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Posts posted by Amobie

  1. 3 hours ago, In10se said:

    The problem with that pick is even if they get lucky and he comes back better in year 3 then has a breakout year 4 all of a sudden if you want to keep him you have to pay him. You basically got nothing out if his cheap days and with the cap you can't afford to be paying LBs big money. 

    Where as a draft pick of Miles Jack would have been exactly what you want from that pick. LB who comes in productive in year 1 and gives you 3-4 very productive seasons before you let him go in free agency and get the compensatory pick while someone else wastes their cap on an expensive LB. 

    The organization still just makes little stupid decisions like that. 

    They effectively get 5 years on his rookie deal because of his injury.  Same thing with Gregory due to his year long suspension.  

    Also Jack's injury is much more of a ticking timebomb that Smiths.  Jack might not even last through his rookie deal and he ended the season with that injury in Jacksonville's playoff game.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

    Police have the authority to arrest in this situation.   A Starbucks manager has the right to force the issue in this situation and demand removal of the men.   That doesn't make what happened the right course of action for the manager or the cops, nor does it make it the only way this could have played it out.   The manager was wrong, but so were the cops. 

    100% agree with regard to the manager.  I'm not sure the cops had a choice because the manager pushed the issue.  I'm not a lawyer though.

  3. 1 minute ago, David Dennison said:

    You can call the police, but I'm not sure the police are under any legal obligation to do what you ask them to do unless the public is threatened in some way.

    I'm not legal expert but i'm pretty sure that isn't a legal requirement of trespass.  Otherwise you'd have homeless people setting up camp inside businesses on a daily business.  The policy of only allowing access to the amenities of the business to paying customers is pretty standard.

  4. 1 minute ago, Hank Kingsley said:

    Coffee shop managers don't have much experience with these types of situations.  They get mad or scared and make an emotional decision.  They weren't hired on their ability to deal with trespassing scenarios and laws.

    Cops are supposed to be the professionals. They're in these situations on a daily basis.

    That's not why they were hired but it is one of their responsibilities i'm sure.  He obviously failed miserably.  


  5. 1 minute ago, David Dennison said:

    I'm not sure they are. They owe no duty to the manager or Starbucks. 

    I'm not sure what the legal term would be, but I think the manager would be acting on behalf of the owners of the property since they are essentially running the business.  If some guy walks into my office and refuses to leave, I can call the police and have them removed.  I don't have to own the building or be the CEO of starbucks in order to have them removed from the business.  

  6. Just now, Hank Kingsley said:

    At this point it's pretty clear the vast majority of cops aren't critical thinkers. 

    I'd put this on the shoulders of the manager much more than the cops.  If the manager is saying they are trespassing and they don't remove themselves from the property, law enforcement is supposed to do it.  

  7. 4 minutes ago, Pods said:

    PM read. I honestly don't intend any offense with this, but I don't know you or who you were on the previous board and you vouching for it in a PM with details of how you might know isn't really any better than you just posting about it as you have here. 

    You could well be telling the truth, I just have no way of ascertaining that. 

    It certainly seems like a plausible story and there ought to be some sources that have been published if so. 

    Considering my political slant, why would I make it up?  This doesn't exactly put Cohen or the President in a good light. 

    Reporters will dig and eventually you'll hear about how and why they started working together.  

    Just take it with a grain of salt, no offense taken.

  8. 15 minutes ago, EvilCaseMcCoy said:

    I mean, I'm sure he watched plenty of film in year one but didn't really play.  Last year he didn't quite hit 100% from a health standpoint.  So it's more like he's entering year 2.  I'll wait to reserve judgement.


    He's going to be on the roster for at least 3 more years so they have time to figure it out..

  9. 17 minutes ago, DougO said:

    His grades by PFF may have been improved but that's largely because he was playing far fewer downs after the Cowboys got tired of him giving up plays. He played on 37% or less of  total defensive plays in the final four weeks, after playing 55-100% of defensive snaps in the first five.

    They talked of moving Smith to the strong side before Hitchens left. This is what they did with Bruce Carter when they gave up on him in the middle when it was apparent he was terrible in open space.

    This was essentially his rookie year.  I seriously doubt they are giving up on him now that he's actually getting healthy.

  10. 6 minutes ago, Mdhorn said:

    Heard that this was why Cohen was already being investigated separately--shady Russian real estate deals.

    Yeah it's possible that Cohen was into something shady and that's why he was able to get deals done despite having far less capital at his disposal.  It's also possible he was just offering a better deal.

    That being said US real estate in general and especially NYC real estate thrives off of foreign buyers.  That's not to cheat the US tax system but the tax system of the originating country.  If you had money in Russia and wanted to get it out of the country and protect it from Putin and his cronies, you'd find a way to get that cash into the USA as fast as possible.  

  11. 7 minutes ago, FondrenRoad said:

    And yet he had to pay Stormy from a home equity line of credit.

