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Posts posted by Huckleberry

  1. 3 minutes ago, Eastwood said:

    Feeding the ball to Messi no matter what seems to be a bad strategy.

    Yeah, I hadn't actually had time to watch many matches this tournament and thought the talk about Argentina just standing around waiting for Messi to do it was overblown. But it seems perhaps understated based on this. Their first, second, and third thoughts are to get it to Messi so he can figure it out.

  2. 52 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    Can we also add increasing the number of representatives? 435 is too small for our population.

    This is absolutely certain. Representatives ignore their constituents because they don't have to care about offending 100 of them.

    When you had only about 30,000 constituents per rep that was a much bigger deal. With modern technology there is no reason we couldn't have a much larger house with debate and vote done remotely.

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  3. 26 minutes ago, OatmealRaisinCookie said:

    John Oliver is a complete beating to me usually, but this one was pretty good and funny. I guess we can all get behind making fun of Mexico and finding it funny.

    "I usually don't like Mr. Political Comedian whose politics I disagree with, but on this topic I agreed with him so I found him entertaining."

    Hot take.

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  4. 28 minutes ago, Message Board User said:

    If you think immigration is a losing issue for Dotard, you better think again (especially with Democrats running around calling ICE a "terrorist organization").

    Some hard truths here from that alt-right rag the New Yorker.



    You are underestimating what happens when the other side votes with their brain stems in a frothing rage.

    Exactly like the Democrats did two years ago.

    The race to the bottom is in high gear, sir.

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  5. 32 minutes ago, bschoolprof said:

    meh, lefties like state or federal law superseding local laws when they disagree with the local law, just like right wingers do here.  It's putting outcomes ahead of process.  

    You're missing the irony. "Lefties" are always in favor of a stronger central government. It's the "righties" that claim to be in favor of local control.

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  6. 6 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

    I think Gorsuch and the gutting of federal regs (thanks Pruitt) is probably worth it from a "free market" perspective even with his trade shenanigans.  Gorsuch and company are about to kill public sector unions, for instance.  

    Riiiiiiiiiight. Sure they are. Keep believing that.

    When the pendulum goes back the other way everything Pruitt has done will be undone several times over. That's another terrible thing so-called "conservatives" are cheering on right now. Solutions based on executive branch whimsy. I'm sure that's gonna work out great when the executive branch is in Democrat hands.

    As for public sector unions, I expect the ruling to go the same way that you and most others do. But the long-term implications of the ruling may cause you to wish it never happened. Be careful what you wish for.

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  7. 1 hour ago, HtownHorn said:

    and what you be surprising to you? Support a party that loves abortion, or sit out the process entirely. It's a retarded kobayashi maru you got going there.

    I'm not sure what you're asking with the first sentence.

    As for the second, it is exactly that kind of idiocy that has you supporting a New York liberal who is enacting anti-free market policies and is expanding government overreach at every opportunity. You think you're winning because an (R) got elected. In reality everything you claim you stand for is being defeated. Let me know exactly how much headway has been made on the abortion issue at the federal level since Trump took office.

    And nobody loves abortion. That's just more brainwashed red meat being regurgitated by a simpleton.

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  8. 53 minutes ago, HtownHorn said:

    And what do you expect them to do?

    What do I expect them to do? I expect the vast majority to continue voting (R) despite many discrepancies between GOP actions and Christian principles. I expect them to fall in line like lemmings just like they did when they sold their souls to kneel at the altar of a New York City lifelong liberal who got rich off of shortpaying vendors and corrupt handshake deals with corrupt politicians named Donald Trump.

    That's what I expect. I'm hoping they surprise me.

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  9. 3 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    My wife’s church (Southern Baptist) is quietly sending some folks with legal backgrounds, as well as some of the staff members who speak Spanish, down to South Texas.  They were planning it a few days before Trump’s signing.  

    If there's any silver lining to the absurdity of the Trump administration it may be that Christians find their morals and principles again. Obviously not all of them will but I have hope that many of them will stop worshiping (R) above God. For crying out loud it's the First freakin' Commandment.

  10. What a weird diatribe by Lobo. Another major thing it misses, pardon the pun, is that so-called good universities frequently have some trash programs and so-called "improper colleges" frequently have some excellent programs.

    • Fuck You 1
  11. Just now, Pancho Negro said:

    I still want to know how they plan to get some of these kids back to their parents, especially the ones who aren't of age to even know their last name, can't stand, or are still in diapers. 


    Maybe they tattooed identification numbers on their arms.

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  12. 41 minutes ago, Don Johnson said:

    The stakes for this TT-Arkansas game are so high.

    Loser will have to play 4 games in 4 days to advance (maybe even 4 in 3 days due to weather).  And the 2nd of those 4 would be the #1 seed.

    Winner sits pretty.

    They're even higher than that for the Red Raiders.

    Since 1940, only three Power 5 schools have failed to do at least one of the following:

    1. Finish in the final Top 4 of the college football polls before the CFP or make the CFP once it began.
    2. Reach the Final Four in basketball.
    3. Be one of the final four teams in the baseball tournament.

    Those three schools are Northwestern, Texas A&M, and Texas Tech. With a win in just one of their next two games the Red Raiders can remove themselves from this list.

    • Like 1
  13. 6 minutes ago, BabaYaga said:

    No, the facts are you want to put a little tick on the scoreboard for "your side" and chasing your tail about the rate of the growth of the debt rather the amounts (which is what actually matters).  Neither "side" is indemnified.  And nobody is arguing that the GOP has done jack shit about getting these levels down, but as interest on owed federal debt increases, occupying more and more resources at an exponential clip, tell me again how this will be remedied?  Because at the end of the day, it's the volume of debt incurred, but the rate of accrual that is going to sink us.

    You're an idiot if you think Democrats are my side. That right there basically shows why you can't have an intelligent conversation about anything political. When someone points out the hypocrisy and stupidity of the Republican party you assume they're Democrats.

    And no, volume is not going to sink us. The most important thing is always percentages, rates, and ratios. If we had a GDP of 55 quadrillion dollars then the debt wouldn't even be that big of a deal. Debt as a percentage of GDP is closer to the most important thing.

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  14. On 6/14/2018 at 10:15 AM, BabaYaga said:

    And you clearly have your own agenda in deflecting criticism from the prior administration.  Problem is, the rate of debt growth doesn't indemnify a 50% increase.  50% is still 50%.  It's a fucking mountain of debt.  Re-allocating resources to service this.  Concerns about the relationship between high levels of government debt relative to the size of the economy and abnormally high interest rates consistent with lower levels of domestic investment.  Having to bequeath enormous financial burdens to future generations of taxpayers in the form of high levels of interest expense—projected by the Congressional Budget Office to approach a trillion dollars annually by 2023.  Growth rate doesn't mean squat.  Slower economic growth, higher interest expense, fewer resources for other priorities.  This is the problem.  And rising debt/rising interest rate concerns can sink us.  Period.  So again, how do we reconcile this without addressing spending (beyond just military cuts)?

    The only agenda in posting actual numbers is introducing facts to the conversation. And the facts are that the national debt grows more slowly under Democrat Presidents than it does under Republican Presidents. That is an inarguable fact since 1980.

    It doesn't mean Democrat policies are good for the debt, it means Republicans are blatant hypocrites that campaign on controlling spending and the budget and then do the exact opposite.

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  15. 14 hours ago, slorch said:

    His dad was one the baddest mofos to ever play the game.


    Why is Junior such a POS?

    The Greatest Generation raised the Baby Boomers. Sometimes when people work their asses off and sacrifice more than nearly anyone else they overreact and shelter their children from ever having to do the same.

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