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Posts posted by Huckleberry

  1. I can't believe that there are people today espousing neo-Colonialism. I do know lots of Mexicans, and they have a fierce national pride, and they have seen what has just happened to Puerto Rico, and they could easily imagine themselves in Jose Boricua's zapatos. Second-class citizens in a bigoted country. Creo que no. 
    While I agree with you overall, it's quite a bit silly to imply that there is less bigotry in Mexico than in the US.
  2. 27 minutes ago, ScottishHorn said:

    I'm on the bandwagon. They are full of shit.  At least the left is honest with the fact that they have no intent to cut spending.  Republicans are about promises, getting elected and getting paid by lobbyists and getting their buddies and family rich....which really includes them all.  It's not a revenue problem though.. government takes in record revenue every quarter.  It's a cliche but it is a spending issue.  Everyone could be taxed 100% and we would still be running huge deficits.

    This is exactly correct. I've been asked before why I always rail on Republicans and the GOP on this site and not the Democrats despite being a libertarian (classical liberal). Well socially I am closer to the Democrats' side because I don't want the government up in my business in the bedroom or elsewhere when it comes to personal choices. The GOP has historically wanted to tell me what I can put in my body and what I can put my body in IYKWIM. 

    Fiscally I obviously oppose the Democratic Party and their frequently terrible ideas, but the thing is that they are honest about the fact that they want to increase revenues by taxing in order to pay for their absurd spending. Meanwhile the GOP likes to pretend that they're on the side of fiscal conservatism but that's a complete and total lie. They are not in any way, shape, or form. So in addition to the fact that I have an innate hatred of hypocrisy, in the end there are two major parties. I generally side with one of them on social issues but oppose them economically. I oppose the other one on social issues and also oppose the reality of their economic policies because their lip service is 100% BS.

    • Like 7
  3. Just now, Captain Ron said:

    Belgium needs to keep up the pressure, I think they can get one through if they keep shooting.

    True but man Japan has been dangerous on counters. I'm just about appreciating this game after that Spanish bullshit yesterday.

  4. Japan should go into super attack mode, high defensive line, etc. for the last 5 minutes plus stoppage time. Their best chance is to score without leaving time for Belgium. Not sure they can hold up for 30 minutes.

    And just like that. Holy Shit.

  5. 6 minutes ago, RandomIdoit said:

    Absurd to you. Perfectly logical to a lot of the people I ask.

    So why don't you just admit it? You believe that it is okay to kill a young child for a crime that the father committed.

    As I've said before, this is a morally reprehensible position to hold. And you continue to be hung up on your theory that I don't believe that it's your position or that other people have the same opinion. Again, that's not the case. I believe that you have this horrific opinion.

  6. 31 minutes ago, Patrick Bateman said:

    Where did you get your WORP stat?  It's probably why your projections are so out of whack.  



    Basketball Reference has him at a VORP of 8.9 and they say to multiply by 2.7 to get wins above replacement. I have to think that the Cavaliers win more than 26 with a replacement player instead of James last year, but that's what the stat says.

  7. 6 minutes ago, Lagunamadre said:

    He said that abortion is murder and should be illegal except in cases of rape, incest etc.. Which is akin to saying, you should not be allowed to murder an innocent child, unless it's father is a rapist, then it's OK to murder the criminal's innocent child. 

    For what it's worth, I am as pro-choice as they come, I'm just trying to expand the thought experiment. 

    This is, of course, exactly correct. And just like he did a few pages ago, he will pretend to miss the point so he doesn't have to confront the reality of his position despite how obvious it is.

    If you believe that a fetus is a young child with rights, but that abortion is okay in the case of rape, then you believe:

    Young child - not okay to kill

    Young child whose father is a rapist - okay to kill

  8. 5 hours ago, 1978horn said:

    I think you told us how it was weighted on the old site. Can you go over that again here?

    There are two different weighting factor breakdowns depending on if the school is using baseball or hockey (if neither sport has scored for them then they default to the hockey table).

    Both breakdowns are based on an initial weighting of Football 50, Basketball 30, Baseball/Hockey 20. Then those are adjusted by the number of teams that have earned at least one point in the sport in NCAA history. The more unique schools that have earned a point, the more competitive the sport is assumed to be. Right now the two breakdowns are:

    Football 41.8
    Basketball 37
    Baseball 21.2


    Football 49.9
    Basketball 44.2
    Hockey 13.2

  9. Jesus H. Christ on a cracker. It was the right fielder's responsibility 100%. Stop trying to convince yourselves of anything else. He had the best angle, he could have gotten there, and he is an outfielder coming in towards a ball versus infielders going out. Right fielder's fault. I don't care if the second baseman was literally on fire, pointing a gun at him, and screaming to get away because it was his ball. The right fielder would STILL have priority to catch that ball and he absolutely should have called everyone else off.


