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Posts posted by Huckleberry

  1. 2 minutes ago, Orca of Peace said:

    Jay said the NBA and college rules are different. There's no NBA requirement regarding movement. in the actual rule which he and the analyst read. 

    Again, ha. 


    Block-Charge: An on-ball, block-charge situation occurs when contact is made between an offensive player (who is moving in a particular direction or trying to change directions) and defensive player. The defender is permitted to establish his legal guarding position in the path of the dribbler regardless of his speed and distance. To get into a legal position, the defender needs to establish himself in the path of the offensive player before contact is made, thus “beating him to the spot,” and before he starts his upward shooting motion.

    Pretty hard to leave the ground before you start your upward shooting motion. Maybe the NBA doesn't know what their own rule is. Or maybe Jay Williams is wrong. Could go either way.

    • Fuck You 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, Orca of Peace said:

    smooth Jay Williams says KD charged and it was a horrible reversal 



    Hahaha. He completely ignores that James is still sliding left when Durant leaves the ground. That is a blocking foul and it's not even debatable.

    • Fuck You 1
  3. This part of the thread is funny.

    James had a great game. He was also talking shit about a block when his team was beaten. That's a move that will get you laughed at no matter the level or part of the season. You talk shit when you're getting beaten and you're going to get laughed at and shit talked back to you. Tough shit.

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  4. 7 minutes ago, Newdoc said:

    Yes, the first president to be described as the worst and the one who is going to ruin the country. Haven’t heard that accusation against another sitting president in years. Like 2 or 3 years. And I did not realize that Rosanne had such influence on our Republic.

    Trump is not a good president but lighten up with the hyperbole Francis. 

    Yes it's hyperbolic, but Trump is quite clearly the worst POTUS since Harding and he's rapidly passing Warren G.

  5. 14 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    You know Caillou is dead right?  Cancer (hence the bald head).  That’s why clouds surround most of the scenes and why his grandma is narrating most of it  

    The whole cartoon is his grandma telling his little sister about things he did when he was alive.  His little sister was only like 3 when he died.

    If this is true it only strengthens my point. If you have died of childhood cancer and you are still that annoying in your own grandmother's wistful memories then imagine how much of an annoying little kid you were in real life.

    • Like 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, F250 said:

    That is some mind blowing shit. Has Canada ever threatened the United States in the past 150 years? This is like starting a neighborhood fight with Caillou's family.

    Well to be fair there has never been a character more in need of an ass-kicking than Caillou.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Whitman said:

    Rules require that you post pictures of your fiance before recommendations can be given.


    1 hour ago, Whitman said:



    I think I'm going to withdraw my request for pics of finance...  NTTIAWWT.

    Well you did ask for pictures of a dude to begin with.

    • Like 1
  8. Is this only potentially unlawful because the state is her employer? Otherwise, why would the first amendment even apply?
    Been covered now, but this is why public supervisors have to be smarter than to fire someone for a reason like this. If it's true then this clown just wasted my money and your money because he's an idiot.
    • Fuck You 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Patrick Bateman said:

    Then maybe the NFL shouldn't have politicized the moment for a cash grab a decade ago...... And now they can't put the horse back in the barn.  This wasn't an issue when nobody cared what the players did during the anthem.  


    All the GO AMERICA stuff before sports games is dumb and doesn't belong. International competition? Fine. Private companies doing it solely for money? It doesn't belong in that context.

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  10. A couple in a car asked my daughter a couple of years ago if she needed a ride after she got off the bus (she was 12). She dropped her backpack, ran home, and called us immediately. All she could tell anyone was that it was a white car and the person in the passenger seat was a white man.

    They caught the couple a couple of months later in a different but nearby neighborhood. The car was silver but the guy was white so she was fairly close. In a traumatic situation it would be extremely impressive if an 8-year-old kid was able to remember that many details.

  11. Has Osterman done a good job with the Bobcat staff? Being a great player doesn't mean you're a decent coach, in fact many times the greatest players are terrible coaches because they can't comprehend why the people they're coaching don't just do it right because it was natural to them.

    If Osterman has done a good job coaching then absolutely bring her in as a pitching assistant for all the obvious reasons. But being a great player for us means nothing when it comes to being a coach for us unless it's backed up by coaching success.


    I always find this cut and dry reasoning to be funny. Texas (and any school and their fans for that matter) have no problem cashing those multi million dollar checks that boosters write every year. Many who never graduated from the school. 

    It's a silly argument. Not every fan of a school graduated from that particular school. They could have grown up in Austin (or another college town) and went to another school for a major or whatever reason. Their entire family could have gone to that school, their kids go to that school, they are employed by that school, etc. 




    (You might have learned that at Texas)


    Also, injecting an athletics program's fundraising employees and concerns into the annual "should you ever root for a different FBS team than your undergrad alma mater" argument is silly. You act like Texas' attitude about money isn't hated by thousands of alumni.


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  13. 9 minutes ago, Tuco said:

    Does that go for all of the Texas fans on this board who didn't go to Texas for undergrad?


    If they went somewhere else that fields FBS teams for undergrad then yes. Did you think that was going to be some big gotcha or something? We're all dipshits for one reason or another, this just happens to be one of your reasons.

    If they didn't go to such a place then being a fan is perfectly okay.

