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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Huckleberry

  1. 42 minutes ago, The Dog said:

    I think LSU is the team that has to worry - #43 RPI and #102 Non-conference SOS. That said, are there really that many teams better than the 11 in the SEC that appear to be qualified? 

    This is kind of like the Big XII in basketball - we had three teams with losing conference records make the big dance. There may not be anyone better and they have to fill out 33 at-large teams. 

    The bigger issue is that back when the SEC wasn't good at baseball the NCAA committee would give them berths and regionals because the tournament "was supposed to be regional in nature" and they didn't want there to be too many teams from the West.

    Funny how that's not a thing anymore now that the SEC is good at baseball. If the system were fair then the Pac-12 and Big 12 would take the places from deserving SEC teams because that happened for decades when the East was worse than the West.

    • Like 4
  2. 43 minutes ago, Murfdogg21 said:

    I assume both are incredibly small. I am certainly of the opinion that every child’s death is horrific and should be prevented where possible, short of permanently eliminating facets of Liberty that are in place to keep this country free in perpetuity, particular when/if an alternative action may bring about similar reductions in killings without banning guns or putting everyone on a registry. 

    "I support anything that can be done to help unless it may affect me."

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  3. Yeah, general rule is try not to be a dick. Hell, with my team if I'm telling the outfield to play deeper because the kid has good bat speed I just yell it out to them ("OUTFIELD! Back up!" *hand signals until they're deep enough*). If I'm telling them to come way in because there's a weaker hitter then I call them out by their names and only use hand signals to position them.

    If there's a chance you're showing up a little kid then it's time to reevaluate. I also had to ignore the parents on my team this season whenever we'd get up by enough that coming back was literally impossible for the other team due to time and run limits. We were aggressive on the bases until that point was reached, then it was station to station. We'd move up on a passed ball but we'd stop stealing and we'd stop going home on passed balls. Not only did it stop running up the score but it also let our batters actually hit and try to knock some runs in instead of just being a revolving door on the bases. I don't get grown men that care that much about their 8-10 year old kids winning a baseball game by as many runs as possible. Teach them the right way to play the game, positioning them in the field, running the bases properly, etc. You know, how to play the game they way they'll play it once everybody has the basic baseball skill set instead of taking advantage of bad players in ways that you won't be able to 4 years from now.

    • Like 4
  4. 1 hour ago, Johnny Sack said:

    We have a little boy on the team who bats last and plays right.  Great kid but youngest in league and strikes out probably 80 percent of the time.  We all try and encourage him.  These are 8 and 9 year olds.

    At our game Monday night, the other team had their third baseman and shortstop move up damn near the same depth as the pitcher.  I can understand moving in a couple steps for the bottom of the lineup, but to me this was them taking it too far and showing this kid up.  

    Yeah, that's 100% bullshit. Not only because it's a dick move but also because it's dangerous.

  5. What I can tell you about Rice is that they should be our one annual non-conference opponent. No reason not to have a guaranteed game in Houston every other year and they sure as shit should be on the schedule more than Houston.

    • Like 2
  6. I don't know about 98 but I know for a fact that we hit off of 95 against Bowie's early 90s studs. John Codrington was throwing gas and Eric French was in the low 90s. Tony Zamarippa was throwing low 90s but his fastball was straight as an arrow. The guy I actually found hardest to hit out of their staff after Codrington left was Cody Hays. He wasn't throwing above the mid-80s but he had movement and control. Of course that's just the way baseball is sometimes, you have an eye that works against certain pitchers. I loved hitting against Mario Ramos and he ended up being the best out of all those guys.

  7. Thanks for actually responding.
    Still, the larger point is that I see no way getting rid of the DH makes the game better. Look at OPS or almost any other batting stat by position, you’ll notice one position lags outrageously behind the others. I don’t see how giving pitchers more at bats makes the game any better. It’ll also decrease the quality of pitching (the most specialized of the defensive positions, it’s dumb to act like it’s no different from 2B or right field) because pitchers will have to devote more time to hitting training.
    Yeah, it's balanced by how much more important the position is to preventing runs than the others.
    • Fuck You 2
  8. And yet MLB did not start off with even an unwritten rule banning African Americans. That came decades later. If you want to go back to the "original" rules that wasn't one. It was arbitrarily added after the fact, like the DH
    Ding, ding, ding.

