of those that pretends that Republicans care about the debt more than the Democrats, because neither has shown that they do.  

    4.  I didn't agree with the Iran deal or the Paris Climate change deal. 

    5.  I didn't agree with the ACA being shoved down our throats.  

    6.  I support gay marriage.

    7.  I support legal and the decriminalization of other drugs.  I would commute marijuana sentences and turn those empty prison beds into treatment centers.


    These are just a few off the top of my head.  

    You should vote Libertarian in national races and Democrat in state races.

    Nothing about this list says you should vote straight Republican.

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