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RTF Horn

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Everything posted by RTF Horn

  1. Good review, but he missed that Jimmy has used "Saul Goodman" twice already in the series. It was a stupid phrase Jimmy developed in Cicero ('s all good, man) and also as his alias when he was directing TV commercials right after being suspended. It's probably something he always had around when he was "Slippin' Jimmy". I'm curious to see how/why he changes his name legally from Jimmy to Saul. The opening montage was brilliant, but the 2nd one featuring the German construction workers just bored me. I had the thought at that point, "I'm tired of montages...just have some damn dialog for a change".
  2. USC - 31 Texas - 27 ugh.
  3. Before the season I predicted 9-3...LOL! I obviously read the crystal ball incorrectly. We’ll be 3-9, only beating Kansas and Baylor.
  4. Saban went to the SEC championship in his 2nd year. The FIRST game his team lost that year was in the Championship...to Florida...who won the whole thing.
  5. I liked season 1, haven't seen 2 yet.
  6. It's been said a lot here and on TOS, esp. 3 years ago in Charlie's 2nd year, that coaches who win the National Championship either do so in their 2nd year, or that 2nd year is a damn good season that sets up for future glory. We have to go back almost 30 years for that not to be true. Going backwards... Nick Saban - First season at LSU went 8-4, 2nd season he won the SEC and ended up getting the title in his 4th year there. First season at Alabama went 7-6, 2nd season he made it to the SEC championship game and lost. Won the title the following season (ugh) Dabo Swinney - First season at Clemson took over halfway through the season and finished 4-3, 2nd season he went 9-5, but also made it to the ACC championship game (lost). He didn't win the championship until his 9th season, but starting in his 4th season he's hit at least 10 wins for 7 straight years and counting. Urban Meyer - at Utah (in the Mountain West) went 10-2 in year 1, 12-0 in year 2 and then went to Florida where he went 9-3 in season 1 and won the title in season 2. At OSU he went 12-0 in his first season, 12-2 in his second and won the title in year 3. Jimbo Fisher - went to the ACC title game in year one (lost) and won the title in his 4th year Gene Chizik - first year went 8-5, second year won the title. Les Miles - yeah, he took over from Saban, but he still made it to the SEC championship game (lost) in his first year. Won title in his 3rd season. Mack Brown - first season went 9-3, second season he took us to the Big XII title game. Didn't win the title until his 8th season. Pete Carroll - 6-6 in his first year, won the Pac10 in his 2nd year and then titles in his 3rd & 4th years Jim Tressel - 7-5 in his first year, won the title in his 2nd Larry Coker - took over a loaded team and won the title in his first year. Still won the Big East title in years 2 & 3 going 12-1 and 11-2 respectively Bob Stoops - 7-5 in year 1, won the title in year 2. Consumed a massive amount of dicks during his tenure. Bobby Bowden - going back a long way, but he went 5-6 in year 1 and then 10-2 in year 2. Dominated CFB during the late 80's-90's & won 2 titles. Phil Fulmer - was interim coach for year 1 going 4-0. Went 10-2 in year 2 and finally won the title in year 7 Tom Osborne - while it took him 20 years to win a title, he went 9-2-1 in year 1, 9-3 in year 2 and then 10-2 in year 3 winning the Big 8. Never had less than 9 wins. That's a pretty incredible run. Gene Stallings - first year went 7-5, second was 11-1 and then won the title in his 3rd year Don James - took 16 years to win his only title, but after 6-5 & 5-6 starts he won the Pac 8 in his 3rd year. He's the most recent example of it not working, but that's 27 years ago. Dennis Erickson - took over a loaded Miami team from Jimmy Johnson and won the title in his first year. Did it again in his 3rd year. That gets us back to the 1991 season. Mack was the last championship-winning coach to lose his opener in his 2nd season and as we discussed that was on some fluky special teams shit vs. NC State. He still played for the Big XII title that year. tldr - history says that if a coach doesn't do significantly well in his 2nd season, like going to the conference title game or getting 9/10 wins, he probably won't ever get a title. Lenny Mensa has a long way to go if we're honestly going to make it to the Big XII title game this year after what we saw on Saturday.
  7. If Herman wanted a statement, why didn't he do that on Saturday? If this team can't come out pissed for a revenge game to a team that embarrassed them last year, they don't give me confidence to think they'll come out pissed for this game. I expect them to think they'll just show up and destroy Tulsa without putting in the actual effort. I'm not going to assume we win any game this year from this point forward - the cockiness always gets us in trouble.
  8. Texas 38 Maryland 12
  9. She also went into la-la land when he mentioned a location in Nebraska.
  10. Awesome pic. That was my avatar at TOS. Fuck ou.
  11. Is that implying that she is a fraud, or that she had a conflict of interest..? I can see no issues with her speech before the incident came to her attention... It's implying that Shelly and Urban were very concerned about domestic abuse and yet Zach Smith came over from Florida with Urban after 2009 AND Urban kept him on staff 3 years after the 2015 incidents. It's a bad look on both. If domestic abuse was such a big deal to them, why did he keep Smith on staff for 3 more years? I mean, we know the answer (Earle...or Urban just doesn't give a shit.)
  12. Now go through Better Call Saul. Only 3 seasons so it should be easy for you to get caught up before the new season on Aug 6.
  13. So TCU and Tech girls can't count...and either TCU or fuckou girls don't know how to organize. Also, not much talent there. Only the first OSU and perhaps both KU. Otherwise...eesh!
  14. Absolutely. She's not hot enough to make it worth watching.
  15. Yup. Mad Men and Boardwalk Empire were great shows. Vinyl..not so much.
  16. Love this show. One thing that really stood out on my rewatch was how fucking hilarious the show is. Once you know the characters and their quirks everything just gets funnier. The writing, both in terms of drama and comedy, is top notch.
  17. Terrible. Don't waste your time like I did...unless you just wanna get drunk and laugh at how bad it is. Actually, it's not even that good.
  18. The Incredibles is my favorite, but Pixar has such a great track record and they keep coming up with great movies. I saw Coco over the weekend and loved it. Family/Ancestors & Music...and excellent visuals.
  19. The last two episodes of S5 are really hilarious. I laughed a lot in them, more than I had for the rest of the season. I know it's totally cliche and I shouldn't have laughed like I did, but that "keystone cops" bit in the last episode had me dying.
  20. The latest episode of Letterman's My Next Guest Needs No Introduction is a great interview with Howard Stern. Also, there's a bonus episode with Dave and Jerry Seinfeld. I've enjoyed the hell out of this series. I hope Netflix can convince Dave to do more of these.
  21. At least give her a cut on the face.
  22. Man, so much stuff happened in this episode. Most of the monologue/explanations weren't really new information, but I think it's good we're all on the same page now. Ep was a good mix of explanations and action + moving the story along. Charlotte is a good "bad guy" and I really can't wait for her to eat it in some fantastic way. Even last season, I was always rooting for the hosts over the humans. My only beef is with William getting shot so many times and you know he's going to survive, either by fixing himself or his daughter will swoop in at the last moment and bring him back. His plot is pretty boring these days, so I hope he actually does die. Hell, he wanted the stakes to be real.
  23. Eh, they'd still find a way to run out of time.
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