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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Huckleberry

  1. 4 hours ago, Anastasis said:

    Curious what your rationale is?

    I think one of the better criticisms is that the constant cycling of ill informed legislators would put too much power in the hands of lobbyists.

    That is one of the two main ones, the other being that it's an unproductive limit on citizens' free speech.

    Term limits would prevent people from voting for whom they want to vote and would also make the special interests control the government more, not less.

    • Fuck You 1
  2. Really really liked it until my biggest pet peeve came to pass.


    Time travel ruins stories. Completely eliminates any suspense or buy-in to what you're watching. Absolutely hate it with few exceptions. The time loop in Doctor Strange was actually one of those exceptions. He thought of it ahead of time. If characters have the ability to undo things that have already been done it invariably makes stories shittier. And even though it was easy to see coming it still sucked.

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  3. If I were one of those recruits I'd ask them to photoshop me in as the #2 pick. Who would want to be picked by the Browns? Yeah, I know they're not getting drafted this year, but the association is enough to curse a prospect.

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  4. 48 minutes ago, Beau Vine said:


    For Condi's report to lead off with "fix the one-and-done" just shows that her committee is completely tone-deaf fantasyland dwellers.  As is anyone else who says "We need to fix college basketball by getting rid of one-and-done."  

    Anyone who says that has their head up their ass.  Yes, you, Condi.  You don't control that rule.  That rule is an NBA rule, collectively bargained between the NBA and the NBAPA.  And it's not going to change at least until their current CBA expires.  That's not a complicated concept.

    How about if you make some specific recommendations to the NCAA on rules they actually have control over? 

    I mean, it's just fucking unbelievable to continually hear people say that the NCAA needs to fix the one-and-done rule.  That's like saying that Greg Abbott needs to fix the August weather in Texas.


    The report specifically discusses the fact that the NCAA doesn't control that rule and what their recommendation will be if the NBA does not change that rule.

    • Fuck You 1
  5. Yeah, KDB was pretty clearly the best player in the EPL this season. Salah gets the award for the goals record, no biggie.

    Although it is definitely kind of ridiculous that the award is given out with over 10% of season remaining.

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  6. On the other side of the spectrum, my small club is about to be relegated from the National League to the National League South. Torquay United was only two divisions away from Manchester City when I first picked the two clubs. Now they're 5 divisions away and headed in opposite directions.

    • Fuck You 1
  7. Yeah, that slide was absolutely terrible. Holt obviously measured the situation and decided against starting shit immediately. Must not have attended Odor's Offseason Pugilist Training Camp.

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  8. If the goal is reducing sex trafficking and prostitution, reducing supply and demand by shutting down craigslist, backpage, and eccie will be far more impactful than arresting individual johns and hookers.

    I think your entire analysis is discredited by this initial sentence. The part where you claim that shutting down sites will reduce not just supply but also demand betrays both a misunderstanding of economics as well as an obvious preexisting bias.
    • Fuck You 1
  9. It was deliberate from Milner anyway. The video from behind him shows him playing the ball with his left leg. Bad calls happen and obviously there's no fix involved or anything, but that was a bad call.

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