    Something everybody realized Helobious had no idea about.
    • Fuck You 2
  9. The best part about this particular kind of terrible Helobious post is that he actually thinks he made a good point. He genuinely doesn't realize how terrible that "logic" was.

    • Fuck You 2
  10. The DH is a terrible rule partially because it's half-assed. Either stick to the design of the game (if you want to hit then you have to play the field) or else go full platoon. Stop with the stupid single position platoon shit. As I've said multiple times, I hate the DH. The fact that players and managers figured out that one position added so much more defensive value that their offensive contribution was negligible is just the way the strategy works out. But if it's really about having the best in the world do what they do then platoon EVERY position. Some players will be awesome enough to both hit and play the field still. But everywhere else just let the best fielders field and the best hitters hit if that's what you want.

    • Fuck You 1
  11. KD is a HOF lock.  I’ll just say it’s nice to see some objective Longhorns.  
    Well, I’ll say one more thing...As for the others, I can’t hate on supporting a loyal Horn.  
    Objective? Lulz, what a load of shit. Every one of the posters you're calling objective is butthurt because the Spurs and/or Rockets have to play the Warriors. Seriously, as pointed out above, some idiots are acting like joining the Spurs would have been okay. The 5 time champs. But oh by the way they're that poster's favorite team.
    • Like 6
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  12. lulz at the idiocy of believing a public school district employee's compensation should in any way be based on revenue generation.

    Well, to be more accurate the complete ignorance of the fact that education is the basis of nearly ALL revenue generation in modern society is what should be laughed at

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  13. 4 hours ago, Anastasis said:

    Curious what your rationale is?

    I think one of the better criticisms is that the constant cycling of ill informed legislators would put too much power in the hands of lobbyists.

    That is one of the two main ones, the other being that it's an unproductive limit on citizens' free speech.

    Term limits would prevent people from voting for whom they want to vote and would also make the special interests control the government more, not less.

    • Fuck You 1
  14. Really really liked it until my biggest pet peeve came to pass.


    Time travel ruins stories. Completely eliminates any suspense or buy-in to what you're watching. Absolutely hate it with few exceptions. The time loop in Doctor Strange was actually one of those exceptions. He thought of it ahead of time. If characters have the ability to undo things that have already been done it invariably makes stories shittier. And even though it was easy to see coming it still sucked.

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  15. If I were one of those recruits I'd ask them to photoshop me in as the #2 pick. Who would want to be picked by the Browns? Yeah, I know they're not getting drafted this year, but the association is enough to curse a prospect.

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  16. 48 minutes ago, Beau Vine said:


    For Condi's report to lead off with "fix the one-and-done" just shows that her committee is completely tone-deaf fantasyland dwellers.  As is anyone else who says "We need to fix college basketball by getting rid of one-and-done."  

    Anyone who says that has their head up their ass.  Yes, you, Condi.  You don't control that rule.  That rule is an NBA rule, collectively bargained between the NBA and the NBAPA.  And it's not going to change at least until their current CBA expires.  That's not a complicated concept.

    How about if you make some specific recommendations to the NCAA on rules they actually have control over? 

    I mean, it's just fucking unbelievable to continually hear people say that the NCAA needs to fix the one-and-done rule.  That's like saying that Greg Abbott needs to fix the August weather in Texas.


    The report specifically discusses the fact that the NCAA doesn't control that rule and what their recommendation will be if the NBA does not change that rule.

    • Fuck You 1
  17. Yeah, KDB was pretty clearly the best player in the EPL this season. Salah gets the award for the goals record, no biggie.

    Although it is definitely kind of ridiculous that the award is given out with over 10% of season remaining.

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