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Posts posted by Amobie

  1. 1 minute ago, wildcat09 said:

    Rick Perry is in charge of the DOE. The State Department has been gutted. Trump is dismissive of experts, and famous for refusing to prepare for things. He thinks he just needs to get in the room with Kim and hash some shit out on the back of a napkin. All he ever does is wing it. I feel very confident that he's not consulting with experts who could advise on what an effective inspections regime would look like.

    But go ahead and keep thinking that he's secretly a genius. 

    The nukes are not the problem, it's the relationship we have with NK is what causes the nukes to be a problem.  The fighting of the Korean war ended in 1953.  Why are we enemies again? 

  2. It is pretty alarming how many people are rooting for an outcome that is a net negative for the US simply because they don't like the President.  We don't have any details let alone the acknowledgement of an agreement yet some people have already decided that it's a bad deal...  For something that hasn't even happened yet.


  3. 1 minute ago, David Dennison said:

    You get welcomed into the community of nations, you get to keep your nukes, we'll reward you with trade, and we'll leave the peninsula. Thanks for releasing the prisoners, two of whom you took under my watch, most likely for the purpose of using them as trade bait.


    And step down from your seat of power and take a position similar to the Queen of England (no power) instead of your family ending up like the rest of the European monarchs.

  4. 8 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

    Not necessarily.   We didn't know about the secret Pompeo meeting for awhile. We still don't know what they discussed.   Perhaps letting it seem like a gesture is part of the deal. 

    The assumption everyone is making is that NK leadership views it's currently situation as a sustainable and that they don't want to change or they are willing to die to continue this nonsense.  It's widely believed that Kim was educated in Switzerland from 1993-1998 so he was most likely educated instead of indoctrinated.  He's probably not stupid, brainwashed or crazy.  I wouldn't be surprised at all if he's looking for an exit because he knows there is a better world outside the hermit kingdom.

    I think he gave the prisoners in exchange for getting the opportunity to negotiate directly with the US in good faith.  There is way more to gain from being a friend than being our enemy.  Kim might be thinking it's better to be on easy street.


  5. 50 minutes ago, hpslugga said:

    Oh no. I say that they aren't socialist because they're central power systems to begin with. Scandinavia is basically what some of those leaders were promising in rhetoric (i.e. Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, etc), and they weren't socialist for the exact same reason Scandinavia isn't: if you get a central power system involved, the S-word cannot apply by its very definition. It's kind of like if I threw ice cubes at you and you ran around to everyone accusing me of throwing boiling water at you.



  6. 30 minutes ago, troph said:

    If this is true then we need to better police the board and if there is suspicion of meddling or paid posters or bots those posters should be nuked. On both sides.

    A quick search of "how to get paid to post on message boards" on google has a few articles that are pretty explicit about it.  Paid trolls get paid per post between 5-50 cents per post on specific issues.  So we should be looking for high post counts about specific topics if we want to eliminate paid posters.

    • Like 1
  7. 9 minutes ago, Viper said:

    Is it just me or is it odd that you can have any story about Venezuela's collapse and get this result?

    Honest question, that's 3 stories in this thread and all came up blank for 'socialist' and 'socialism', does that say something about the press, or am I just looking into it too much?

    Oh come on.. Just give socialism a mulligan.  I'm sure centralized power of the economy will work the next time.

    • Like 3
  8. 1 minute ago, yaqdum said:

    all this is too long coming, really.  men should have known all along that we don't have secret lives.  things will probably come back to haunt us if we become important enough.  especially now with all the snooping.  everybody lives in a glass house.



    I don't think this falls into the privacy of my own bedroom catagory.  This goes beyond normal sex stuff though and delves into violence and abuse. 

    https://nypost.com/2018/05/07/ex-schneiderman-called-me-his-brown-slave-would-slap-me-until-i-called-him-master/?utm_source=twitter_sitebuttons&utm_medium=site buttons&utm_campaign=site buttons

    State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman called his Sri Lankan girlfriend his “brown slave” and wanted her to refer to him as “Master,” the woman says.

    Harvard-educated activist writer Tanya Selvaratnam told the New Yorker magazine that her yearlong affair with Schneiderman “was a fairytale that became a nightmare” — and quickly escalated into violence in the bedroom, even as he begged for threesomes.

    “Sometimes, he’d tell me to call him Master, and he’d slap me until I did,” Selvaratnam said.

    “He started calling me his ‘brown slave’ and demanding that I repeat that I was ‘his property.’”

    Selvaratnam said, “The slaps started after we’d gotten to know each other.

    “It was at first as if he were testing me. Then it got stronger and harder. It wasn’t consensual. This wasn’t sexual playacting. This was abusive, demeaning, threatening behavior.”

