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Posts posted by Amobie

  1. 2 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

    Fake news "asset" for a group of people who complain about "fake news".  What a world. 


    I definitely think he's a liability and opportunistic. 

  2. 9 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    There’s one other thing that helped Jones - he hit the jackpot with the prepper movement (which faded into his vitamin supplement business). He was perfectly positioned to help stir that movement up and reap the financial rewards. 

    For a while, it seemed like there would be a dozen ads for buying silver or prepper supplies. 

    Yes he was very opportunistic.  I don't think it was foresight but him just re-branding to take advantage of the situation.

    2 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    Because you're completely wrong about having an association with him being something that hurts a candidate.


    How do you know it was a net positive based on that?

  3. 15 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

    Alex is being paid by and doing Russia’s bidding. Everything he says nowadays and for the last few years is in picture perfect alignment with Russian interests. Look it up. 

    Or maybe you think the guys too ethical to do something like that. 

    Making a claim like that requires you to actually provide evidence other than "look it up".

    I think the conspiracy theory that Alex Jones is getting paid by the Russians is giving too much credit and importance to Alex Jones.  Most people view him as a nut so having him be associated with a candidate only hurts that candidate.  The guy has been talking about the government bringing about a plague through vaccines, Lizard People and the NWO for 2 fucking decades.  Why would they pay HIM of all people to associate with someone they wanted to see win the presidency?

  4. 11 hours ago, futureman said:

    you can find 1-techniques working the register at home depot, bro.  you don’t use 1st round picks on them. 

    Anyone else remember in 1993 when Jerry signed a RB (Lincoln Coleman) that was working in a loading dock to back up Smith?  He finally got to play in the Leon Lett/Miami Thanksgiving day game and everyone was so excited he ran for 57 yards on 10 carries in his debut.  I don't know why I remember that but it was definitely one of the story lines that stuck with me over the years.

  5. So it looks like the anti-gun folks are organizing more protests on 4-20 this year and they picked that date because of the Columbine anniversary.  Are they fucking high?  Why not pick Cinco de Mayo, the 4th of July or better yet, Christmas?

  6. 5 hours ago, Vic Mackey said:

    Jaylon has a long ways to even becoming JAG. He's still very bad and a big liability.

    He got better as the season rolled along and has upside.  He'll play this year.  His presence shouldn't prevent us from bringing in other guys, even from the 1st or 2nd round.

    I still like Vea and James at 19 if they manage to fall.

  7. 57 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

    - It was racial profiling

    - Starbucks should not be compared to most restaurants.  I never drank coffee until I had a kid, but now I go to the neighborhood Starbucks every morning before work.  There are constantly people loitering in there: I've seen people standing around talking loudly on their phone without ordering, I've seen the same homeless woman take shelter and sit in a chair while reading the newspaper, and plenty of other people waiting for someone or sitting inside without ordering anything.  On a few occasions I've had business meetings at a Starbucks, and I sit down at a table without ordering until my client arrives.  

    - All your questions have been answered by either video of the incident or tweets/articles posted in this thread.  The two gentlemen were calm and respectful throughout the ordeal

    - This isn't a Starbucks issue IMO.  It's a people issue. We have to start holding other people (and ourselves) accountable for their implicit biases. 

    Without a doubt i'm blaming the manager but i'm not convinced it was racially motivated.  If you are running one of those places, you don't make a stink about someone occupying a table unless you are having a shortage of tables.  

    I didn't see anything that gave the details of how long the guys were there prior to being asked to leave.  In the videos they did not act like they were bothering anyone and like you said, they were calm and respectful from what we've seen.  The facebook live video claims that they were making rude comments to the staff about them only making 40k a year so if that's true, they could have been calm assholes to the staff...  I'd like to know more about what happened to lead the manager to actually call the police from both sides of the incident.

    Either way,  if you are asked to leave, just leave.  Not worth getting arrested over something like that.  The policy is dumb but they have it there so paying customers get access to their tables and restrooms.  That's just a general statement though, not implying they should have been asked to leave in the first lace.

  8. I don't think this was racial but it certainly was dumb.  

    It's always been my understanding that most restaurants have a policy where you can't take up a seat unless you order something.  If they were asked to leave by the manager, they should have told the manager they were meeting a friend and wanted to wait till he arrived before ordering.  Situation handled and conflict avoided. 

    That being said..  How long were these guys waiting before they called the cops on them?  How long were they sitting there before they were approached by the manager?  How did they respond when they were approached?

    No matter what, the manager is an idiot but I could be more sympathetic to him based on the details of the situation.

  9. On 4/13/2018 at 7:01 PM, TornACL said:

    Can you tell me something truly, intrinsicly good that Donald Trump has done in his life? Pretend I am from Mars and name one thing for me. 

    If you actually think that there is not a single positive thing he's done in his lifetime, you are definitely experiencing cognitive dissonance. 

  10. 6 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

    I was talking about the posters on Shaggy/Surly, not the Democrats in general. 

    But I have said that she needs be a private citizen and leave politics forever. Fuck Hillary. 



    I agree with you.  It's not just people here putting on a front.  Most liberals I know want her out of politics.

    • Like 1
  11. 28 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

    It's incredible that the talking point is we are angry because "Hillary didn't win".  It's all about shitbag Trump. 

    Hillary's done. She's gone.  She's rarely been mentioned in the Cloak Room or Surly for almost a year and half, outside of the "Gary Johnson voters" who still obsess over her.  It'd be a fascinating phenomenon if it wasn't so stupid. 


    She's headlining fund raising efforts for the DNC right now...  https://www.buzzfeed.com/rubycramer/hillary-clinton-dnc-fundraiser?utm_term=.ftLDlBmq7#.fj46NYKZW

    So while most people in the party has put her in the rear view mirror, she keeps putting herself in the news as much as she can.  

  12. Step 1 - Get a job at the White House

    Step 2 - Get fired from job at the White House

    Step 3 - Write a book filled with embellished stories about how awful it was working at the White House.  

    Step 4 - Profit

  13. 37 minutes ago, DougO said:

    He's grasping to save his rep, is what he is.

    No.. I think he's doing it for money.  If this was about "saving the country" he wouldn't have waited a year and tried to profit off of it.  

    • Like 1
  14. So now they only have 9 WRs on the team and 5 are practically locks.  The WR position has essentially been revamped through free agency so they don't really have to address it if they cover a couple other holes..  Guard is the biggest offensive need.  TE is still a situation that needs addressing and we could use another RB as an insurance policy.  I'd much rather have someone with speed that can play be split out to create mismatches like New Orleans does so well with Kamara.



  15. Just now, Patrick Bateman said:

    Unfortunately, our front office has never actually thought 2 or 3 cars ahead.... I think it's more likely #1.

    Well they just cut a guy Jerry loves so this isn't the same front office from 10 years ago.  If this was old Jerry, Dez would have played out that contract and Romo would still be the QB.

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