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Posts posted by Amobie

  1. 4 minutes ago, Patrick Bateman said:

    Isn't he a post June 1st designated cut?  If he is, the question is why did they not wait until after the draft.  They've now shown another need....


    I can think of 2 possible reasons.

    1) Give Dez a chance to find a new team before the draft so his options aren't as limited.

    2) (more likely) That they want other teams to think we are making WR a draft priority when we aren't...  

  2. 1 minute ago, GSU&UT said:

    Seems like most lawyers agree that you can't charge a sitting president so unless the Senate votes to cnfirm an impeachment he will still be in office. However the stink around him and all those Republicans who continue to carry his water will hopefully do long lasting damage to the Republican party.

    Yes but is the "stink" real?  What if Mueller comes out and says the President is cleared?  Would wasting 2+ years of your life ranting about Russia have been worth it?

  3. 19 minutes ago, GSU&UT said:

    Lol at if "Mueller doesn't find anything." He's already issued a few indictments with at least one more that's sealed. Imagine being this willfully obtuse.

    If it doesn't lead to the president being removed from office and he gets re-elected (possible considering current approval ratings) then the amount of time and effort being put into opposing Trump is silly.  Especially if it turns out he had nothing to do with Russia. 

    Regardless, he's definitely not president after 2024 (possibly 2020).  So is it worth the stress and damage to ones' personal life to be spending all day every day sharing articles and getting into political fights?  It's not like you are going to convince anyone to change their opinion.

    Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it.

    • Like 1
  4. 27 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    There are three types of citizens:

    The sheep - these are the good folks that go about their daily lives unaware of danger and happily live in ignorance. Nothing wrong with living this way.  Many people fought and died so they could choose to do so.  In many ways, I envy them.

    The wolves - These are the people that are out to hurt/kill/exploit the sheep. 

    The sheepdogs - the ones that keep their eyes out for the wolves and alert the sheep when necessary. 

    Right now the wolves are winning and we’re running out of sheepdogs.

    I understand that's how you see yourself but I think it's much more likely you have an unhealthy obsession about this topic and are experiencing cognitive dissonance.  

    If Mueller doesn't find anything, you are going to look like one of the Obama birthers.

    republicans were totally in control of their emotions during Obama's time in office, right?

    There were rational and irrational people who opposed Obama's policies.  There are rational and irrational people who oppose Trump.  

    I know both Anti-Obama and Anti-Trump people who have ruined their careers and social lives over their irrational opposition.  I think social media is feeding the problem.

    • Like 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    The only thing I really care about with Mueller is his report on Russia. 

    Yeah I think that's kind of obvious and it's kind of the point...  

    What if the election was fair and all this facebook/twitter/fakenews/Russia storyline was all made up? 

    What if Mueller clears Trump?

    What if Trump manages to get re-elected and finishes out 8 full years? 

    How much of your life are you willing to sacrifice over something that is cyclical and you have no control over?

  6. 9 hours ago, Anastasis said:

    This may hit a little too close to home for you Hugo.

    "The political stressors paired with the growth in news consumption and social media-use could be a potential trigger for obsessive-compulsive-like symptoms specific to politics in some individuals...

    The findings suggest that politically-focused intrusive thoughts and ritualistic behaviors are associated with psychopathology domains in a manner comparable to general obsessive-compulsive symptoms."


    So Hugo is trans?

    • Haha 1
  7. On 4/11/2018 at 12:46 PM, DanRydell said:

    I know a number of sex workers. My bias is that they be able to do their job as safely and successfully as practicable. Websites shutting down due to SESTA/FOSTA and the backpage seizure make their jobs more dangerous and less profitable. Im not in favor of these laws or actions.


    I'm all for a woman to be able to sell her body but a lot of these sex workers are trafficked into the country and put into slavery.  

    I don't think that these laws are going to do much to stop it.

  8. From the comments..

    Roy Eugene-Lav Hedman is charged with aggravated assault inflicting serious injury.
    Hedman has been arrested at least 20 times in Charlotte on various charges including resisting arrest, trespassing, protective order violation, drug charges, breaking and entering, common law robbery and probation violations. Hedman has also been charged with assault on a female three separate times - in January 2018, December 2017 and May 2017.

    20 strikes and you are still not out apparently...

  9. 19 minutes ago, In10se said:

    I agree unless one of the these two conditions exists: Dez really is a much bigger asshole and giant distraction than the Cowboys have ever let on, or they're actually going to do something with that 8 to 9 million they save this year.

    post june 1st he saves the club 12 million is my understanding...


    restructuring the deal could save close to 6..

  10. As much as I hate Zuckerberg, the idiocy of our elected officials (both sides equally) has also been on display in these hearings.  

    I think the big social media platforms are just licking their chops and hoping for more regulation from these nimrods.  FB wants greater barriers to entry for their business and these idiots are probably going to give them exactly what they want.