    And the fact that the second baseman was on a dead sprint makes it MORE the right fielder's fault, not less. As an outfielder, if you see that happening out of the corner of your eye, then you know it's an even more difficult catch than usual for the infielder. So you have even more of a reason to call him off.



    • Like 2
  10. 2 hours ago, Murfdogg21 said:

    He’s probably too old now but Fox should have swooped in and hired Ron Franklin after ESPN fired him. 

    Franklin was an all time great but he was losing it pretty badly at the end.

  11. 57 minutes ago, Big Frog II said:

    Why include hockey when so few schools play it?  

    It is weighted much lower for precisely that reason. The reason it's included at all is that it's much more important for midwestern schools than baseball, primarily due to weather. So each team gets point for either hockey or baseball, whichever is better for them.

  12. Ha, yeah, I see a bunch of message board posters and journalists wanting to clarify the exact technical language behind the option. Like it fucking matters.

    Here's your option year, are you playing in Cleveland next year according to this option year? Yes or no? Who gives a shit whether it's an opt-in or an opt-out?

  13. On 6/27/2018 at 1:22 PM, d2o said:

    Winning with the Clips would do far more for his legacy than winning with the Lakers would IMO.    The Clips do have Jerry West running things now but they have NOTHING I could imagine Lebron would want to play with.   Unless he could convince Kawhi and/or PG to give up their Laker love and roll with the Clips I can't see it happening.   Even then it would take smoe massive movement to make it happen.

    I've said from the start his best move was staying with CLE and getting guys to come play with him there and I still think that is what happens ultimately.

    I don't follow NBA financials enough to know if it's even possible, but yes, winning with the Clippers would be a legacy-securing accomplishment. If James could convince enough guys to join him on the Clippers to where they won a title? Holy shit.

    As for being at the Wilt Chamberlain level in a team's pantheon, well Chamberlain is the greatest player of all time so I guess it wouldn't be all that bad.

  14. On the old board I started a thread about how the Power 5 schools have performed in the Big 3 sports (football, basketball, baseball). It morphed into a list of all schools who have made the Top 4/CFP, Final Four, CWS Semifinals, and Frozen Four. I then weighted it by importance and competitive balance. Here's the updated list now that this school year is complete:


