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Posts posted by Amobie

  1. 19 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    She's in bed around 8-8:30pm, going to sleep around 9-9:30pm, wakes up at 7:15 - 8:30am (usually at 8am).

    It's like she's resisting napping, because you try and get her down, and she just refuses/tries to climb out/stirs up shit.  If she naps, it's because of either being in the car or on a long stroller walk.


    Yeah you are waking her up early enough so that's not it. 

    Maybe she's too excited leading up to the nap??  


  2. 12 hours ago, In10se said:

    That was my point. They're good at finding first-round offensive lineman and hit a few Pro bowls with Dez and then 2016 Dak and Zeke, and anytime the Cowboys turn in a good season there's a pro Cowboys bias for the Pro Bowl.


    The problem is if they don't hit on a top guy they completely bust. They don't find depth for shit in the draft the way teams who are consistently winning year in-and-out do. Go back and look at every draft since 2010 and you'll see for yourself

    The numbers don't show that.


    Even the Pats aren't consistently drafting better than everyone else.  It's coaching, injuries, FA acquisitions and sometimes it's just luck.  The draft gets hyped but it's zeke getting suspended for 6 games or Garrett failing to give Chaz Green help that make the big difference.

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  3. 9 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Anybody else with a 2-year-old that are refusing to nap until well into the afternoon (like after 3pm).  They are getting plenty of outside/park/playground time.  Frustrating, because we can't let them nap too long after 3pm, since they would be headed to bed before 8.

    They are sleeping from around 9pm-8am.

    What time does your 2 year old wake up in the morning?  

  4. 13 hours ago, HoustonHorn said:

    I'm big on addressing the root cause and also looking at how to reasonably address exacerbating factors.

    I don't think any one single thing by itself lead her to this.  It's most likely a confluence of many different factors that aren't normally predictive.  Not every single crime could have been prevented.  If someone is determined enough, they will find a way.  There are still plenty of murders going on in US prisons.  

  5. 23 minutes ago, SmokeyBear1861 said:

    Oh no they are fighting back by taxing our soy, whatever will we do?

    I'm not sure what the hell they are thinking with this honestly.  No one else is going to be able to produce enough soy to meet Chinese demand.  

  6. In my book the guy that has been a waste of money and needs to go because he has no meaningful upside vs the alternatives is Crawford.  If we sign Ealy or Gregory is good to go, I think we cut him for the cap savings and use that cash on someone else.  I have no idea if Kenny V would work in this system but he has to be better than what we have there right now right?


    Collins took a "step back" because David Irving was playing the 3 tech and that pushed Collins to the 1 when he was on the field.  That's not a knock on Collins at all because Irving was a beast last year.

    Dak most certainly took a step back and most of that is because teams took away Beasley.

    Dez/Dak need to get on the same page and I think both are to blame for their problems tbh.  Dak doesn't consistently throw good balls on the routes Dez actually runs well and Dez doesn't run enough routes well enough.  That isn't a problem unique to Dez/Dak. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Michael Knight said:

    Right they should instead have small groups of appointed representatives  from the different areas of Wakanda and then have them vote based on the voting results of their respective area.

    That's a very subtle way for to suggest that Africans can't be trusted to democratically elect their leadership.  I completely disagree with the notion that Monarchs and dictators are the only way an African nation can be run.

    It might not have looked as great on the big screen but leadership shouldn't be determined by who wins a physical altercation.  IMO, that's 100% barbaric. 


  8. 6 minutes ago, cabowabo said:

    Oh, I don’t know about that. I’ve watched some of her workout videos and was quite intrigued.  I would have banged her while her rabbit watched. 


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  9. 2 minutes ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:

    Reading these second kid stories is terrifying. Plus we plan on building a new home this spring/ summer to accommodate 2 kids better than our current one. Should be a wild 7-10 months!

    Our kids are 8,6 and 2..  Our second was way easier than our first in pretty much every respect.  The 3rd one was an easy pregnancy but wife had postpartum about a year after.  

    32 minutes ago, SmokeyTheBear said:

    My 4 year old decided he wanted to have a couple big milestones in one weekend: first loose baby tooth and learned to ride his bike without training wheels.

    Haha  Mine seem to have to sync their milestones together. 

    One gets in trouble at school for kissing a girl, the middle has his birthday and the third says her first words all on the same day.  

  10. On 4/1/2018 at 8:02 PM, dingleberryswitzer said:

    Also pro tip: car seats are great for securing full growlers.  

    Carseats are magnets for pretty much any sort of food and drink too. 

    We try to avoid using milk in the car because if it spills and gets absorbed by the seat the car smells awful.  It's especially bad during Summer months.  Pay for some seat covers for the back seat and try to limit their liquids to water while in your vehicle.  All it takes is one fuck up/tantrum and you'll have to get the car detailed.  Also get familiar with how you remove the fabric on your child's carseat because you will likely want to wash it pretty regularly.  

  11. 9 hours ago, TahoeHorn said:

    Is it only newly manufactured ones or is it the, say, 50MM that already exist?


    That's an assault weapon for sure.  It's assaulting my eyes.

  12. 12 hours ago, CooterBrown said:

    It could’ve been clearer but it was just a tradition they continued to do but one that was understood to just be ceremonial even though it may have still been technically the law. No one was really supposed to challenge the heir...until someone did.  His sister alluded to it being pointless by asking why they couldn’t skip it and move on with the coronation. 

    I understood that.  Politically it's a primitive system though.  You'd think that the most advanced civilization in the world would determine leadership from something other than wrestling on top of waterfalls.

  13. 3 minutes ago, Patrick Bateman said:

    If they draft one in the top 60, it almost surely means they're moving on from Dez.  They may be already, but it makes the decision easier.  And we have 7 that count (Lenoir, Brown, and Cannon aren't really in the mix currently), which is still a tad high although we had 6 active last year.

    I wouldn't object to the move based on his recent performances.  I'm just not sure they can trade him (cap number) but i do think they can get something for Williams.  

  14. LOL @ best picture...

    It was a fun movie and I loved it but it was flawed in many respects as disco just pointed out.  It was very entertaining but there were some obvious political overtones that weren't as well executed as Winter Soldier.  To say there were contradictions would be an understatement.

    I would argue that the growth for BP was the realization that there was something to gain from going out and helping the rest of the world, even though he was only concerned with helping his race (which was somehow glossed over as being okay). 

    I am also not sure why they basically had to have a monarchy be their system of government and trial by combat being the way leadership was selected.  It seemed very odd for an advanced civilization to have such a shitty form of government.  It reminds me of the old monty python sketch. 


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