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  14. 14 hours ago, Beau Vine said:

    That would fall into the category of "cutting off your nose to spite your face" as my grandmother used to say.  Having players like Deandre Ayton and Trae Young play is wonderful for the NCAA.  It makes NCAA basketball more interesting, more popular, and most importantly, makes money for the NCAA.  There is no way that the NCAA is going to approve freshman ineligibility.  It's a farce to even suggest it.  

    And thanks for your prompt reply.  

    I don't disagree that the NCAA lacks the balls to make the change.

    Although I do disagree with you that having Ayton and Young makes a significant difference in the game's popularity. If Ayton and Young weren't around then two other guys would have been the two best players in the country while Ayton and Young played in Europe or the D/G League. Hell, Young may have gone to college and then been an actually great basketball player his second year on campus after Kruger decided maybe he should teach Young when it's not okay to volume shoot in his 10th month in the program. College basketball survived just fine without the dozens of high school NBA draft picks ever playing.

    Bottom line is that freshmen ineligibility would absolutely force the NBA's hand on doing something about their rule. Or at least force them to improve their developmental league.

  15. On 5/14/2018 at 9:02 AM, Tuco said:

    Actually, I did keep rooting for Nebraska while going to a different school.  But, please, explain these rules to me.  What if the school you went to doesn't have a football team, or a FBS football team.  If you go to undergrad, masters, and doctorate at three different schools, are you required to throw out your fan gear each time you move.  I'm really curious about the arbitrary rules of fandom. 

    It's not arbitrary. You cheer for your undergrad alma mater. It is known.

    If you don't then you're a dipshit. If your undergrad alma mater does not field a team in a given sport it's fine to pick another favorite team, but saying "I'm a Cornhusker" when you're not is a lie and makes you a dipshit.

    Glad to help.

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  16. Come on, man, the chance of the NBA changing that rule would about as high as the chance of Kate Upton showing up at my front door begging me to sex her. It's idiotic to consider that possibility. 

    That rule has been wonderful for the NBA.  It guarantees them a completely free minor league that they can use to evaluate draftees.  They no longer have to risk wasting high draft picks on guys like Kwame Brown and Jonathon Bender.  They're not going to give this up.   They made significant concessions to the NBAPA to get this rule, and that's not going to undo itself just because the NCAA wants it to.

    It's idiotic to put that in the report because it's not going to happen.  Assume it's not going to happen, and make a recommendation reflecting that.


    Their recommended action if the NBA doesn't change the rule will handle it perfectly from the committee's perspective (freshmen ineligibility). That would send one and done types overseas. 


    I really get the sense you didn't read the report.



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  17. 15 hours ago, dcar00 said:

    this takes me back.  coached a bit of 12U and first year of 14U.    made 2 bad mistakes. once, as assistant, got way too upset at a home plate ump after our kids made a perfect LF to SS to Catcher relay for an out at home in a close game. we won 1 game that year and this was one of the last games of the year. the frustrations boiled over.

    another time in a practice game called a kid out(we were umping ourselves) at first, when my RF threw him out.  he was out by at at least a step.  put him on the base after I realized what I had done but I wish I hadn't done it.

    2 best moments.

    we were in semifinal and went to extras, california tie breaker , other team(home team) loads the bases and with 2 out.  kid hits a high pop to RF. the kid with the best attitude on the team, just loves baseball, and is probably the 10th best player on the 11 man team is in right.  I'm thinking game over but the kid races in full speed and sno cones it for the 3rd out.  we score in the top of the next inning and win. never seen a kid so happy. won the championship the next day.

    I get a kid as a hat pick at end of draft, 2nd year of 12U. show up to first practice. he's never played baseball before at all. ended up with  4 real hits for the season and between that, walks, HBP, errors, he was 6th in OBP on the team. the kid wasn't afraid to take a pitch. He doesn't play again.  I'm in the stands 4 years later at a high school football game and he comes up to me and says "Hi Coach".

    Good times.





    One of my favorite coaching experiences was many years ago helping my old little league coach out with his team for a season before I had kids of my own. One of our players was the coach's nephew (a family with a long history with WHLL in Austin) and early in the season didn't seem confident about being up at the top level of the league. All year long I worked with him on throwing from the outfield. He was always too worried about throwing the ball away or making an error so he couldn't convince himself to just let the ball go and throw hard. He got a lot better at the plate during the season but still wasn't making good throws from the outfield. Our team wasn't actually that good but got on a run and was in the playoff tournament championship game (we shouldn't have even been in the playoffs but I guess the change had been made from having to be good in the regular season to "everyone plays in the playoffs" system between when I played and the season I coached there). Sure enough, bottom of the 6th inning up by a run with two outs and a runner on second there's a base hit to left field where this kid is playing. He throws a dart right to the catcher and the runner is tagged out at the plate to win the championship. 

    Biggest smile you've ever seen on a kid's face. So awesome.

    • Like 2
  18. 5 hours ago, The Dog said:

    so we are in agreement. ;)

    Sure, if you consider being the 4th best conference (at best) and lagging behind mid-major conferences actually good. When I say they were good, I mean they were good compared to the Big 10.

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  19. I'd love nothing more than to see the SEC (especially aggy) get hosed but I disagree that the SEC hasn't been good at baseball. In fact, I can't remember a time when the SEC wasn't good at baseball. Now have they been given the benefit of the doubt more than they should? Absolutely. But I don't see how that's relevant to this year when they are actually good and likely deserving of a ton of bids.
    Then you apparently don't remember decades of baseball. It's not that the SEC wasn't good, it's that it wasn't as good as the Big 12, the Pac-12, and even the Big West.
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