    1. Oklahoma - 12.83 (24.75 Football, 5 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 3 Baseball)
    2. Texas - 12.70 (14 Football, 3 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 27 Baseball)
    3. Ohio State - 12.69 (20.5 Football, 10 Basketball, 2 Hockey, 2 Baseball)
    4. Michigan - 12.32 (11 Football, 8 Basketball, 25 Hockey, 3 Baseball)
    5. Southern Cal - 11.77 (17.25 Football, 2 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 18 Baseball)
    6. Notre Dame - 10.70 (19.5 Football, 1 Basketball, 4 Hockey, 1 Baseball)
    7. Alabama - 10.04 (22.5 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 3 Baseball)
    8. Michigan State - 9.92 (9 Football, 9 Basketball, 11 Hockey, 1 Baseball)
    9. North Carolina - 9.08 (1.5 Football, 20 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 5 Baseball)
    10. UCLA - 8.75 (4 Football, 18 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 2 Baseball)
    11. Florida State - 7.92 (14.5 Football, 1 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 7 Baseball)
    12. LSU - 7.16 (8 Football, 4 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 11 Baseball)
    13. Miami (FL) - 7.15 (11 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 12 Baseball)
    14. Duke - 6.75 (2 Football, 16 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    15. Florida - 6.47 (7.5 Football, 5 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 7 Baseball)
    16. Kentucky - 6.28 (0 Football, 17 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    17. Penn State - 5.81 (11.5 Football, 1 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 3 Baseball)
    18. Tennessee - 5.65 (12 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 3 Baseball)
    19. Kansas - 5.55 (0 Football, 15 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    20. Oklahoma State - 5.40 (1 Football, 6 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 13 Baseball)
    21. Minnesota - 5.21 (4 Football, 1 Basketball, 21 Hockey, 4 Baseball)
    22. Georgia - 5.19 (10 Football, 1 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 3 Baseball)
    23. Nebraska - 4.81 (11.5 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    24. Arkansas - 4.74 (3.5 Football, 6 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 5 Baseball)
    25. Wisconsin - 4.72 (3 Football, 4 Basketball, 11 Hockey, 1 Baseball)
    26. Arizona State - 4.66 (2.5 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 17 Baseball)
    27. Arizona - 4.02 (1 Football, 4 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 10 Baseball)
    28. Stanford - 3.91 (2 Football, 2 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 11 Baseball)
    29. Indiana - 3.58 (1.5 Football, 8 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    30. Boston College - 3.55 (0.5 Football, 0 Basketball, 25 Hockey, 2 Baseball)
    31. Syracuse - 3.27 (2 Football, 6 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 1 Baseball)
    32. California - 3.21 (3.5 Football, 3 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 3 Baseball)
    33. Louisville - 2.96 (0 Football, 8 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    34. Auburn - 2.93 (6.5 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 1 Baseball)
    35t. Boston U. - 2.90 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 22 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    35t. North Dakota - 2.90 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 22 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    37. Pittsburgh - 2.88 (6 Football, 1 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    38. Oregon - 2.83 (5 Football, 2 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    39. Illinois - 2.68 (2 Football, 5 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    40. South Carolina - 2.49 (1 Football, 1 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 8 Baseball)
    41. Houston - 2.48 (1 Football, 5 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 1 Baseball)
    42. Colorado - 2.41 (4 Football, 2 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    43. Iowa - 2.36 (3 Football, 3 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    44. Utah - 2.32 (1.5 Football, 4 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 1 Baseball)
    45. Clemson - 2.31 (4 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 3 Baseball)
    46. Army - 2.30 (5.5 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    47t. Cincinnati - 2.22 (0 Football, 6 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    47t. Villanova - 2.22 (0 Football, 6 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    49. Georgia Tech - 2.21 (3 Football, 2 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 1 Baseball)
    50. Cal State-Fullerton - 2.12 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 10 Baseball)
    51. Washington - 2.04 (4 Football, 1 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    52. Oregon State - 2.01 (0.5 Football, 2 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 5 Baseball)
    53. Maryland - 1.99 (3 Football, 2 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    54. Denver - 1.98 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 15 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    55. Navy - 1.88 (4.5 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    56t. Connecticut - 1.85 (0 Football, 5 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    56t. Georgetown - 1.85 (0 Football, 5 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    58. Wichita State - 1.80 (0 Football, 2 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 5 Baseball)
    59. Harvard - 1.72 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 13 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    60. TCU - 1.69 (2 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 4 Baseball)
    61. Mississippi - 1.68 (3 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 2 Baseball)
    62. Cornell - 1.56 (1 Football, 0 Basketball, 8 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    63. Missouri - 1.48 (1 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 5 Baseball)
    64t. Kansas State - 1.48 (0 Football, 4 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    64t. Nevada-Las Vegas - 1.48 (0 Football, 4 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    66. Maine - 1.45 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 11 Hockey, 3 Baseball)
    67t. Dartmouth - 1.41 (0 Football, 2 Basketball, 4 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    67t. Providence - 1.41 (0 Football, 2 Basketball, 4 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    69t. St. John's - 1.38 (0 Football, 2 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 3 Baseball)
    69t. Virginia - 1.38 (0 Football, 2 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 3 Baseball)
    71. North Carolina State - 1.32 (0 Football, 3 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 1 Baseball)
    72t. Colorado College - 1.32 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 10 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    72t. Michigan Tech - 1.32 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 10 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    74. SMU - 1.21 (2 Football, 1 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    75. St. Lawrence - 1.19 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 9 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    76t. Baylor - 1.16 (0 Football, 2 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 2 Baseball)
    76t. Holy Cross - 1.16 (0 Football, 2 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 2 Baseball)
    76t. NYU - 1.16 (0 Football, 2 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 2 Baseball)
    79t. Marquette - 1.11 (0 Football, 3 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    79t. Memphis - 1.11 (0 Football, 3 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    79t. San Francisco - 1.11 (0 Football, 3 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    82. Mississippi State - 1.01 (0 Football, 1 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 3 Baseball)
    83t. Bradley - 0.95 (0 Football, 2 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 1 Baseball)
    83t. Temple - 0.95 (0 Football, 2 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 1 Baseball)