    She said that as the violence grew, so did his sexual demands.

    “He was obsessed with having a threesome and said it was my job to find a woman,” Selvaratnam said. “He said he’d have nothing to look forward to if I didn’t and would hit me until I agreed.”

    She said she had no intention of adding a second woman to their bed.

    The abuse increased until Schneiderman was not only slapping her but spitting on her and choking her, she said.

    “He was cutting off my ability to breathe,” she said.

    Soon, “we could rarely have sex without him beating me.”

  9. 6 hours ago, mulletpelini said:

    Not a marvel fan at all so just a basic knowledge of the characters mostly from the movies.  Zero expectations, so easy to watch.  Lots of main character death, good to see, most films won't venture that far.  Decent film honestly my only dislike might be Captain/Dr. Strange whatever the hell this clowns name is.  What a douche.  How the fuck is that guy a superhero.

    It's my understanding that Dr. Strange is supposed to be an arrogant douche.  So I guess that means they hit the nail on the head.


  10. 9 hours ago, Vic Mackey said:

    Spot on. There's more to sports than just numbers on paper and not all numbers are created equal. Witten had very little impact on games as his career went on. Again, he was open all the time because no team even bothered to guard him. They will gladly give up 3-5 yard passes all day. He was way too much of a safety net for Dak. I felt Dak relied on those short ass throws way too often. Especially on 3rd down. And Witten loved to run shorts in front of the sticks. Out offense was TE heavy so naturally Witten will rack up the catches. Loved his time here but this was a long time coming.

    I would agree that the offense was too geared up to play to the TE being used as a safety net but he was still getting open on those Y option routes.  Not everything was a safety net. 

    The bigger problem was with the way we used personnel made how we used most of the roster predictable.  In the passing game we pretty much always kept our wideouts running the routes they are best at running to cover up their flaws.  Beasley runs his  3-4 options.  How often did you see him run a flag or seam route?  Witten runs his 3-4 options.  Dez ran 3-4 routes.  The guys on the other side of the ball knew this and it made the offense easier to defend against.  Having one of 2 guys like that is fine but it seems like none of the wideouts were versatile route runners.

  11. Kanye will never understand how it feels to be a white liberal who is upset about black slavery that doesn’t exist anymore. Look at the damage he's causing.



  12. 31 minutes ago, Pig Bellmont said:

    I only was suggesting that NK is seeking for US troops to be leaving as a part of the peace talks and/or denuclearization talks. Not that such an agreement was already made 

    My point is that as of now NK has not given up anything tangible to warrant any credit and further that they have not sacrificed anything of value to justify their requests for US troops to leave 

    They just released 3 US prisoners ahead of the summit and US troops haven't left.  Most likely they already have a deal in place.

  13. 8 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Bullshit. You cripple NK and their enablers with sanctions and political pressure until they fix the problem or the NK people rise up and overthrow Kim Jong Un. 

    If we’re appeasing pieces of shit like lil’ Kim with Summits, we’re doing this Super Power thing all wrong.

    Okay and that overthrow will result in an unstable NK and will absolutely result in bloodshed without question.  Every single time we've done it that way, we've ended up with another dipshit in charge and many times the results were worse.  See Iran.  We leave the situation alone and we end up with Vietnam.

    8 minutes ago, Pig Bellmont said:

    There is no world where a unified Korea will be a thing. 

    Can someone explain what NK is giving up for removal of US troops at DMZ? (That’s what ending the Korean War is about.) Is it just testing and taking down known test sites? Because you know who doesn’t test nukes - all countries that have faith their nukes will work.

    Where did you hear US troops were leaving?  It's not a precondition for the deal.

    Back from April 20th.


    Again from yesterday.



  14. If you aren't willing to talk to Kim, then there is no possible way this ends without bloodshed.  We need to try to avoid bloodshed.  Diplomacy is about getting a result that ends with both sides winning and it looks like South and North Korea are on that path.  Let's hope that demands made by external forces (China and the USA) don't fuck that up.  The best solution is for the country to become one once again like they did with Germany.  Both sides want it.

  15. Just now, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Yeah, China would be completely on board with unified free and open democratic Korea.


    Then we should probably do our best to try and encourage it right?  It would be a big shift in the balance of power in our favor.

  16. 20 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

    Oh, you're DSA.  Still pushing laughable propaganda, I see. 

    What the fuck are you talking about?  This shit is all over the news that the North wants to reunify with the South.  Considering it's a 2:1 population ratio in favor of the South, are you really that stupid to think Kim thinks he will win an election?


    “Right now you can just stop anywhere and hear talk of unification all around you”



    They are saying their goal is unification.  That's a fact, not some tinfoil hatter response.


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