    The point is that he's not a lawyer in the traditional sense.  Trump lost on a couple deals to a nobody so he made this nobody into a somebody.  Hence why he's so loyal to Trump.


  12. 1 minute ago, GOAT said:

    For sure. I wish they would take Hurst, dude is like Aaron Donald. For some reason this staff thinks they can just put JAGs out there at DT. Imagine if we had constant pressure on the QB coming from the interior and we had Irving, Lawrence, Taco on the outside

    The Taco, Gregory and Ealy battle should be fun to watch.  Odds favor someone emerging from that bunch.  

    I am still in the camp that they need to get rid of Crawford and spend that cap space on LB or S in free agency.

  13. 15 hours ago, Tuco said:


    One of my guesses: Cohen is the guy Trump utilizes to handle ugly media stuff. Rod Wheeler claims the debunked Seth Rich story was pushed and reviewed through the White House. If Cohen was the conduit for that review, the communications between Fox and Trump would be in the records. Probably not criminal, but it would certainly point the Riches in the right direction for their lawsuit.


    Prior to joining Trump, Cohen was doing commercial real estate deals in NYC and beat Trump out of a few properties.  Trump felt embarrassed because someone with much less capital than him, scooped up properties he was eyeing.  He was getting paid as if he was a consultant but was classified as legal council so Trump wouldn't look bad.  That's why his legal practice had so few clients.  Trump was paying him to help on commercial real estate deals and save himself from potential embarrassment. 


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  14. 14 minutes ago, Kringelbert Fishtybuns said:

    This may have to do more with how old and fat the average parent is getting.  This leads to more cautious OBs and more tests that freak the expecting parents out.  I could also be talking out of my ass.  

    I think we started late and half the parents at the day care look a decade older.

    I met a 75 year old with a 5 year old son yesterday.  /csb

  15. 8 minutes ago, GOAT said:

    This is why I don't understand people who think taking a LB in round 1 is a dumb decision. Are you comfortable with just Sean Lee and Jaylon, 1 guy who has trouble staying healthy and 1 guy who sucked playing against the run?

    I absolutely agree we need to take a LB and i'm not opposed to taking one high.  That being said it's pointless to have an All Pro LB core if the center and/or guard is making it to that level, Any LB group is going to look bad if the OL is coming free.  LBs are basically the QB/RB of the defense and that makes the DL the offensive line in this analogy.  Irving and Lawrence did very well last year but if that 1 tech was getting penetration or taking on a double team, their production would have been even better.  Basically 2/4 of the positions on the line are doing their job but the other half isn't and it makes it really hard on our LBs.

    I think we can get by with what we have at LB if we manage to production from the side opposite lawrence and manage to get a studd DT like Vea.  We just need to spend some resources on the DT position and that would likely fix a lot of our problems.

  16. 1 hour ago, atomheartbevo said:

    So Trump is saying his brilliant lawyer gave $130,000 for a total con job...

    Cohen is a lawyer pretty much in name only.  The media has the story all wrong.  

    Cohen is a commercial real estate guy that was able to convince a few people to do transactions with him over Trump.  Trump didn't like losing so he hired him onto his staff because it would make competing for properties easier.  That's why Cohen has so few clients and wasn't brought into the administration.  Trump knows why he hired him and what purpose it actually served.

  17. 8 hours ago, Farkimedes said:

    If you’re going day 2 just take Nick Chubb ( I’m not opposed to that ).


    id love to come away with another RB in round 2 or 3.

    They are clearly different style of players though.  I'm not looking at a guy like Hines as someone you line up in place of Zeke, but a Kamara/Tyreek Hill guy.  This just seems to be a very deep class at QB and RB.

  18. What about Running Back?  This is a deep class and there are some dynamic backs coming out this year.  Zeke might grab another boob and we wont have a RB for 8 weeks.

    I was thinking Nyheim Hines on day 2 might actually be a pretty safe pick for something Dallas is probably going to throw away anyways.  Definitely an explosive player.

  19. 23 minutes ago, fellside said:

    Been watching lots of videos of DJ Moore, even his showing against Texas unfortunately.

    He is way better than Ridley once he has the ball in his hands.  He's like a RB and can drive defenders back.  Kind of like Dez in that regard, but less reckless looking.  He also has impressive hands and seems to make catches with defenders draped all over him.  He definitely made Hill and Boyd look silly a couple times.

    Both receivers should be productive, but Moore seems like the kind of guy that drives a defense crazy.

    He definitely runs more compact and actually protects the ball.

  20. 4 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

    "Opportunistic" can be perceived as a compliment.  No need to sugarcoat it.  He's a piece of shit human being. 



    No compliment intended.  

    I just don't take him seriously and don't understand why anyone would want to elevate him in a serious political discussion unless it was to undermine the legitimate concerns of the conservative movement.  He's a nutcase and a "shit human being" I'm sure.

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