    85t. Clarkson - 0.92 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 7 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    85t. New Hampshire - 0.92 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 7 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    87. Southern Illinois - 0.85 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 4 Baseball)
    88. Tulsa - 0.84 (1 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 2 Baseball)
    89t. Wake Forest - 0.79 (0 Football, 1 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 2 Baseball)
    89t. Washington State - 0.79 (0 Football, 1 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 2 Baseball)
    91. Minnesota-Duluth - 0.79 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 6 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    92t. Butler - 0.74 (0 Football, 2 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    92t. CCNY - 0.74 (0 Football, 2 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    92t. DePaul - 0.74 (0 Football, 2 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    92t. La Salle - 0.74 (0 Football, 2 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    92t. Purdue - 0.74 (0 Football, 2 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    92t. West Virginia - 0.74 (0 Football, 2 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    92t. Loyola-Chicago - 0.74 (0 Football, 2 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    99. RPI - 0.66 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 5 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    100t. Rice - 0.64 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 3 Baseball)
    100t. Vanderbilt - 0.64 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 3 Baseball)
    100t. Western Michigan - 0.64 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 3 Baseball)
    103t. Iowa State - 0.58 (0 Football, 1 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 1 Baseball)
    103t. Rutgers - 0.58 (0 Football, 1 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 1 Baseball)
    103t. Santa Clara - 0.58 (0 Football, 1 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 1 Baseball)
    106. Lake Superior State - 0.53 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 4 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    107t. Fresno State - 0.42 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 2 Baseball)
    107t. Lafayette - 0.42 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 2 Baseball)
    107t. Long Beach State - 0.42 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 2 Baseball)
    107t. Pepperdine - 0.42 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 2 Baseball)
    107t. Yale - 0.42 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 2 Hockey, 2 Baseball)
    112t. Boise State - 0.42 (1 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    112t. Brigham Young - 0.42 (1 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    112t. Fordham - 0.42 (1 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    112t. Iowa Preflight - 0.42 (1 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    112t. Randolph Field - 0.42 (1 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    112t. Texas A&M - 0.42 (1 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    112t. Virginia Tech - 0.42 (1 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    119t. Brown - 0.40 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 3 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    119t. Northern Michigan - 0.40 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 3 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    121t. Charlotte - 0.37 (0 Football, 1 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    121t. Dayton - 0.37 (0 Football, 1 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    121t. Drake - 0.37 (0 Football, 1 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    121t. Duquesne - 0.37 (0 Football, 1 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    121t. George Mason - 0.37 (0 Football, 1 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    121t. Gonzaga - 0.37 (0 Football, 1 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    121t. Indiana State - 0.37 (0 Football, 1 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    121t. Jacksonville - 0.37 (0 Football, 1 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    121t. Massachusetts - 0.37 (0 Football, 1 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    121t. New Mexico State - 0.37 (0 Football, 1 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    121t. Pennsylvania - 0.37 (0 Football, 1 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    121t. Princeton - 0.37 (0 Football, 1 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    121t. Seattle - 0.37 (0 Football, 1 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    121t. Seton Hall - 0.37 (0 Football, 1 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    121t. St. Bonaventure - 0.37 (0 Football, 1 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    121t. UTEP - 0.37 (0 Football, 1 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    121t. Virginia Commonwealth - 0.37 (0 Football, 1 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    121t. Western Kentucky - 0.37 (0 Football, 1 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    121t. Wyoming - 0.37 (0 Football, 1 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    140t. Bowling Green - 0.26 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 2 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    140t. Miami (OH) - 0.26 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 2 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    140t. Quinnipiac - 0.26 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 2 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    140t. Union - 0.26 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 2 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    140t. Vermont - 0.26 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 2 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    145t. Cal State-Los Angeles - 0.21 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 1 Baseball)
    145t. California-Irvine - 0.21 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 1 Baseball)
    145t. Coastal Carolina - 0.21 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 1 Baseball)
    145t. Creighton - 0.21 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 1 Baseball)
    145t. Eastern Michigan - 0.21 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 1 Baseball)
    145t. Hawaii - 0.21 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 1 Baseball)
    145t. Louisiana-Lafayette - 0.21 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 1 Baseball)
    145t. Ohio - 0.21 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 1 Baseball)
    145t. Rollins - 0.21 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 1 Baseball)
    145t. Saint Louis - 0.21 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 1 Baseball)
    145t. Texas-Pan American - 0.21 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 1 Baseball)
    156t. Bemidji State - 0.13 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 1 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    156t. Colgate - 0.13 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 1 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    156t. Ferris State - 0.13 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 1 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    156t. Massachusetts-Lowell - 0.13 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 1 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    156t. Northeastern - 0.13 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 1 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    156t. Omaha - 0.13 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 1 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    156t. RIT - 0.13 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 1 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    156t. St. Cloud State - 0.13 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 1 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    164t. Northwestern - 0.00 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    164t. St. Joseph's - 0.00 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    164t. Texas Tech - 0.00 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)