  11. 12 hours ago, In10se said:

    I Thu k you seriously discount Jackson's ability. Much better ability throwing the ball already than Vick ever had, and by all accounts he works hard to improve and is coachable unlike Vick who coasted on pure athletic ability. Vick even said he thinks Jackson is more dynamic with the ball than he was at the same age.

    I'm sure if you did some digging you'd find out that Jackson and Vick have the same agent or some shit.  Talk about cliche.

  12. 1 hour ago, Vic Mackey said:

    I disagree. The defense is not really getting any better. And they just let their mike LB walk and now we are left with a cripple and a guy made of glass. The guy we draft most likely won't be as good as Hitchens. And definitely no one left in free agency as good. So we just got weaker there. The middle of this defense is not good. Especially the LB and safety. That is how you build a strong defense. The middle of it and then the outside will look better. But we keep trying to go outside in. The opposite. Corners and DE is important but not before DT, LB and safety. That is how Seattle built their defense. Especially at the safety position. That is what made the Legion of Boom what it was. Earl and Chancellor were outstanding. Sherman does not look as good as he did without them 2. Yet, we ignore safety and continue to employ Jeff fucking Heath. When you are soft up the middle, you aren't going to have much success.

    It's not even about the depth. We don't even have enough quality starters on defense to begin with. I just want to get that addressed before worrying about depth. You have to.

    I probably wasn't clear enough but my stance is that you need 3 players and the defense goes from slightly below average to good.  It's possible to accomplish that with the assets they have on draft day.  There are still safeties the Cowboys can go out and sign if they wanted to or trade for.  They can draft a 1 tech DT like Vea and the interior is fixed.  They can get a Mike in the draft as well.  The Cowboys play enough nickle the Mike isn't even on the field that much.  Not saying it will happen but it's at least possible.




  13. 8 hours ago, Vic Mackey said:
    10 hours ago, cmontexas said:
    Hernandez makes sense if we don't want to tie up 70 million at the guard position

    I would not be opposed to this if he's talented. You can't pay every single person on that line and tie up that much money. Especially when the defense is in the shape it is in.

    The defense really isn't in that bad of shape.  They really are a player away on the DL, LB or the Secondary from having those units be complete.  If they can swing a trade to get Thomas here, the secondary is set.  If they can get 1 more guy who is able to cause havoc on the DL we should be set.  If they can get one more LB to emerge and fill in in case the guys we have get hurt, we are pretty much set personnel wise on defense.  

    The real issue this team has is depth so when something goes wrong, they have a viable plan B.  That and the X's and O's guys have to do a better job of making adjustments and putting these guys in the right place.

  14. 3 minutes ago, TornACL said:

    I don't love Jordan Matthews and he's coming off an injury riddled 2017. But I sure do like the economics. I am trying to see what Thompson did last year that would warrant doubling his pay over his 2017 1 year deal in Buffalo.

    Ironically, I would assume Thompson saw more playing time last year because of Matthews' injuries.

    They must think that Buffalo was unable to properly utilize his skillset.  QB play in Buffalo has been pretty bad.

  15. On 4/6/2018 at 3:45 PM, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    I was just stating the facts.

    I follow about 50 different stocks.

    On big up or down days, I like to note which stock move in the inverse direction of the rest of the market.

    Seems odd you'd choose a Chinese telecom holdings ADR  which is almost entirely state owned (only 0.9% by institutions).  It's not like there is real price discovery when it's almost entirely owned by the state.



    Seems like you are lying.


    On 4/6/2018 at 3:52 PM, sidis said:

    god damn, dsa.  you sound like you need to get laid.

    I can't speak for dsa but I know i'm not having any problem in that department. 

    I do have a problem with cloakroom spill over and cheering when people are losing money in the stock market.  It's childish behavior and I have no problem calling out our resident bot (740 fucking posts already not including his socks) for doing it.  

  16. On 4/6/2018 at 9:09 PM, Cousin Strawberry said:

    Me and a buddy were at the lease sitting around campfire and a coon walked up and took a seat in-between us. It was less that a foot away from either of us.  It had zero fear of the fire or us.  We bolted a good 15 yards away from the fire and just stared for a minute. It was clear this thing was fucked up based on its gait.   I double lunged it with a field tip from my recurve.   It was on its way out and my buddy shot it.  Thought it was isolated incident.

    Next morning we saw another one in the pasture in broad daylight that would walk and stumble at a 45 degree angle.  We shot him too.  We though it was rabies.   Looks like it was probably distemper.  


    Odds seem to favor it.  

  17. On 4/7/2018 at 3:03 PM, Mileslong said:

    That doesn’t have anything to do wi h how well the cowboys have drafted over the last 20 years.

    About five years ago they were at the bottom of drafting after first round. They have gotten a lot better the last five years but they are still middle of the pack since 1996. And that’s with them hitting on a lot of first rounders lately.


    No, it certainly doesn't.  Just recently, they have managed to do better in the draft, mostly because Jerry is no longer running things.  Only point I was making is that we shouldn't be expecting every 2nd+ pick to pan out.  

    That's a great article that everyone should read.  +rep


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