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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Huckleberry

  1. Yep, just read that. Honestly I give a lot of credit to James for signing up for a complete change in team construction and strategy late in his career. He saw that something needs to change in the way his teams play, Johnson pitched him on a new approach, and he took the leap. Yeah, obviously the fact it's the Lakers had a lot to do with it, but he could have easily insisted that the Lakers build a team the same way the Cavs had.

  2. 2 hours ago, GRHorn said:

    I thought that was the whole reason that Putin wanted Trump?  Clinton seemed to want to take a hard line on Syria and thus Russia. 

    No, again, you have to be able to follow along at greater than first grade level. Russia doesn't give a shit who is in charge of the United States if they can sow discord and weaken the USA's standing globally. Trump offered an avenue to that end due to the nature of his support.

    You truly are at a level way below what you believe yourself to be. Someone earlier mentioned Dunning-Kruger with respect to your posting history and it's quite appropriate.

  3. Actually, the United States should embrace a more direct style of play specifically because we don't have our best athletes living life with a ball at their feet the entire time. We need to embrace our national profile and use speed and strength, raw athleticism, in the most effective way possible. We will never have the most skilled players in the world with the ball at their feet. There is a chance, though, that we could have the most athletic soccer team in the world if we focused on that.

  4. 16 hours ago, GRHorn said:

    Oh I understand the end game, better than most here.

    China is not ready to assume the mantle and it fits both their political model and their temperament to wait us out.  Wait for our debt and political instability to create the real opening, all while milking the current trade arrangements and continuing to steal intellectual property from our corporations for years til it’s time.  

    Trump’s actions and threats are pressing the issue before China is ready.   Their economy is more fragile than meets the eye.  Their leverage makes our look modest.  They magically hit 7% GDP every quarter. They need things to keep chugging along without major hiccups for a while.  Trump is challenging that.  Thus, they would like him out.  It will hurt segments of our economy, but at least Trump sees the threat.  It’s wayyy the fuck bigger than Russia or Putin that the numbnuts here get all worked up about. 

    But maybe you’re right.  Maybe I have no idea what I’m talking about.  

    Sure. And similarly, Putin was scared of Hillary Clinton by your logic.


    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, GRHorn said:

    Hmm, interesting. 

    How much do you think they wanna weaken an economy they’re so reliant on?  This isn’t Iran or something. Seems somewhat counterproductive.  That’s not a good reason.  

    You’re right they sure have turned up their discord sowing operations recently.  Like way more than under any other President. Almost like it’s become a priority.  Why is that?

    I’m gonna put you down for D. 

    You can put me down for D but that's just because you have no idea what you're talking about. If it makes you feel better, though, then by all means go ahead.

    And you may think it seems counterproductive but that's because you don't understand the end game. The United States has dominated the world scene for nearly a century. There are cracks showing so China is working to widen those cracks so they can step into that role. But sure, they're scared of Trump. That would be funny if it wasn't so frightening that there are idiots out there that actually believe that kind of stupidity.

    • Like 4
  6. 11 minutes ago, GRHorn said:

    If China feels the need to respond to Trump’s tariffs by hurting Trump politically does that tell you that

    a) they’re effective

    b) they’re scared

    c) they would like someone other than Trump as President

    d) all of the above  



    e) They don't give a fuck who's POTUS as long as they can sow discord and weaken the United States' economy at the same time and still have cover because of the idiotic things that the POTUS is doing

  7. Just now, Jive Turkey said:

    I just went back and rewatched it.  Maguire pulled his foot back so he wouldn't get kicked with Colombian spikes.  So he naturally fell.  He wasn't diving to draw a card.  That's why he didn't writhe around in pain and didn't ask for a card on the Colombian.  He waived at Geiger to let him know it wasn't simulation and kept playing on.

    Get a fucking clue.

    Yep. Maguire put his hands down to stop his fall and get back up as soon as possible. Soccer players don't dive like that, absurd to call it a dive.

  8. 5 minutes ago, C-Man said:

    I'm confused. I'm talking about free agent signings, not trades. I don't really care about the Cousins thing anyway. IMO, the Pelicans actually came out ahead on this deal, effectively getting Randle for Boogie.

    I'm talking about it all, and in particular the end result being dominant teams in the NBA. It's not really elucidating to say that this kind of thing didn't happen in free agency in the 1980s considering free agency wasn't a thing.

  9. 7 minutes ago, C-Man said:

    Rodman was being a fuckstick in SA and Pop (then the GM) hated him. He'd separated his shoulder in a motorcycle accident and missed half the 94-95 season and probably wasn't 100 percent healthy for the playoffs that year. Perdue was a very useful bench piece for the '99 champs. 

    You just proved my point.

    "San Antonio has traded a future Hall of Famer to the best team in the league in exchange for a useful bench piece."

    "Sacramento has traded DeMarcus Cousins to Golden State in exchange for Swaggy P."

    People would be going ballistic despite the fact Cousins isn't at Rodman's level.

  10. 1 minute ago, Murfdogg21 said:

    Not really arguing, but many teams and fans thought they had at least some chance of upsetting the Bulls during that era (Pacers, Knicks, Rockets (wish they had met in a finals), hell the pasty gangsters from Utah took them to 6 games twice!).

    So Houston fans didn't think they had a chance a couple of months ago? There have been two seasons of ERMAGERD UNBEATABLE WARRIORS and in one of them they were less than 50% to get to the Finals until Chris Paul got hurt.

  11. 43 minutes ago, aggie08 said:

    All teams didn't draft 3 of their 4 best players, so unless everyone plays for pennies on the dollar (or a certain Russian billionaire trades you a dozen picks for 50 year old KG), it's really, really hard to collect and keep all-stars.

    Yep, the only fanbase that should be upset about this is maybe Oklahoma City. The Warriors kicked the draft's ass for Curry, Thompson, and Green. Who else has drafted three all stars (again, aside from OKC although the Thunder's picks were #2, #4, and #3 overall) like that?

    Too much whining is being done about signing Durant and now Cousins. People are ignoring that the foundation for this run was the draft.

  12. 22 minutes ago, The Tower said:

    it is debatable whether the swiss's kick had any impact on the goal but technically, you are correct.

    Huh? How is that debatable. The keeper had it smothered easily with no deflection. It was going right at him and he was already dropping to the ground.

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