I can't seem to find "edit" button to edit and add this to my prior post above. Chalk it up to being an Aggie, I suppose. Aging Aggie.
In any case, looks like Imhotep Academy is a power program. The D-line features several juniors and seniors that will end up at Power 5 programs. Enai White's fellow D-lineman, senior Taleeq Robbins, narrowed his list to a Top-5 of Ole Piss, Jawga, NC State, Aridzone State, and Texas A&M. He is announcing his commitment this coming Sunday. Another D-lineman on the team, Keon Wylie (WDE or perhaps a linebacker? 6'3" junior) included A&M in his "Top 11"... I guess there may not be much of a "package deal" and these dudes may end up a different programs. But would be awesome if landing a 3* Robbins in this class ends up helping land 5* Enai White in the next class, though A&M isn't even in his Top 13 right now.
Ah; I noticed the "edit" button on this post but not on the previous one. I guess because the previous one is a quoted/nested post? I don't know. Whatever.