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  1. 2 things.. 1) People who support the president don't want to be called racist and have bricks thrown through their windows by unstable antifucks. The truth didn't matter, there was nothing to gain and only downside. So when pollsters asked who people were voting for, people were afraid to give a honest response. 2) There was absolutely an organized effort on behalf of trump supporters to lie to pollsters to maximize the shock value of today. Enjoy.
  2. No.. it's over.. The only question at this point is whether the dems keep the house.
  3. Like your mom? Just kidding... Trump is obviously winning this thing.
  4. All this revisionist history shit is getting tiresome. All it takes is one thread on reddit and you could have two black dudes kissing be the new symbol of white supremacy. #America2019
  5. We have people flying in pretty regularly to John Hopkins, MD Anderson and St. Jude's. I think it you offered those services for free, you would definitely give people a major reason to illegally enter the country. I think these candidates need to clarify what all is going to be covered under these proposed plans. From what I've read, most of the candidates have a very wide definition on what they would define as healthcare so it's a pretty safe assumption at this point we'd be fitting the bill for actual health problems like diabetes, cancer and heath disease. Not just colds and bruised knees.
  6. I think they were agreeing to provide free "healthcare coverage" to undocumented immigrants. Leading up to that exchange they were talking about healthcare coverage including "medicare for all" and whether the public should be allowed to buy alternatives in the marketplace. The question itself asked if their government plan would provide coverage for illegal immigrants. Based on how they described this plan, I am pretty sure this would include preventative care, vaccines and plenty of other stuff. Where is the cutoff? Was there something I missed?
  7. There are certain things hospitals are required by law to treat and there are other non-life threatening ailments that are not. That's one of the reasons why healthcare costs are going up. Even under the ACA, illegal/undocumented migrants couldn't purchase health insurance on the exchange. Providing free healthcare to non-citizens is not a popular policy.
  8. My take: It's Warren and Harris now. Everyone else is a distraction. It was very stupid for candidates to support free healthcare for illegal immigrants. Moderate Democrats and most working class Dems are not okay with that being part of the party platform. This is an issue that will cost the nominee votes in the Rust Belt. It's an insanely stupid policy. Why not just take the next step and provide healthcare of those who aren't able to make the trek? Think of all the people with medical needs we can pay for in Mexico, Venezuela and Honduras. Fuck it, let's just pay for the medical care for the entire continent of South America!
  9. Does Trump/Russia have dirt on Pelosi? No impeachment and now this...
  10. So what did she get in exchange for this? By the looks of it, nothing.
  11. You can trivialize and reframe what happened it all you want, but that's not how many Sanders supporters took it. A lot of them felt cheated
  12. Look at who he went against.. Jeb Bush? ZZzzzzzzzzzz It was a 2 horse race between him and Ted Cruz who barely got reelected to the Senate as a Republican in Texas. Who on the Republican side would you have voted for? Quality human beings don't usually get into politics and it's even rarer they win elections. 2016 showed that in spades. All of them were pieces of shit and we ended up with the orange one with a hot wife.
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