    1. Texas - 12.70 (14 Football, 3 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 27 Baseball)
    2. Houston - 2.48 (1 Football, 5 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 1 Baseball)
    3. TCU - 1.69 (2 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 4 Baseball)
    4. SMU - 1.21 (2 Football, 1 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    5. Baylor - 1.16 (0 Football, 2 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 2 Baseball)
    6. Rice - 0.64 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 3 Baseball)
    7t. Randolph Field - 0.42 (1 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    7t. Texas A&M - 0.42 (1 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    9. UTEP - 0.37 (0 Football, 1 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    10. Texas-Pan American - 0.21 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 1 Baseball)
    11. Texas Tech - 0.00 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)


    1. Oklahoma - 12.83 (24.75 Football, 5 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 3 Baseball)
    2. Texas - 12.70 (14 Football, 3 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 27 Baseball)
    3. Kansas - 5.55 (0 Football, 15 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    4. Oklahoma State - 5.40 (1 Football, 6 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 13 Baseball)
    5. TCU - 1.69 (2 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 4 Baseball)
    6. Kansas State - 1.48 (0 Football, 4 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    7. Baylor - 1.16 (0 Football, 2 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 2 Baseball)
    8. West Virginia - 0.74 (0 Football, 2 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)
    9. Iowa State - 0.58 (0 Football, 1 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 1 Baseball)
    10. Texas Tech - 0.00 (0 Football, 0 Basketball, 0 Hockey, 0 Baseball)

    Oklahoma passed us this year. Time to stop slacking.

    • Like 2
  15. 21 hours ago, Al_4_ISU said:

    It didn't even really inconvenience our fans in the past, so I was always on board.

    At the end of the day, it's a small price to pay for Big 12 tv contracts.

    There's plenty of time for them to make the decision to mirror in Iowa. I agree with the above poster that y'all should @ Del Conte on Twitter about it.

  16. 8 minutes ago, immortal13 said:

    Should've been co-mvp. They DO NOT win without the performance by this kid.

    That seems a little hyperbolic. Arkansas scored 4 runs and 3 runs in the other two CWS Finals games that he didn't start (recognizing that he appeared in relief in one of them). Oregon State scored 5 tonight. Odds are that Oregon State wins without Abel tonight.

    The reason he should be co-MVP is that he just had the greatest pitching performance in CWS history.

  17. Suppose a woman is at a certain period in her pregnancy that the baby if removed would be at a much greater risk of developing physical & neurological disorders that last into adulthood,  mental health problems, and the more immediately noticeable problems such as chronic lung disease.  It is also known that if she waited just a few more weeks to remove the baby that these risk factors would decrease significantly.  Do you think only allowing to remove the baby after a certain term when the risks are reduced and as a consequence having the woman potentially put up with a few weeks of inconvenience is not justified by drastically reducing the risks of a lifetime worth of serious health problems?  Or do you think it would be better to accommodate this woman's busy schedule and force the baby out whenever she damn well pleases and have the baby struggle for survival in incubators and if lucky go on to live a life of generally fucked up health?
    Yes, the woman would be able to have it removed when she wanted.

    So funny watching you get all emotional when you try to act like you operate only on logic at all times. You can't even stick to your shtick anymore.

  18. You keep asking me this question, but do not accept my opinion as my own. It's different because the pregnancy was not the mother did not have any control over getting pregnant. She should take Plan B and hope that she doesn't end up pregnant. If she does want to abort the baby, it should be done as soon as possible.
    Do you feel women should be forced to have a child that was the result of rape?

    I accept your opinion as your own, it's just that your opinion is absurd. You argue above that abortion is different because a human life is killed. Yet you are okay with a human life being killed if its father was a criminal. That is a morally reprehensible position.

    My personal position is outlined above in that I believe women should be able to have the fetus removed at any point. If it is able to live with medical assistance then that assistance should be provided at society's expense if necessary. When life truly begins seems impossible to answer to me.

    But your position is based purely on emotion. "Take responsibility, you can't kill a human life because you made a poor choice! Human life is valuable! Unless its dad is a rapist then kill away!" The position doesn't merely lack moral consistency, it is completely devoid of any moral, philosophical, or legal logic whatsoever. And that is a terrible way for a government to decide when it's appropriate to interfere in its citizen's decisions.
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