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RTF Horn

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Everything posted by RTF Horn

  1. It's hilarious that they get to pick the specific 8 innings they like best. Just like how those fucksticks do with picking a football time period where they were "dominant". Pathetic losers.
  2. Man, what a great ending episode. I'm really glad they chose to avoid the "super shoot-em-up" cliche. That's the "American" way to go. The way they did it, just sadness all around. Philip and Elizabeth have nothing. They started with nothing and through all their life decisions they end up with nothing but pain. That's probably a fate worse than death...having to leave Henry and then Paige leaving them. I was just hit of how everyone has a sad ending...P&E, Paige even if she can convince the FBI she never knew anything, they'll still be watching her like a hawk for the rest of her life AND she loses her parents and probably her brother...she doesn't even have Claudia either...completely alone. Henry, jeez imagine having your neighbor tell you in 1987 your parents were fucking Russian spies and have fled the country. Oleg, rots in jail when he had a choice to leave his life and family in Russia. He loses his life, Nina, his parents, his country, his wife and kid. Oleg's dad lost both of his sons in pointless ways. Stan...man, just brutal having to go through that with the Jennings and then he'll worry every day of his life if his wife is a spy and also it'll weigh on him how he did so many traitorous things since he came back to DC. I don't understand how the border officers couldn't recognize Philip & Elizabeth. Their disguises weren't THAT great and it should've been a slam dunk. I just love the planning that P&E did. They had a specific set of passports and those particular disguises in place only for that moment of if they have to flee. Brilliant. What a great show, great ending.
  3. Thanks for this. I'm going to watch a few after work tonight.
  4. One thing I thought about for this past episode is that there's been barely any female nudity this season. I think it's a meta-comment on OUR (TV viewers) desires that mirror that of the humans in the park. We want to see a bunch of titties on hot chicks. Now that the hosts are rebelling and in control (in a sense), they're not going by our rules/desires any more.
  5. Clearly, some to seem to believe this.
  6. So an athlete, basketball player in the original example, is going to go undercover for years just because he sucks and can't make it unless he dresses up as a "she", just so he can play in the WNBA? That would be hilarious.
  7. Didn't even to read the synopsis or the cast. That pictures sells it. Can't wait.
  8. No, I don't think fake-Trans people work the system all the time. You can't keep anything from happening. How about just trusting people? Your inner aggy is coming through here.
  9. Trying a new donut place for the first time and the donuts are excellent.
  10. Holy shit, this is not how it works. This literally does not happen. No one is going to decide on a whim to change their sex just to play a sport or creep in another restroom or anything like that. Please, go speak to a trans person and get educated.
  11. Good. Those commercials were painful.
  12. Finished the remix of S4 last night. Enjoyed it so much better than the original version, so much funnier. I know there is footage here that wasn't there before, and the reverse is true.
  13. That could be a fun twist.
  14. ugh, double post
  15. Nope, he's still on the show.
  16. I'd also assume it might play to English rich folks so they could relive their colonialist days. I had that thought on Sunday and then I went to, "...wait, what if one of the parks is a Southern plantation?" The parks seem to go to our society's base desires - fucking & killing without repercussions. What if enslavement is part of it too? I dunno, pretty fucked up to think about.
  17. I'm definitely enjoying the re-edited S4 more than the original S4. The jokes happen more frequently, they're at a pace closer to the original. S5 look good too.
  18. Yeah, Abernathy has all of the code of how to make the hosts uploaded into his hard drive brain. No one else in this world has the technology of what's in the park. Robert & Arnold never shared it with anyone in the outside world. That's why Charlotte is doing anything she can to get it out. Speaking of Charlotte, at the beginning of this ep it was said that Abernathy wasn't with her anymore? I guess somewhere in the next 11ish days she loses him? Good. I hope Bernard jacked with the code somehow.
  19. Very excited about this. The original version of S4 had some good moments, but mostly it was really slow. I hope this recut/remix will be a better experience. And also, Season 5 soon!
  20. RTF Horn

    The Wire

    I loved Season 2 on the first watch, but I knew it was going "different" so I just went with the flow (first watched it a couple years ago). Hell, except for what they did to McNulty in S5, I liked that season and thought that finally bringing the media into the whole sphere was a great move.
  21. I liked that the episode showed more of the back story and also emphasizes all the bad shit that Delores remembers. If Delores, Angela, Maeve and presumably Armistice and Hector are all "aware" and remember shit, what the fuck is wrong with Teddy? I look forward to him dying again, but I'm tired of him being a dumbass and not knowing the plan. What city were we seeing in this episode, Taipan...Hong Kong...Shanghai? I assume it's on that side of the world since the island is over in that area.
  22. Regardless of how Phillip & Elizabeth end up, I think that Page is going to die soon. She's too careless and her self-confidence is off the charts. I loved Phillip putting her in her place, but I just don't see it making much of a difference. Now, if she does die soon, will Elizabeth's reaction be to double down or take a step back and think about her choices? I too hate the "dying woman" storyline. I like that it is humanizing Elizabeth more, but it's painful to sit through.
  23. I always assumed that Elsie was dead and Bernard (controlled by Ford) killed her. One thing that always bugged me about Elise was how she kissed Clementine in the first episode of S1. I get it, a bunch of pervs work there, but it's so out of character with what she was the rest of the season. Great episode last night, dug the two timelines. I really hope Sizemore gets a violent death, he's a boring character. It was cool to get the confirmation that it's all on one big ass island. Makes it easy so that "regular" people don't just show up or planes flying overhead or anything like that.
  24. Holy shitsnacks that looks awful. "the characters are totally different than they normally are!11!1" Gag me.
  25. Cool show, I've really enjoyed both seasons so far. I'm surprised there's not more love for it.
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